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Melissodes intortus Cresson, 1872
Melissodes intorta Cresson, 1872; Melissodes wickhami Cockerell, 1906; Melissodes (Psilomelissodes) intorta Cresson, 1872; Melissodes (Psilomelissodes) intortus Cresson, 1872

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Melissodes
Subgenus: Apomelissodes

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IDnature guide
Extracted from: LaBerge, W. E. 1963. New Species and Records of Little-known Species of Melissodes from North America (Hymenoptera: Anthophriadae). Bulletin of The University of Nebraska State Muesem, Vol. 4. Pp 227-242.

Two additional specimens of this rare vernal or early summer oligolege of Callirhoe have been examined by the author. The data for these are as follows: TEXAS: Brazos County: I 2, May 1. 1955, on Callirhoe involucrata, A. H. Alex. College Station: I ~, l\tIay 12, 1955, on Callirhoe involucrata, A. H. Alex. These specimens are in the collection of Texas Agriculture and l\tIechanical Arts College at College Station.

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Updated: 2024-10-15 23:16:53 gmt
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