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Lasioglossum pruinosum (Robertson, 1892)
Halictus pruinosus Robertson, 1892; Chloralictus pruinosus (Robertson, 1892); Dialictus pruinosus (Robertson, 1892)

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Halictidae   Lasioglossum
Subgenus: Dialictus

Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, face, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan
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Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, face, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan

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Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, rt side, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan
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Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, rt side, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan
Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, top, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan
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Lasioglossum pruinosum, F, top, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan

Lasioglossum pruinosum, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
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Lasioglossum pruinosum, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
Lasioglossum pruinosum FEM CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Lasioglossum pruinosum FEM CFP comp

Lasioglossum pruinosum MALE mm .x ZS PMax
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Lasioglossum pruinosum MALE mm .x ZS PMax
Lasioglossum pruinosum
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 1
Lasioglossum pruinosum

Lasioglossum pruinosum
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 1
Lasioglossum pruinosum
Lasioglossum pruinosum
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 1
Lasioglossum pruinosum

Lasioglossum pruinosum, female, head, IAE106452
© Copyright source/photographer · 0
Lasioglossum pruinosum, female, head, IAE106452
Lasioglossum pruinosum, female, lateral, IAE113178
© Copyright source/photographer · 0
Lasioglossum pruinosum, female, lateral, IAE113178

Identification Summary: Large; steel blue thorax; abdomen with strong blue metallic reflections; wings have minute bright white hairs rather than the usual brown hairs; head elongate.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE—Length 6 mm; head and thorax olive-green, abdomen reddish-piceous, with metallic green reflections; pubescence rather short, entirely pale, quite copious on cheeks, sides of thorax, and posterior half of abdomen; head very slightly longer than broad; clypeus convex, protuberant, projecting about two-thirds below suborbital line, supraclypeal area elongate, about equalling clypeus in length, strongly narrowed above; eyes convergent below; lateral ocelli slightly nearer eyes than to each other; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; face below ocelli somewhat shining, punctures deep, distinct, quite close, becoming very fine, scattered and obscure on vertex and upper portion of cheeks, these bare and shining below, very finely striate; hypostomal carinae parallel; lower half of face somewhat shining, punctures somewhat more coarse and more widely separated, but not sparse, those on supraclypeal area very fine and quite sparse, clypeus rather closely punctate along upper margin, punctures becoming somewhat more coarse and deep, but still rather close apically; scutum and scutellum somewhat shining, punctures only slightly separated in center of scutum, becoming close laterally; pleura dull, finely rugose; dorsal area of propodeum finely and rather irregularly striate medially, the striae becoming more coarse and distinct laterally, posterior margin rounded, lateral faces somewhat shining and finely roughened; wings whitish, veins and stigma whitish-yellow and very obscure; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; basal segments of legs brownish, tarsi becoming somewhat more ferruginous; abdominal terga shining, minutely and quite closely punctate, apical margins very slightly depressed, rims becoming whitish-hyaline, terga 3 and 4 rather densely covered with whitish tomentum.

MALE—Length 6 mm.; head, thorax, abdominal terga, and basal segments of legs metallic green; pubescence entirely white, rather short, quite dense on head, thorax, and apical segments of abdomen; head much longer than broad; clypeus strongly convex, and protuberant, quite narrow, projecting for almost its entire length below suborbital line; eyes convergent below; lateral ocelli much nearer eyes than to each other; antennae sub- equally distant from eyes and each other, the scape markedly piceous, flagellum pale ferruginous beneath, basal segment short, about equal to pedicel in length, following segments only slightly longer; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; face below ocelli shining beneath the rather dense pubescence, punctures deep, rather fine and close, becoming more minute, obscure and scattered on the shining vertex and upper cheeks, these shining and finely striate below; hypostomal carinae parallel; lower half of face densely white-tomentose, punctures very fine and close, including those on supraclypeal area and upper portion of clypeus, the latter somewhat yellowish on apical margin, labrum and mandibles strongly yellow; scutum and scutellum shining, punctures deep and distinct, well separated but not sparse, becoming quite close but not crowded at sides; pleura somewhat shining, closely, deeply and rather coarsely punctate; dorsal area of propodeum irregularly and rather coarsely rugose-striate, lateral faces finely rugoso-striate; wings whitish, veins and stigma pale-testaceous and very obscure; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; femora metallic green, tibiae more piceous except for yellowish base and apex of each, tarsi entirely pale yellow; abdominal terga shining, very finely, deeply and rather closely punctate, apical margins rather narrowly impressed, discs of segments 3-5 obscured by the dense, white tomentum; apical margin of sternum 5 quite broadly incurved; median process of sternum 7 much as in pilosus (fig. 101); gonostylus of armature also similar to pilosus (fig. 102), retrorse lobe narrow, elongate, very finely short pubescent.

