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Eucera phaceliae (Cockerell, 1911)
Tetralonia phaceliae Cockerell, 1911; Synhalonia phaceliae (Cockerell, 1911)

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Eucera
Subgenus: Synhalonia

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Extracted from: Timberlake P.H., (1969). A Contribution to the Systematics of North America Species of Synhalonia (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). University of California Publications in Entomology Volume 57

Cockerell has described the female of phaceliae and recorded it from Albu¬querque, where it was taken at flowers of Phacelia. The male is new and agrees with Cockerell's very brief account of the male of lycii, and it is possible that the male Cockerell recorded from Albuquerque as lycii may belong here.

Female.—Black; small joints of tarsi ferruginous; tibial spurs testaceous. Tegulae fuscous, amber on apical half. Wings slightly dusky; nervures piceous, subcosta black. Pubescence short, moderately dense, and white, becoming longer and ochreous on notum of thorax. Hair of tergite 1 short, erect, but with large patch of dense white tomentum on each side of disk. Tergites 2 to 4 each with broad white band, that on tergite 2 covering segment, except narrowly across apex, and with normally concealed basal margin showing black hair. Base of tergite 3 narrowly and that of tergites 4 and 5 broadly covered with dense black pubescence, the white band on tergite 4 covering but little more than apical depression. Apical band of tergite 5 broad, white, tipped wTith brown across the middle. Hair of tergite 7 and hair across middle of sternites, especially 4 and 5, brown, the lateral fringes of venter more or less white. Hair of legs whitish, but ferruginous on inner side of tarsi, and scopal hair of hind legs more or less ochreous or ochreous yellow.

Head much broader than long; inner orbits of eyes parallel. Vertex weakly impressed on each side; lateral ocelli their distance apart from nearest eye and about their diameter from occipital margin. Proboscis moderately long, galeae minutely tessellate, dullish, and with a few minute setae. Second submarginal cell receiving recurrent nervure about one-fifth of its length from apex. Clypeus rather finely and closely rugoso-punctate, with median smooth ridge, or space, more or less widened at base. Frons and vertex finely and densely punctured. Mesonotum moderately shining, and with small dense punctures, becoming only slightly more separated on posterior middle of scutum. Abdomen minutely and closely punctured, but the sculpture concealed by dense pubescence except on disk of tergite 1; apical depression of tergite 1 bare and impunctate except on lateral margins, and tergite 2 narrowly bare and impunctate across middle of segment. Pygidial plate narrowly rounded at apex and broad at base. Length about 12-13 mm, anterior wing 7—7.5 mm, width of abdomen 4.8-5 mm.

Male.—Black; small joint of tarsi and claws ferruginous; tibial spurs testaceous. Small spot on base of mandible, labrum, clypeus, and triangular supraclypeal mark creamy white. Clypeal mark very narrowly separated from margin of eyes and strongly notched on each side. Tegulae and wings nearly as in female. Pubescence of head and thorax rather short, moderately dense, and ochreous white, whiter on face and beneath. Hair of abdomen erect and moderately long on tergite 1, mostly short on following segments, and almost entirely white to apex of tergite 3, but hair narrowly at base of tergite 3 and more broadly on following segment black, or sometimes the hair mostly black beyond second segment, with narrow apical white bands on tergites 3 to 6. Hair of tergite 7 and on apical half of venter brown. Hair of legs white, but ferruginous on inner side of tarsi.

Head much broader than long; eyes large and prominent above, inner orbits slightly divergent above. Vertex moderately well impressed on each side; lateral ocelli about their distance apart from nearest eye and their diameter from occipital margin. Oculoclypeal space very narrow. Antennae reaching nearly to apex of tergite 1, flagellum slender and moderately compressed, joint 3 as long as first two together and about four-fifths as long as joint 4. Middle tibiae very slightly incised or flattened on apical half beneath; subequal in length to basitarsus, which is slightly arcuate and thinner between middle and slightly dilated apex. Clypeus shining, with fine, rather sparse punctures, and a broad, impunctate median space. Mesoscutum dull, more shining on middle of disk and with small, strong, close punctures; scutellum dullish, densely punctured. Abdomen shining, minutely and densely punctured almost to extreme apical margin of segments. Sternite 6 smooth, shining, with a longitudinal impression on each side near base, inner boundary of impression forming a low elbowed ridge; some short, erect blackish hair on each side of apical border, and two patches of short, erect black hair at base. Sternites 7 and 8 as figured. Parameral lobes of genital armature broad at base, constricted on middle half, and evenly dilated at truncate apex, its vestiture pale, rather thin, long, and extending along inner margin nearly to apical dilation. Length about 11.5-13 mm, anterior wing 9.5-10 mm.

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apocynaceae  Cycladenia humilis @ BBSL (2)
Berberidaceae  Mahonia fremontii @ BBSL (1)
Brassicaceae  Chorispora tenella @ BBSL (2)
Cactaceae  Sclerocactus wrightiae @ BBSL (1)
Fabaceae  Astragalus sp @ BBSL (13)
Hydrophyllaceae  Phacelia sp @ BBSL (1)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (80)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 02:21:15 gmt
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