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Macropis steironematis Robertson, 1891
Macropis steironematis opaca Michener, 1938; Macropis (Macropis) steironematis opaca Michener, 1938, valid subspecies

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Melittidae   Macropis
Subgenus: Macropis

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Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 9 mm.; facial punctures deep and distinct, close and rather coarse, almost crowded on clypeus; process of labrum transverse, slightly bowed; punctures very close on vertex medially, becoming rather sparse and irregular between ocelli and eyes, very fine on cheeks along margins of eyes; pubescence of head rather short, whitish, with few elongate, dark hairs along apical margin of clypeus; pubescence very short and fuscous over most of scutum, otherwise entirely white; scutum deeply and distinctly punctate, punctures rather fine and close medially, becoming a little more sparse and indistinct laterally, those on scutellum uniformly close and fine; pleura shining between deep, distinct punctures, these separated by slightly more than a puncture width; lateral and posterior faces of propodeum rather dull, very finely, irregularly and obscurely punctate, dorsal area polished and impunctate; wings lightly infuscated, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae testaceous-hyaline; legs dark, with pale pubescence basally, mid tibiae with dense, short, silvery pubescence, mid basitarsi densely fuscous pubescent; tibial scopa white, that on basitarsi densely, fuscous pubescent; tibial scopa white, that on basitarsi whitish basally, the apical two-thirds fuscous; abdominal terga closely, deeply, distinctly and rather coarsely punctate, discs of segments 2-4 quite deeply grooved across base and to a lesser extent impressed along apical margins, especially toward sides, these segments with a thin, subentire, whitish, apical fascia, segment 5 with a pale apical fimbria; pygidial area of 6 distinct, with a dense fringe of fuscous pubescence on each side.

MALE: Length 10 mm.; entire face below level of antennae yellow, lateral facial maculae triangularly pointed above on eye margin; labrum entirely black; mandibles with a yellow basal spot; scape and pedicel of antennae black, flagellum brownish-testaceous; black areas of face deeply, closely and distinctly punctate, punctures on maculated areas slightly more sparse; punctures almost crowded on vertex medially, becoming rather sparse and irregular laterally, those on cheeks fine and close, becoming minute along outer orbits; pubescence of head entirely white, rather copious around antennae and on cheeks below, that on thorax entirely whitish, short above, somewhat more elongate below; punctures of scutum and scutellum uniformly deep, distinct and close over entire disc; pleura somewhat shining, punctures quite deep and distinct, slightly more sparse and fine posteriorly; lateral and posterior faces of propodeum somewhat shining between the deep, distinct, close and fine punctures, dorsal area shining and impunctate; wings lightly infuscated, veins and stigma brownish; tegulae testaceous-hyaline; legs dark, with entirely pale pubescence, mid basitarsi slightly narrowed apically, fully twice as long as their greatest breadth, hind basitarsi robust, truncate apically and not quite twice as long as the greatest breadth; abdominal terga deeply, distinctly, closely and rather coarsely punctate, segments 2-5 quite deeply grooved across base, apical margins toward the sides also rather deeply depressed, fasciae thin and poorly developed, discal pubescence entirely pale, very thin; apex of gonocoxite truncate, with a fringe of elongate hairs, gonostyli broadly expanded and bibbed, inner lobe about twice as broad as outer lobe, excavation between them with a slight angle.

DISTRIBUTION: Iowa and Missouri, east to Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia, in June.

FLOWER RECORDS: Seriocarpus linifolius and Steironema. Recorded by Robertson (1929) also on Apocynum cannabinum, Ceanothus americanus and Melilotus alba.

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:34:23 gmt
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