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Macropis ciliata Patton, 1880
Macropis longilingua Provancher, 1888

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Melittidae   Macropis
Subgenus: Macropis

Macropis ciliata, back, f, nh, veit, powerline
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis ciliata, back, f, nh, veit, powerline

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Macropis ciliata, head, f, nh, veit, powerline
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis ciliata, head, f, nh, veit, powerline
Macropis ciliata, head, m, nh, veit, powerline
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis ciliata, head, m, nh, veit, powerline

Macropis ciliata, side, f, nh, veit, powerline
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis ciliata, side, f, nh, veit, powerline
Macropis ciliata, side, m, nh, veit, powerline
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis ciliata, side, m, nh, veit, powerline

Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --

Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --

Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, f on Lysimachi --
Macropis ciliata, m on leaf --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, m on leaf --

Macropis ciliata, m on leaf --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, m on leaf --
Macropis ciliata, m --
Michael Veit · 6
Macropis ciliata, m --
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 7 mm.; facial punctures deep and distinct, quite sparse above antennae, becoming somewhat closer but still separated by more than a puncture width on clypeus; process of labrum conspicuous, broadly rounded; vertex shining back of ocelli, with a few rather close punctures along hind margin, becoming polished and very sparsely punctate laterally, cheeks somewhat shining, with minute, rather close punctures; pubescence of head rather short, whitish, that on dorsum of thorax dark, otherwise whitish; scutum shining, punctures rather fine, scattered and well separated over most of disc, becoming somewhat deeper, coarser and close along posterior margin, those on scutellum rather coarse, deep and close; pleura shining, punctures minute and sparse, especially posteriorly, becoming somewhat closer anteriorly; lateral and posterior areas of propodeum somewhat shining, with a few scattered, minute and obscure punctures, dorsal area polished and impunctate; wings faintly infuscated, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae testaceous-hyaline; legs piceous, with largely pale ochraceous or creamy pubescence; mid and hind basitarsi about equal in length to the following segments combined, mid basitarsi rather narrow, hind tibiae and basitarsi broadly expanded, entirely clothed with whitish, scopal hairs; abdominal terga shining, nearly impunctate, with a few scattered, exceedingly minute and obscure punctures; segments 3 and 4 with narrow, subentire, pale, apical fasciae, 5 with a rather elongate, apical fimbria.

MALE: Length 8 mm.; entire face below level of antennae yellow, lateral maculations truncate above between base of antennae and eyes; labrum entirely black, but each mandible with a basal yellow maculation; face above antennae closely and finely punctate, surface rather dull, maculated areas with sparse and rather fine punctures; vertex rather closely and distinctly punctate back of ocelli, becoming somewhat more shining and sparsely punctate laterally, cheeks with very fine, close, evenly distributed punctures; pubescence of head rather short, entirely white, that on thorax white except for a slight amount of darker pubescence in center of scutum; scutum somewhat shining, punctures fine, well separated over most of disc, those on scutellum deep and distinct but rather fine, sparse anteriorly, becoming somewhat closer posteriorly; pleura shining, punctures fine, well separated, becoming rather sparse posteriorly; lateral and posterior faces of propodeum somewhat shining, with a few exceedingly minute and obscure punctures, dorsal area polished and impunctate; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae testaceous-hyaline; mid basitarsi elongate but quite slender, longer than following segments combined, hind basitarsi thickened basally, narrowed apically, about equal hi length to following segments combined, legs entirely pale pubescent; abdominal terga smooth and shining, with only exceedingly minute and rather sparse punctures at all evident on segments 3-5, apical margins of 3-4 slightly depressed, with subentire, narrow, thin, whitish, apical fasciae, discal pubescence very thin, barely evident, entirely pale; apex of gonocoxites extended as a rather short, finger-like lobe overlying the gonostyli, the latter very broadly expanded and bibbed, inner lobe much broader than outer, excavation between them rather shallow.

DISTRIBUTION: Wisconsin to Quebec and Maine, south to Georgia; May to August.

FLOWER RECORDS: Apocynum, Houstonia and Hydrangea.

Scientific source:

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Fabaceae  Melilotus officinalis @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Primulaceae  Lysimachia ciliata @ BBSL (1)
Rhamnaceae  Ceanothus americanus @ AMNH_BEE (1)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:29:44 gmt
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