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Lasioglossum aberrans (Crawford, 1903)
Halictus aberrans Crawford, 1903; Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) aberrans (Crawford, 1903); Evylaeus aberrans (Crawford, 1903); Sphecodogastra aberrans (Crawford, 1903)

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Halictidae   Lasioglossum
Subgenus: Sphecodogastra

Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Back, UT, Garfield County
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Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Back, UT, Garfield County

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Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Side, UT, Garfield County
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Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Side, UT, Garfield County
Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Face, UT, Garfield County
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Lasioglossum aberrans, F, Face, UT, Garfield County
Extracted from Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea: Halictidae), II: Revision of Sphecogastra Ashmead, Floral Specialists of Onagraceae by Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea: Halictidae), II: Revision of Sphecogastra Ashmead, Floral Specialists of Onagraceae (2003).
Hatictus aberrans Crawford, 1903:336 [females].�Cockcrell, 1906b:427 [floral records].�1907a:242 [key].�1907b:119 [contrasted with H. galpin�siae].�Crawford, 1907:186, 188 [key; compared with H, galpinsiae].� Graenichcr, 1911:224 [compared with H. galpinsiae}.�Stevens, 1951:61 [association with Caura coccinca and other plants]. Hatictus (Eiylaeus) aberrans.�Slcvens, 1920:36 [taxonomy; compared with H. galpinsiae; locality and floral records]. Last'oghssttm (Sphecodogastra) aberrans,�Michener, 1951:1111 [catalog], Lasioglosstim (Evylaeus) abherans.�Linsley and MacSwain, 1962:45 [lapsus calami]. Evylaeus aberrans.�Moldenke and Neff, 1974:60 [floral records].�Boharl and Youssef, 1976:186 [compared with E. galpinsiae].�Hurt, 1979:1958 [catalog],�Hurd et al., 1980:66 [association with Hetianlhtis].�Moure and Hard, 1987:68 [catalog]. Lasioglassum aberrans.�Poole, 1996:431 [checklist]. TYPE MATERIAL.�Crawford based his description of Hal'ic-tus aberrans on a syntype series of three females with the fol-lowing data: "Sioux Co., Nebr., June 3, on Symphoricarpos; Crawford, Nebr., July 28, on Cleome; Manitou, Colorado." None of these specimens could be located, and they are pre-
sumed to be lost. Because of the long-standing confusion be-tween this species and Sphecodogastra lusoria (see "Species Descriptions and Synonymies" in systematic history section) I am designating a neotype that was also collected in Sioux County, Nebraska. The specimen is deposited in the entomol-ogy collection of the University of Nebraska and is labeled "Sioux Co[unty] Neb.[raska] May/L. Bruner Collector/NEO-TYPE Halictus aberrans Crawford designated by] R.J. McGin-ley" [red label]. It is missing the right antenna, nine distal flagellomeres of the left antenna, and two distal tarsomeres of the right middle leg, and its abdomen is glued on the left side to the second specimen label. Despite this damage, the specimen is otherwise in excellent condition and shows all diagnostic features needed to differentiate it from S. lusoria and other known Sphecodogastra species. DISTRIBUTION (Figure 51).�Sphecodogastra aberrans has the most northern known distribution of the genus, having been collected from southern Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Sphecodogastra lusoria is the only other spe-cies known from central Canada, at Cardston and Medicine Hat, Alberta (Figure 92). Both species appear to be widely
sympatric throughout the Great Basin and the intermountain region of the central and western United States, with S. aber�rans extending south only to southern California (Riverside County), central Arizona, and northern New Mexico. Sphe�codogastra lusoria in addition includes a more southeastern distribution, east to Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas and south through southern Arizona, New Mexico, and central Mexico (Hidalgo state). Bohart and Youssef (1976:186) noted that "in Colorado, collection records indicate that the two spe�cies may fly together," which is known from other collections. They also indicated that S. lusoria "nests in open, sandy areas with typically xeric surroundings," whereas Evylaeus aberrans "is generally found in more mesic and highland surroundings, on brush-covered slopes or open woodlands." The distribution records for S. aberrans listed by Moure and Hurd (1987) are understandably misleading because they in�clude records for S. lusoria; however, they listed a record from Coahuila, Mexico, presumably associated with S. lusoria. I have not seen specimens of this species from this state, but its occurrence there is not unexpected. They also listed a record for one or the other of these species from Wisconsin, which would seem to be a dubious but possible extension for either species�most likely for S. aberrans. DIAGNOSIS.