DISTRIBUTION—Minnesota and Illinois to New Jersey and the New England states; March to October.

FLOWER RECORDS—Gladiolus, Medicago and Monarda. Robertson (1929) records pruinosus on the following: Antennaria, Aster, Bidens, Boltonia, Brauneria, Camassia, Cardamine, Cirsium, Coreopsis, Cornus, Erigeron, Eulophus, Geum, Heliopsis, Heuchera, Lepachys, Ludwigia, Melilotus, Oxalis, Passiflora, Pentstemon, Petalostemum, Polytaenia, Prunus, Pycnanthemum, Ranunculus, Rhamnus, Rhus, Rudbeckia, Salix, Scutellaria, Senecio, Sisymbrium, Sisyrinchium, Tradescantia, Verbena, Vernonia, Veronica and Zizia.

Retrieved from: Gibbs, J. 2010. Revision of the metallic species of Lasioglossum (Dialictus)in Canada (Hymenoptera, Halictidae, Halictini). Zootaxa; 2591, 269-273

Halictus pruinosus Robertson, 1892: 269. ♀ ♂. Lectotype. ♀ USA, Illinois, Carlinville (Robertson); [INHS: 179,615] by W.E. LaBerge. Examined.

Taxonomy. Robertson, 1902: Chloralictus pruinosus, p. 248 (key); Cockerell, 1909: Halictus pruinosus, p. 9 (tax. comp.); Michener, 1951: Lasioglossum (Chloralictus) pruinosum, p. 1116 (catalogue); Mitchell, 1960: Dialictus pruinosus ♀♂, p. 415 (redescription); Krombein, 1967: Lasioglossum (Dialictus) pruinosum, p. 465 (catalogue); Dialictus pruinosus, p. 1970 (catalogue); Moure & Hurd, 1987: Dialictus pruinosus, p. 125 (catalogue).

Diagnosis. Females of L. pruinosum can be recognised by the diagnostic combination of an elongate head (length/width ratio = 1.05–1.09), mesoscutal punctation dense (i

Males of L. pruinosum can be recognised by the diagnostic combination of an elongate head (length/width ratio = 1.18–1.21) covered in dense white tomentum, yellow apical margin of the clypeus, short flagellomeres (length/width ratio = 1.15–1.30) that are bright yellow ventrally, moderately sparse mesoscutal punctation medially (i=1–2d), rugoso-reticulate mesepisternum, and bluish green metasoma terga with strong punctation. They are most similar to L. albipenne which lack a yellow band on the clypeus and have brown metasomal terga.

Redescription. FEMALE. Length 5.62–6.85 mm; head length 1.56–1.68 mm; head width 1.49–1.56 mm; forewing length 3.97–4.45 mm

Colouration. Head and mesosoma pale greenish blue. Clypeus with apical half blackish brown, basal half and supraclypeal area golden. Antenna dark brown, flagellum with ventral surface reddish brown. Tegula amber. Wing membrane hyaline, venation and pterostigma pale whitish yellow. Legs blackish brown, medioand distitarsi reddish brown. Metasomal terga greenish blue, sterna brown, apical margins translucent yellow.

Pubescence. Dull white. Dense. Head and mesosoma with dense woolly hairs (1–1.5 OD), longest on genal beard, metanotum and mesopleuron (2–2.5 OD). Paraocular area and gena with subappressed tomentum sometimes partially obscuring surface. Propodeum with moderately dense plumose hairs on lateral and posterior surfaces (2–2.5 OD). Metasomal terga with dense, fine setae. T1 acarinarial fan complete and dense. T1 apicolateral portion with dense tomentum. T2 basal and lateral portions with dense tomentum obscuring surfaces. T3–T5 with dense tomentum obscuring surface. T2 apicolateral and T3–T4 apical margins with moderately dense fringes.

