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Macropis patellata Patton, 1880
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Melittidae   Macropis
Subgenus: Macropis

Macropis patellata, f, back, Bath County, VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis patellata, f, back, Bath County, VA

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Macropis patellata, f, face, Bath County, VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis patellata, f, face, Bath County, VA
Macropis patellata, f, right, Bath County, VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Macropis patellata, f, right, Bath County, VA
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 8 mm.; facial punctures deep and distinct, rather fine and well separated above antennae, becoming closer below, very close over entire clypeus; process of labrum low, transverse; vertex and cheeks shining, very minutely and rather closely punctate; pubescence of head entirely white, very short, that on thorax also white, very short on dorsum but becoming somewhat more elongate below; punctures of scutum fine and close over most of disc, becoming somewhat more widely separated in center, those on scutellum very fine and almost crowded; pleura shining, punctures very fine, separated by considerably more than a puncture width; lateral and posterior faces of propodeum finely tessellate, with scattered, exceedingly minute punctures, dorsal area shining and impunctate except for a very narrow basal fringe of minute reticulations; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae brownish; legs brownish-piceous, largely pale pubescent, mid basitarsi pale pubescent near base, becoming somewhat more brownish pubescent medially and apically; scopa on hind tibiae and basitarsi entirely white; abdominal terga smooth and shining, with exceedingly minute and obscure, scattered punctures that are barely evident on segments 1 and 2, segments 3 and 4 with subentire, white, apical fasciae, 5 with an apical, whitish fimbria; discal pubescence of all terga exceedingly short and sparse, hardly evident.

MALE: Length 8 mm.; entire face below level of antennae yellow, and base of labrum and of mandibles yellow maculated; upper black portion of face closely, finely and rather deeply punctate, punctures on maculated areas more sparse and shallow; punctures of vertex and cheeks minute, rather close in general; pubescence of head and thorax entirely whitish, somewhat elongated on upper part of face and lower portion of cheeks, short on dorsum of thorax but somewhat more elongate beneath; punctures of scutum fine, uniformly distributed, separated by about a puncture width over most of disc, those on scutellum quite close, slightly coarser and deeper; pleura shining, punctures well separated but not sparse, rather deep and distinct; lateral faces of propodeum rather dull, minutely and obscurely punctate, surface becoming somewhat more shining posteriorly, dorsal area polished and impunctate; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae brownish hyaline; legs piceous, clothed with short, white pubescence, this quite dense on tibiae apically and on basitarsi, mid and hind basitarsi fully equal in length to the following segments combined, hind basitarsi broadly expanded to apex; abdominal terga smooth and shining, with scattered, very minute and obscure punctures, apical fasciae rather thin and poorly developed, discal pubescence practically absent; apex of gonocoxites extended as an elongate, finger-like lobe overlying the gonostyli, the latter expanded apically to form a slender outer lobe and a somewhat broader inner lobe.

DISTRIBUTION: Vermont to North Carolina, west to Iowa and Nebraska; June, July and August.

FLOWER RECORD: Steironema.

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