�The absence of short, adpressed pleural hairs differentiates the females of S. aberrans, S. antiochensis, and S. oenotherae from all other known Sphecodogastra females. The coarsely rugo-striate dorsal propodeal surface of S. oenotherae easily separates it from the other two species. The punctation on the supraclypeal area of S. aberrans is only moderately
dense, with most punctures separated by twice their diameters (Figure 24); this area is densely punctate in S. antiochensis, with punctures separated by less than the width of their diame�ters. The femoral scopa of S. aberrans is sharply delimited as in other species of the genus (e.g., Figure 26), whereas these hairs in S. antiochensis are relatively diffused in pattern (i.e., not forming a distinctly sharp row of apically curved hairs; Fig�ure 25). Consideration of distribution is probably the easiest way to separate these two species (Figures 51, 92) because S. antiochensis is found only in the area of Antioch, California, where S. aberrans is not known to occur. Males of S. aberrans can be distinguished from those of other Sphecodogastra by their distinctive sternal vestiture (Fig�ure 37); the fringe hairs on the posterior margins of sterna 4 and 5 are conspicuously developed and differentiated from ves�titure on other sternal margins. Other distinctive characters are presented in couplet four of "Key to Specodogastra Males." DESCRIPTION.�FEMALE: (1) Length 7.8-9.4 mm (mean = 8.4, n = 5); (2) wing length 2.4-2.7 mm (mean = 2.6, n = 5); (3) abdominal width 2.3-2.7 mm (mean = 2.6, n = 5). Structure: (4) Head moderately elongate (Figure 52); length/width ratio 1.00-1.03 (mean = 1.01, n = 5). (5) Gena, at midpoint, subequal to or slightly exceeding compound eye in width. (9) Clypeus projecting approximately 0.69 times its length below lower margin of eyes; (11) clypeal surface with�out median longitudinal sulcation. (13) Ocular-ocellar distance greater than distance between lateral ocellus and hind margin of vertex (ocular-ocellar space approximately 2.0 times lateral ocellar diameter); (14) distance between lateral ocelli slightly exceeding ocular-ocellar distance. (16) Inner margins of com�pound eyes converging below. (21) Scape reaching top of ver�tex; (22) pedicel subequal in length to flagellomere 1. (30) Mandible moderate in length, extending to opposing clypeal angle. (40) Dorsal surface of propodeum about 0.60 times the length of scutellum and approximately 1.25 times the length of metanotum; (44) lateral propodeal carinae well developed, ex�tending to dorsal propodeal surface. (45) Inner hind tibial spur with 4 or 5 moderately elongate teeth (Figure 58). (46) Lateral edge of metasomal T2 broadly rounded anteri�orly, becoming straight to faintly sinuate posteriorly. Sculpture: (51) Supraclypeal area granulate, (52) puncta�tion moderately dense, most punctures separated by 1-2 times the width of their diameters (Figure 24). (53) Clypeus tessellate basally; (54) subapical area with contiguous, large punctures. (55) Hypostoma striolate. (56) Mesoscutum somewhat dull, surface tessellate over an-terior half or more, (57) punctation as in Figure 57, punctures separated by 1-3 times their diameters. (63) Dorsal surface of propodeum rugulose over basal three-fourths (Figure 56), (64) surface alveolated. (65) Tl shiny and polished, (66) punctation fine, moderately dense, most punctures separated by their diameters. Coloration: (67) Abdomen dark brown. (69) Flagcllum brown. (70) Tegula light brown. (71) Wing membrane pale yel-lowish brown; veins and stigma amber. (72) Legs dark brown. Vestiture: (74) Head hairs pale yellowish brown. (75) Pu-bescence on thorax pale yellowish brown; (76) mcsosculal hairs elongate, approximately i.5 times median ocellar diame�ter; mesoscutum and pleuron without short suberect or ad-pressed hairs. (81) Basal hair bands on T2-T4 present, cover�ing basal one-fourth of tergal surface; moderately developed apical hair bands present on T3 and T4.
