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Melissodes hymenoxidis Cockerell, 1906
Melissodes fremontii Cockerell, 1907; Melissodes kelloggi Cockerell, 1919

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Melissodes
Subgenus: Eumelissodes

Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, angled
Christopher · 7
Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, angled

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Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, face
Christopher Wilson · 7
Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, face
Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, scutum pits
Christopher Wilson · 7
Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, scutum pits

Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, T2
Christopher Wilson · 6
Melissodes hymenoxidis, female, T2
Melissodes hymenoxidis female HL
Christopher Wilson · 6
Melissodes hymenoxidis female HL
Extracted from: Cockerell T.D.A. (1919). The Bees of the Rocky Mountain National Park (Hymenop.). Entomological News Vol. 30.

Male. Length about 9 mm. Runs in my table of Melissodes (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xxxii, p. 76) to M. riTaiis Cress., but is smaller and otherwise different. The general aspect is that of M. agilis Cress., hut it is readily distinguished by the dark purplish or blue-green (not pale green or pea-green) eyes, the entirely black labrum and base of mandibles, the darker antennae (flagellum black above) and the dark fuscous nervures. Compared with subagiiis Ckll., it is at once distinguished by the color of eyes and antennae. The thorax has very pale ochreous tinted hair, with no dark hairs on the dorsum.

Extracted from: LaBerge, W. E. 1963. New Species and Records of Little-known Species of Melissodes from North America (Hymenoptera: Anthophriadae). Bulletin of The University of Nebraska State Muesem, Vol. 4. Pp 227-242.

This small Rocky l\tIountain species was previously known only from about 60 specimens. An additional 35 specimens of both sexes have become available to the author for study. Some of the new records extend the range slightly in eastern California. The new records are as follows: CALIFORNIA: Blue Canyon (Sonora Pass), Tuolumne County: 2 ~ ~, August 10, 1960, J. ''\T. l\tJacSwain. IHcKay Creek, Sonora Pass, Tuolumne County: 1 ~,August 18, 1960, E. Jensen. Sonora Pass, l\tIono County: 3 ~ ~, August 10, 1960, E. Jensen and J. 'v. MacSwain; I c!, August 13, 1960, on Lupina sp., R. 'V. Thorp. Sonora Pass, Tuolumne County: 6 ~ ~, 4 c! c!, August 21, 1959, on Haplopappus sulfruticosa, R. ''\T. Thorp; 5 ~ ~, 8 c! c!, August 21, 1959, G. W. O'Brien, J. R. Powers, D. D. Linsdale, and J. Powell; 1 ~, June 26, 1960, J. F. Lawrence. UTAH: Logan Canyon: 2 ~ ~, I C!, August 5, 1959. Heber: 1 ~, September 15, 1958, G. E. Bohart. Willard Peak: 1 ~,July 17, 1959. WYOl\tIING: South Pass (10 miles south): 1 C!, August 4, 1955, G. E. Bohart. These specimens are in the collections of the University of California at Berkeley, Utah State University at Logan, and the University of Nebraska State IVI useum at Lincoln.

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