Surface sculpture. Face imbricate, punctation moderately strong. Clypeus polished, basal margin weakly imbricate, punctation moderately sparse (i=1–2.5d). Supraclypeal area polished medially, punctation moderately sparse (i=1–2.5d). Lower paraocular area punctation dense (i≤d). Antennocular area punctation moderately dense (i=1–1.5d). Upper paraocular area and frons punctate-reticulate. Ocellocular area densely, finely punctate (i

Structure. Head elongate (length/width ratio = 1.05–1.09). Eyes convergent below (UOD/LOD ratio = 1.28–1.30). Clypeus 1/2–2/3 below suborbital tangent, apicolateral margins convergent. Antennal sockets close (IAD/OAD < 0.5). Frontal line carinate, ending 2.5 OD below median ocellus. Gena narrower than eye. Inner metatibial spur pectinate with 3–4 teeth. Metapostnotum moderately elongate (MMR ratio = 1.14–1.19), posterior margin rounded onto posterior surface. Propodeum with oblique carina weak, lateral carina weak, not reaching dorsal margin.

MALE. Similar to female except for the usual secondary sexual characters and as follows. Length 4.94– 5.61 mm; head length 1.44–1.80 mm; head width 1.22–1.49 mm; forewing length 3.36–3.78 mm.

Colouration. Labrum, mandibles, clypeus distal margin, flagellum ventral surface, Tibial bases and apices, and tarsi pale yellow. Flagellum with ventral surface yellow-brownish to yellow.

Pubescence. Face below upper eye tangent with dense tomentum obscuring surface. T1 acarinarial area with sparse fan of appressed hairs. T1 apicolateral portion, T2–T3 lateral portions, and T4–T5 basal portions with tomentum. S2–S3 and S4–S5 lateral portions with dense plumose hairs (1–1.5 OD).

Surface sculpture. More polished, punctation moderately dense between parapsidal lines (i=1–2d), closer laterad of parapsidal lines (i≤d) and reticulate on anterolateral portion. Mesepisternum rugulose-reticulate. Propodeum with dorsolateral slope and lateral and posterior surfaces rugulose. Metasomal terga punctation deep and distinct.

Structure. Head very elongate (length/width ratio = 1.18–1.21). Eyes strongly convergent below (UOD/ LOD ratio = 1.39–1.50). Clypeus 8/10 below suborbital tangent, apicolateral margins subparallel. Antennal sockets distant (IAD/OAD > 1.1). Frontal line carinate, ending 1.5 OD below median ocellus. Pedicel subequal to F1. F2 length 1.3–1.6X F1. F2–F10 short (length/width ratio = 1.15–1.30). Metapostnotum moderately elongate (MMR ratio = 1.08–1.30), posterior margin rounded.

Terminalia. S7 with median lobe wide, columnar, apex rounded (Fig. 190F). S8 with apicomedial margin weakly convex (Fig. 190F). Genitalia as in Fig. 190D–E. Gonobase with ventral rim narrowly separated. Gonostylus small, slender, dorsal setae elongate. Retrorse lobe elongate, attenuated apically.

Range. British Columbia and south to Arizona east to Northeastern USA (Fig. 191).

