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© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax undulatus |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax eurygnathos |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax panamensis |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax phalarus |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax castaneus |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax castaneus |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax equatorialis |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax dovii |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax dovii |

© Copyright Gerald Allen, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax flavimarginatus |

© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002
· 0 Gymnothorax flavimarginatus |

© Copyright Gerald Allen, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax meleagris |

© Copyright John Rangall, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax porphyreus |

© Copyright John Rangall, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax porphyreus |

© Copyright John Rangall, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax porphyreus |

© Copyright Gerald Allen, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax buroensis |

© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002
· 0 Gymnothorax buroensis |

© Copyright Gerald Allen, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax pictus |

© Copyright Gerald Allen, 2006
· 0 Gymnothorax undulatus |

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006
· 12 Gymnothorax |
| |
Kinds | - Gymnothorax afer, Dark Moray
- Gymnothorax albimarginatus, Whitemargin Moray
- Gymnothorax angusticauda
- Gymnothorax angusticeps, Wrinkled moray
- Gymnothorax annasona, Lord Howe Moray
- Gymnothorax annulatus
- Gymnothorax atolli, Atoll Moray
- Gymnothorax australicola
- Gymnothorax austrinus, Southern Moray
- Gymnothorax bacalladoi
- Gymnothorax bathyphilus
- Gymnothorax berndti, Species
- Gymnothorax buroensis, Latticetail Moray
- Gymnothorax castaneus, Chestnut Moray
- Gymnothorax castlei, Castle' s Moray
- Gymnothorax cephalospilus, Headspot Moray
- Gymnothorax chilospilus, Lipspot Moray
- Gymnothorax chlamydatus
- Gymnothorax conspersus, Saddled Moray
- Gymnothorax cribroris, Sieve Moray
- Gymnothorax dorsalis
- Gymnothorax dovii, Speckled Moray
- Gymnothorax elegans, Elegant Moray
- Gymnothorax enigmaticus, Tiger Moray
- Gymnothorax equatorialis, Spotted-tail Moray
- Gymnothorax eurostus, Stout Moray
- Gymnothorax eurygnathos, Wide-mouth moray
- Gymnothorax favagineus, Tessellate Moray
- Gymnothorax fimbriatus, Fimbriate Moray
- Gymnothorax flavimarginatus, Yellowmargin Moray
- Gymnothorax flavoculus, Palenose Moray
- Gymnothorax formosus
- Gymnothorax funebris, Green Moray
- Gymnothorax fuscomaculatus, Brownspotted Moray
- Gymnothorax gracilicauda, Slendertail Moray
- Gymnothorax griseus, Geometric Moray
- Gymnothorax hepaticus, Liver-colored Moray Eel
- Gymnothorax herrei
- Gymnothorax hilonis, Black Moray
- Gymnothorax hubbsi, Lichen Moray
| - Gymnothorax intesi, Whitetip Moray
- Gymnothorax isingteena
- Gymnothorax javanicus, Giant Moray
- Gymnothorax johnsoni, Whitespotted Moray
- Gymnothorax kidako, Kidako Moray
- Gymnothorax kolpos, Blacktail Moray
- Gymnothorax kontodontos
- Gymnothorax longinquus, Long Moray
- Gymnothorax madeirensis, Sharktooth Moray
- Gymnothorax maderensis, Sharktooth Moray
- Gymnothorax mareei, Spotjaw Moray
- Gymnothorax margaritophorus, Pearly Moray
- Gymnothorax marshallensis, Marshall Islands Moray
- Gymnothorax mccoskeri, Manyband Moray
- Gymnothorax megaspilus, Oman Moray
- Gymnothorax melatremus, Dwarf Moray
- Gymnothorax meleagris, Whitemouth Moray
- Gymnothorax microspila
- Gymnothorax microstictus, Smallspot Moray
- Gymnothorax miliaris, Goldentail Moray
- Gymnothorax minor, Lesser Moray
- Gymnothorax moluccensis, Moluccan Moray
- Gymnothorax monochrous, Monotone Moray
- Gymnothorax monostigma, One-spot Moray
- Gymnothorax mordax, California Moray
- Gymnothorax moringa, Spotted Moray
- Gymnothorax mucifer
- Gymnothorax nasuta
- Gymnothorax neglectus
- Gymnothorax nigromarginatus, Blackedge Moray
- Gymnothorax niphostigmus, Snowflake-patched Moray
- Gymnothorax nubilus, Grey Moray
- Gymnothorax nudivomer, Yellowmouth Moray
- Gymnothorax nuttingi
- Gymnothorax obesus, Speckled Moray
- Gymnothorax ocellatus, Caribbean Ocellated Moray
- Gymnothorax panamensis, Panamic Moray
- Gymnothorax parini
- Gymnothorax phalarus, Small-spotted moray
- Gymnothorax phasmatodes, Ghost Moray
| - Gymnothorax philippinus
- Gymnothorax pictus, Painted Moray
- Gymnothorax pikei, Pikes Moray
- Gymnothorax pindae, Pinda Moray
- Gymnothorax polygonius, Polygon Moray
- Gymnothorax polyspondylus
- Gymnothorax polyuranodon, Freshwater Moray
- Gymnothorax porphyreus, Lowfin Moray
- Gymnothorax prasinus, Green Moray
- Gymnothorax prionodon, Sawtooth Moray
- Gymnothorax prismodon
- Gymnothorax prolatus
- Gymnothorax pseudoherrei, False Brown Moray
- Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus, Highfin Moray
- Gymnothorax punctatofasciatus
- Gymnothorax punctatus, Red Sea Whitespotted Moray
- Gymnothorax randalli
- Gymnothorax reevesii
- Gymnothorax reticularis
- Gymnothorax richardsonii, Richardsons Moray
- Gymnothorax robinsi, Pygmy Moray
- Gymnothorax rueppellii, Banded Moray
- Gymnothorax sagenodeta
- Gymnothorax sagmacephalus
- Gymnothorax saxicola, Ocellated Moray
- Gymnothorax serratidens, Sawtooth moray
- Gymnothorax sokotrensis
- Gymnothorax steindachneri, Steindachners Moray Eel
- Gymnothorax thrysoideus, Greyface Moray
- Gymnothorax thyrsoideus, Greyface Moray
- Gymnothorax tile
- Gymnothorax undulatus, Undulate Moray
- Gymnothorax unicolor, Brown Moray
- Gymnothorax vagrans
- Gymnothorax verrilli, White-edged Moray
- Gymnothorax vicinus, Purplemouth Moray
- Gymnothorax woodwardi, Woodward' s Moray
- Gymnothorax ypsilon, Species
- Gymnothorax zonipectis, Bartail Moray
| Overview |
Main identification features
- nostrils: front = tube, rear = hole
- dorsal fin origin before gill opening
- jaws close, lower one not arched
Dorsal and anal fins covered with skin, but evident; dorsal origin before anus; no pectoral fins; front nostril a simple tube; rear nostril non tubular, at level of profile of head; lower jaw straight, mouth closes completely in all eastern Pacific species except G. verrilli ; teeth sharp, some enlarged, a single row on front roof of mouth, top jaw with teeth in 1-2 rows, inner row not very large, with 1 or more depressible fangs at front; gill opening usually with body coloration.
A circumglobal tropical to warm temperate genus with ~100 species; with 6 Indo-Pacific species, one Pacific species, 2 temperate eastern Pacific, and 7 endemics in our region.
References |
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Acknowledgements |
I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.