MALE: As described for female except as follows: (1) Length 7.7-9.3 mm (mean = 8.7, n = 5); (2) wing length 2.0-2.2 mm (mean = 2.2, n = 5); (3) abdominal width 1.8-2.0 mm (mean = 1.9, n = 5). (4) Head (Figure 53) length/width ra�tio 1.10-1.12 (mean = 1.11, n = 5). (23) Flagellomere 2 approx�imately 1.8 times length of flagellomere 1. (37) Median meso-scutal line impressed. (70) Tegula yellow-translucent. (73) Short, adpressed hairs on face extending dorsad to just below median ocellus. (76) Mesoscutum with moderately elongate hairs (short, adpressed hairs absent); pleuron without short, adpressed hairs. (82, 83) Unlike other Sphecodogastra, elon-gate vestiture on S4 and S5 confined to apical margin {Figure 37; vestiture distributed over entire sternal surface in other species, e.g., Figure 38); (83a) central depression of S6 extremely well developed (Figure 66). Terminalia (Figures 67-70): (84) S7 lateral arms slender (Figure 70); (85) S8 moderately developed (Figure 70); apex of median process slightly concave; (89) retrorse membranous lobe narrow, becoming slightly broader basally. Unlike other Sphecodogastra, penis valve sharply angulate in lateral view, dorsal surface concave, and sharply carinatc laterally (Figure 67). FLIGHT RECORDS (Figure 71).�Females of S. aberrans were collected from May through October, with most records (98%) from June through August. Males appear to be active some-what later, with an apparent peak during July. REMARKS.�See "Species Descriptions and Synonymies" in systematic history section. SPECIMENS EXAMINED.�426 (327 females, 99 males). CANADA. ALBERTA: Kipp; Lethbridgc; Medicine Hat; Medicine Hat, 25 mi NW; Morrin; Nobleford. MANITOBA: Treesbank. SASKATCHEWAN: Elrose; Saskatoon; Val Marie. UNITED STATES. ARIZONA: Coconino Co.: Flagstaff; Oak Creek (W fork, 16 mi SW Flagstaff); Williams; Yavapai Co.: Prescott; county/coordinates unknown: Oayson. CALIFOR�NIA: Plumas Co.: Vinton, 5.5 mi S; Riverside Co.: Indio (Pine Flats Camp). COLORADO: Archuleta Co.: Piedra; Boulder Co.: Altona; Altona, 3 mi SW; Boulder; Copeland Park; Jim Creek (near Boulder); Lyons, 9 mi NW; Ward; Clark Co.: Lake George; Clear Creek Co.: Echo Lake (Mt. Evans); Denver Co.: Denver; Elbert Co.: Elbert; El Paso Co.: Colorado Springs; Manitou [male specimen; not part of type series]; Gunnison Co.: Mt. Princeton Hot Springs; Sapinero, 4 mi E; Huerfano Co.: Cuchara; Jefferson Co.: Crossons; Golden; Larimer Co.: Cameron Pass; Hewlett Gulch (near Poudre Park); Montrose Co.; Buckeye Reservation; Cimarron, 1.2 mi W; Park Co.: Wilkerson Pass; Routt Co.: Oak Creek (20 mi S Steamboat.
Springs); Teller Co.: Florissant; county /coordinates unknown: Mishawauka. IDAHO: Elmore Co.: Mountain Home; Twin Falls Co.: Twin Falls, 18 mi S. MONTANA: Dawson Co.: Glendive; Gallatin Co.: Bozeman; Missoula Co.: Missoula. NEBRASKA: Sioux Co. NEW MEXICO: Sandoval Co.: Jemez Springs. NORTH DAKOTA: Barnes Co.: Valley City; Bottineau Co.: Bottineau; Bowman Co.: Gascoyne; Cass Co.: Fargo; Dickey Co.: Oakes; Golden Valley Co.: Beach; Sentinel Butte; Kidder Co.: Tappen; La Moure Co.: Kulm; LaMoure; McLean Co.: Garrison; Washburn; Pierce Co.: Rugby; Ransom Co.: Lisbon; Slope Co.: Marmarth; Stark Co.: Dickinson; Stutsman Co.: Jamestown; Kensal; Ward Co.: Lone Tree. OREGON: Grant Co.: Long Creek, 3.6 mi S; Harney Co.: Narrows, 20 mi S; Sherman Co.: Maryhill Ferry (3 mi E Briggs). UTAH: Cache Co.: Logan (Green Canyon); Daggett Co.: Palisade Park Camp; Sheep Creek Canyon; Sanpete Co.: Fairview; Too�ele Co.: Tooele; Utah Co.: Provo; Washington Co.: Lower Deep Creek; Virgin; Pinto; Upper Deep Creek; Zion National Park. WASHINGTON: Adams Co.: Ritzville, 4 mi N. WYO�MING: Albany Co.: Laramie; Laramie, 2 mi S; Laramie, 8 mi SSE; Converse Co.: Glenrock; Fremont Co.: Lander, 8.5 mi SW (Sinks Canyon); Riverton; Sheridan Co.: Sheridan.

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