Additional material examined. CANADA: ALBERTA: 2♀♀ CFB Suffield, Fish Creek, N50°23.466´ W110°36.768´, 28.vii.1994 (Finnamore & Pollock); 1♀4♂♂ CFB Suffield, Fish Creek, N50°23.466´ W110°36.768´, 7.ix.1994 (Finnamore & Pollock); [PCYU]; 1♂ Medicine Hat (J.R. Malloch); [ANSP]; BRITISH COLUMBIA: 10♀♀ East Bench, 17.v–12.vii.2007 (Scudder); [PCYU]; 1♂ Penticton, West Bench, 22.viii.1987 (R.A. Cannings); 1♂ Penticton, West Bench, 24.viii.1987 (R.A. Cannings); [RBCM]; MANITOBA: 1♀ YellowQuill Mxd. Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49°50´51´´ W099°33´15´´, 5.ix.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); 2♀♀ YellowQuill Mxd. Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49°50´51´´ W099°33´16´´, 20.ix.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); 1♀ YellowQuill Mxd. Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49°50´51´´ W099°33´15´´, 16.viii.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); 1♀ YellowQuill Mxd. Grass Prairie Preserve, near Treesbank, N49°41´26´´ W099°34´29´´, 30.viii.2005 (A.M. Patenaude); SASKATCHEWAN: 1♀ Grassland N.P., N49.0711 W106.52935, 830 m, 4.vi.2007 (Goulet, Boudreault & Fernandez); [PCYU]; USA: ARIZONA: 7♀♀ Apache Co., 23 km W of Zuni, Kelsey Rd Hwy 61, 14.vi.1999 (L. Packer); 1♀ Apache Co., 33 km W of Zuni NM, 14.vi.1999 (L. Packer); COLORADO: 2♀♀ Larimer Co., N40.6833 W105.3975, 11– 12.v.2004 (S.W. Droege); [PCYU]; IDAHO: 1♀ Oneida Co., Rock Creek, 21.vii.1971 (G.F. Knowlton); [CUIC]; INDIANA: 3♀♀ Jackson Co., N38.8799 W086.056, 26.vii.2003 (S.W. Droege); IOWA: 1♀ Dickinson Co., Iowa Northwestern RR, 4.2 km NW Spirit Lake, N43°26´20´´ W095°10´54´´, 439 m, 21.v.2003 (C. Hemsley); [PCYU]; MICHIGAN: 2♀♀ Cass Co., Cassopolis, N41.9148 W85.9785, 22.vii.2009 (Tuell et al.); [ARC]; MINNESOTA: 1♀ Clay Co., 3mi E & 2mi S of Felton, N47°03´38.8´´ W96°26´07.4´´, 21.vii.2006, (R.L. Andres); NEBRASKA: 2♀♀ Douglas Co., N41.2796 W095.9073, 10.v.2007 (S.W. Droege); UTAH: 1♀ Kane Co., Red Wash, 2.6 mi SSE Carly Knoll, 12S N4126481 E382273, 23.v.2001 (R. Andrus); 1♀ Washington Co., 0.73 mi SE Firepit Kn., 12S N4135295 E314678, 5.vii.2006 (F. Nicklen & B. Hays); [PCYU]; WISCONSIN: 1♀ Dane Co., Hauser Rd. (R.A. Henderson); [IRCW].

Floral records. ANACARDIACEAE: Rhus glabra, APIACEAE: Zizia aurea, Perideridia americana, Polytaenia nuttallii, ASTERACEAE: Antennaria plantaginifolia, Bidens aristosa, Boltonia asteroides, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, Cirsium discolor, Coreopsis palmata, Echinacea pallida, Erigeron strigosus, Heliopsis helianthoides, Packera aurea, Ratibida pinnata, Rudbeckia hirta, Senecio serra, Symphyotrichum pilosum, Vernonia fasciculata, BERBERIDACEAE: Mahonia repens, BRASSICACEAE: Cardamine bulbosa, Descurainia pinnata, CAPPARACEAE: Cleome serrulata, COMMELINACEAE: Tradescantia virginiana, CORNACEAE: Cornus amomum, FABACEAE: Dalea purpurea, Medicago, Melilotus officinalis, IRIDACEAE: Gladiolus, Sisyrinchium angustifolium, LAMIACEAE: Monarda, Pycnanthemum flexuosum, Scutellaria parvula, LILIACEAE: Camassia scilloides, Lilium perenne, ONAGRACEAE: Ludwigia alternifolia, OXALIDACEAE: Oxalis corniculata, PASSIFLORACEAE: Passiflora lutea, RANUNCULACEAE: Ranunculus fascicularis, RHAMNACEAE: Rhamnus lanceolata, ROSACEAE: Geum canadense, Prunus americana, SALICACEAE: Salix cordata, S. humilis, S. nigra, SAXIFRAGACEAE: Heuchera americana hispida, SCROPHULARIACEAE: Penstemon laevigatus, Veronica peregrina, VERBENACEAE: Verbena hastata.

Biology. Melander & Brues, 1903: (parasites, predators, associate organisms); Sakagami & Michener, 1962, pp. 36: (nest orientation).

Comments. Common in western parts of its range.

Extracted from Jason Gibbs. 2011. Revision of the metallic Lasioglossum (Dialictus) of eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini.) Zootaxa.

