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Draeculacephala minerva Ball, 1927
Grass sharpshooter

Life   Insecta   Hemiptera   Auchenorrhyncha   Cicadellidae   Draeculacephala

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  • Hosts

  • We parsed the following live from the Web into this page. Such content is managed by its original site and not cached on Discover Life. Please send feedback and corrections directly to the source. See original regarding copyrights and terms of use.
  • University of California Statewide IPM Program

Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Ambrosia chamissonis @ UCR_ENT (1)

Ambrosia psilostachya @ UCR_ENT (4)

Xanthium strumarium @ UCR_ENT (42)
Fabaceae  Medicago sativa @ DMT (5)

Prosopis sp @ UCR_ENT (1)
Juncaceae  Juncus sp @ DMT (1)
Poaceae  Cynodon dactylon @ UCR_ENT (5)

Oryza sativa @ DMT (2)

Zea mays @ DMT (1)
Polygonaceae  Rheum rhabarbarum @ UCR_ENT (1)

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Following served from University of California Statewide IPM Program
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Updated: 2024-07-27 02:24:59 gmt
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