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Megachile integra Cresson, 1878
Megachile strophostylis Robertson, 1904; Megachile (Xeromegachile) integra Cresson, 1878

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Megachile
Subgenus: Megachiloides

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Megachile integra, female, mandible
© Rebekah Andrus Nelson · 1
Megachile integra, female, mandible
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE: Length 11-13 mm.; black, including tegulae and legs, spurs more yellowish; eyes very slightly convergent below; clypeal margin nearly straight but minutely denticulate; mandibles 4-dentate, a beveled edge between 3rd and 4th teeth (fig. 47); lateral ocelli subequally distant from eyes and margin of vertex; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; vertex somewhat shining, punctures deep and distinct, quite close but with some shining spaces along mid-line between lateral ocelli, and just above eyes, fine and rather close on cheeks above, becoming somewhat coarser and rather sparse below; face rather coarsely rugoso-punctate below anterior ocellus, but becoming very finely so between antennae and eyes, supraclypeal area with rather irregular but quite deep and distinct punctures, upper margin of clypeus very finely and densely punctate, punctures becoming rather irregular but more widely spaced toward apical margin; pubescence of face and cheeks whitish, rather copious but short around antennae and on face laterally, somewhat elongate on cheeks below but becoming short and thinner above, short, erect, and largely fuscous across vertex and between ocelli; pubescence white or yellowish-white on thorax laterally and posteriorly, very short and erect but copious, fuscous or black on scutum, the anterior margin more or less white, with a pair of oblique, rather distinct lines of pale tomentum, the scutello-mesothoracic suture narrowly white tomentose; scutellum and axillae with largely erect but short, black hairs; punctures of scutum quite deep, distinct, not very coarse but uniformly close throughout, those of scutellum considerably finer and densely crowded except in midline, fine and very close on axillae; pleura somewhat shining, rather coarsely punctate below, punctures slightly separated, becoming finer and considerably closer above; lateral faces of propodeum shining, with numerous, very shallow, obscure and close punctures, posterior face more velvety, punctures minute and vague but rather uniformly close; mid and hind basitarsi shorter, but about as broad as their tibiae; front tarsi relatively slender, with a rather sparse, posterior fringe of yellowish-white hairs, posterior fringe of mid tarsi relatively short and indistinct; tegulae very minutely and closely punctate; wings subhyaline basally, becoming faintly infuscated apically, veins brownish-piceous; abdominal terga 2-4 shallowly depressed or grooved across base, margins of grooves distinct but not carnate, groove obliterated medially on 4; apical margins of terga 1-5 densely white fasciate, the fasciae rather thin medially, apical margins rather deeply depressed laterally but only obscurely so medially on all; tergum 1 with rather loose but elongate, yellowish-white pubescence, becoming very dense at each extreme side, disc of 2 with considerable short but erect whitish pubescence toward base, narrowly fuscous toward apical margin, 3-5 covered with very short, erect, fuscous pubescence; punctures of terga quite uniformly fine and close, becoming somewhat more deep and distinct on the more apical terga, 6 straight in profile, with just a few suberect hairs visible toward base, broadly rounded in dorsal view, almost completely covered with dense, appressed, greyish-white tomentum; sternum 6 rather uniformly covered with short, dark, scopal hairs, with a rather dense, apical fringe of very short, dark hairs; scopa creamy- white, punctures of the more basal sterna very fine and close, becoming somewhat coarser and more distinct on the more apical sterna, apical margins narrowly hyaline; sternal fasciae not present.