Lasioglossum (Dialictus) pruinosum (Robertson)

Halictus pruinosus Robertson, 1892: 269. ♀ ♂

Lectotype. ♀ USA, Illinois, Macoupin Co., Carlinville, 22.v.1891 (C. Robertson); [INHS: 11121] by W. E. LaBerge (in Webb 1980). Examined.

Taxonomy. Robertson, 1902b: Chloralictus pruinosus, p. 248 (key); Cockerell, 1909: Halictus pruinosus, p. 9 (tax. comp.); Michener, 1951: Lasioglossum (Chloralictus) pruinosum, p. 1116 (catalogue); Mitchell, 1960: Dialictus pruinosus ♀♂, p. 415. (redescription); Krombein, 1967: Lasioglossum (Dialictus) pruinosum, p. 465 (catalogue); Dialictus pruinosus, p. 1970 (catalogue); Moure & Hurd, 1987: Dialictus pruinosus, p. 125 (catalogue); Gibbs, 2010b: Lasioglossum (Dialictus) pruinosum ♀♂, p. 269 (redescription, key).

Diagnosis. Female L. pruinosum can be recognised by the following diagnostic combination: head long (length/ width ratio = 1.05–1.09); mesoscutal punctation dense (i Male L. pruinosum can be recognised by the following diagnostic combination: head long (length/width ratio = 1.18–1.21), covered in dense white tomentum; clypeus with distal yellow maculation; flagellomeres short (length/width ratio = 1.15–1.30), bright yellow ventrally; mesoscutal punctation moderately sparse medially (i=1–2d); mesepisternum rugoso-reticulate; and metasomal terga bluish green, distinctly punctate. They are most similar to L. albipenne, which lacks yellow on clypeus and have brown metasomal terga.

Range. British Columbia and south to Arizona east to north-eastern USA. USA: AZ, CO, IA, ID, IN, MI, MN, NE, TX, UT, WI. CANADA: AB, BC, MB, SK.

DNA Barcode. Available. Multiple sequences.

Comments. Uncommon in the eastern United States. See Gibbs (2010).

Scientific source:

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apiaceae  Musineon tenuifolium @ BBSL (2)
Asteraceae  Achillea millefolium @ BBSL (1)

Arnica @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Aster @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Centaurea jacea @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Cirsium arvense @ BBSL (1)

Cirsium sp @ BBSL (4)

Cirsium vulgare @ BBSL (2)

Erigeron sp @ BBSL (1)

Grindelia squarrosa @ AMNH_BEE (5)

Heterotheca villosa @ BBSL (1)

Hymenoxys acaulis @ BBSL (3)

Hymenoxys torreyana @ BBSL (1)

Lactuca pulchella @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Nothocalais cuspidata @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Solidago @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Symphyotrichum ericoides @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Brassicaceae  Descurainia pinnata @ BBSL (1)

Erysimum capitatum @ BBSL (1)

Physaria acutifolia @ BBSL (2)

Physaria sp @ BBSL (2); BBSL__CORNEL (1)

Sisymbrium linifolium @ BBSL (1)
Cactaceae  Opuntia humifusa @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Opuntia polyacantha @ BBSL (1)
Capparaceae  Cleome serrulata @ BBSL (1)

Cleome sp @ BBSL (1)
Cleomaceae  Cleome @ AMNH_BEE (4)
Fabaceae  Amorpha canescens @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Astragalus bisulcatus @ BBSL (1)

Astragalus spatulatus @ BBSL (1)

Baptisia tinctoria @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Chamaecrista fasciculta @ B_AW (1)

Dalea candida @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Dalea purpurea @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Melilotus officinalis @ AMNH_BEE (1)
K. kingsley  1059 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Onagraceae  Oenothera villosa @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Orobanchaceae  Castilleja sessiliflora @ AMNH_BEE (2)
P. clifton  672 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Ranunculaceae  Pulsatilla patens @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Rosaceae  Potentilla hippiana @ BBSL (1)

Potentilla @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Rosa @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Scrophulariaceae  Penstemon idahoensis @ BBSL (2)

Penstemon laricifolius @ BBSL (1)
_  Apiaceae sp @ BBSL (1)

Withheld @ BBSL (247); BBSL__ZION (279)

caneberry @ NLA (5)

cucurbit @ NLA (5)

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