MALE: Length 11-12 mm.; black, tegulae testaceous-hyaline, legs in part yellowish or ferruginous; eyes very slightly convergent below; clypeal margin with a very shallow, median, emarginate area with a minute, median tubercle; mandibles 3-dentate (fig. 47), inferior process almost median in position, broad and only obscurely angulate at tip; apical segment of flagellum quite broadly dilated; lateral ocelli very slightly nearer eyes than to margin of vertex; cheeks subequal to eyes in width, not sharply angulate below; vertex somewhat shining, punctures deep and distinct, rather fine and close, becoming very fine and very close on cheeks; face below level of anterior ocellus quite densely and very finely rugoso-punctate beneath dense pubescence; pubescence of face yellowish, decumbent dorsally above margin of clypeus, with a dense, transverse brush of elongate, yellowish hairs across upper margin of clypeus, hairs below more decumbent, that on cheeks short, entirely white, a thin, transverse fringe of whitish hairs near lower margin, that on vertex yellowish, very short, erect and rather thin; thorax with rather dense but short, yellowish-white pubescence laterally and posteriorly, largely yellowish on scutum and scutellum, that on scutum very short, erect, rather thin, with a pair of narrow, anterior, oblique, lines of whitish tomentum, and scutello-mesothoracic suture with dense, pale tomentum, that on scutellum rather elongate; scutum, scutellum and axillae very finely and closely but quite distinctly punctate throughout; punctures of pleura distinct but fine and very close below, becoming somewhat more distinct just below tegulae; lateral faces of propodeum somewhat shining, obscurely but closely punctate, posterior face more velvety, with very close but minute and vague punctures; front coxal spines very broad at base, abruptly narrowed, apex triangularly acute, densely long white pubescent posteriorly, the coxae entirely bare anteriorly but with a patch of short reddish bristles at base of each spine; mid tibial spurs short but distinct; front tarsi pale yellow, quite broadly dilated, becoming about as broad at apex as the tibiae, rather narrowly excavated anteriorly, with a rather broad, dense, whitish, posterior fringe which is fuscous beneath; front tibiae almost entirely ferruginous, front femora ferruginous except for the somewhat more yellowish, ventral carinate margin; mid and hind femora black, their tibiae more ferruginous, mid basitarsi quite short, narrower than their tibiae, with a very much elongated, quite dense, posterior fringe of pale yellowish hairs, hind basitarsi very short and quite narrow, more or less testaceous; tegulae very minutely and closely punctate; wings subhyaline, becoming faintly clouded apically, veins brownish-piceous; abdominal terga 2-5 somewhat depressed toward base, basal margins subcarinate, these terga with narrow, entire, pale yellowish, apical fasciae which are quite dense laterally, completely so on the more apical terga, margins somewhat depressed laterally on the more basal terga but completely and abruptly depressed on 4 and 5; basal tergum with quite dense, copious, elongate, yellowish pubescence which becomes quite dense at extreme sides, 2 quite largely covered with dense, much shorter, pale yellowish pubescence, 3-5 with very short and rather dense, erect, fuscous or blackish pubescence; tergal punctures rather uniformly very fine and close, becoming somewhat more distinct on tergum 5, 6 very finely and densely punctate, carina broadly and quite regularly rounded or subtriangular, not at all emarginate, median apical teeth broadly caninate, considerably nearer the obscure, lateral angles than to each other; tergum 7 very short, transverse, largely hidden, not at all produced medially; sterna 1-4 exposed, shining, very finely and quite closely punctate, apical margins depressed and narrowly yellowish hyaline; lateral pubescent plates of sternum 5 rather small, setose area rather expansive, setae uniformly fine, becoming broadly dilated apically around basal margin, apical margin with a median, dense, bicornate, carinate tuft of hairs (fig. 48); sternum 6 with transverse, well separated setose areas, the setae robust and flexed, apical lobe short, not very broad, but lateral angles produced to slender, tapering points; gonocoxites narrowed above base, dilated, obliquely compressed, slightly sinuate, setose dorsally near apex (fig. 49)

DISTRIBUTION: New Jersey to Kansas, south to Texas and Florida, March (in the south) to September.

FLOWER RECORDS: Erigeron, Galactia, Glycina, Koellia, Phaseolus and Strophostyles.

Scientific source:

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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Fabaceae  Galactia sp @ BBSL (2)

Strophostyles umbellata @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Strophostyles @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Polygonaceae  Eriogonum tomentosum @ CUIC_ENT (2)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 01:35:23 gmt
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