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Melissodes plumosus LaBerge, 1961
Melissodes (Callimelissodes) plumosa LaBerge, 1961

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Melissodes
Subgenus: Callimelissodes

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Extracted from: LaBerge, W. E., 1961. A Revision of the Bees of the Genus Melissodes in North and Central America. Part III (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin, Vol. 43. 1-107.

This species closely resembles lupina, but it probably is more closely related to metenua. Both sexes of plumosa can be separated from those of lupina by the form of the flagella. The males of this species can be distinguished from those of metenua only with difficulty. The males of plumosa usually have the galeae dulled by delicate tessellation above, and usually have paler and more finely sculptured clypei than those of metenua.

Female. Measurements and ratios: N, 19; length, 10-12 mm,; width, 3.5-4.0 mm.; wing length, M = 3.40 - 0.098 mm.; hooks in hamulus, M = 12.32 - 0.154; flagellar segment 1/segment 2, M = 2.12 - 0.034.

Structure and Color: Color of integument as in M. lupina. Sculpturing and structure as in lupina with the following differences: clypeus with punctures averaging slightly smaller, more regular round in shape, usually with weakly developed median longitudinal carina in apical half, surface moderately shiny, with reticular shagreening; supraclypeal area with sparse large punctures, surface shiny, unshagreened or only slightly so; apical flagellar segment longer than broad; maxillary palpal segments in ratio of about 4.6:3.6:3.6:1.0; galeae with surface dulled by reticular shagreening but moderately shiny. Mesoscutum with posteromedian area often impunctate, surface shiny, not shagreened laterally and anteriorly; surface of scutellum unshagreened; mesepisternum with lateral surface with punctures separated by half or less of one puncture width, surface shiny, with sparse, fine shagreening. Metasomal tergum 1 with basal crowded punctures separated mostly by one puncture wdith or slightly more; tergum 2 with basal zone with punctures seperated mostly by slightly more than one puncture width, apical area with punctures extremely sparse and minute; pygidal plate U-shaped, apical half with sides subparallel, except rounded tip, and diverging only in basal half or less.

Hair: Color of vestiture as in M. lupina with the following dit- ferences: tergum 4 without simple hairs apicomedially; terga 5 and 6 with brown hairs often much paler than in lupina, those of tergum 6 often orange or golden-brown; sternal hairs golden me- dially to white laterally; legs with hairs of inner surfaces of middle and hind basitarsi and tibiae golden yellow to orange, on basitibial plates pale brown; scopal hairs with rachises not extending much beyond plumose part, usually with 6 or more branches on each side of rachis; apicoposterior tibial scopal hairs usually not sinuate, but occasionally so.

Male. Measurements and ratios: N, 20; length, 9-12 mm.; width, 2.5-4.0 mm.; wing length, M = 3.17 0.203 mm.; hooks in hamu- lus, M=11.15 0.182; flagellar segment 2/segment 1, M = 4.28 0.099.

Structure and color: Integumental color as in M. lupina except vellow clypeus and base of mandible usually pale yellow and wing veins reddish-brown to brown.

Sculpturing and structure as in lupina with the following difter- ences: minimum length of first flagellar segment equals one-fifth or more of maximum length of second segment; penultimate flagel- lar segments 3 to 10 with shiny, elongate, dorsolateral depressions, and often at base of segment 11 as well; maxillary palpal segments in ratio of about 4.5:3.0:3.0:1.0.. Clypeus with crowded, round punctures, in posteromedian area separated by less than one punc- ture width, surface dulled by reticular shagreening, especially in posterior half; supraclypeal area usually shiny and unshagreened. or only slightly dulled by shagreening; galeae usually dulled above by fine, reticular shagreening. Metasomal tergum 2 with depressed basal area with small round punctures separated mostly by two puncture widths; tergum 3 with interband zone with punctures sep- arated by less than one puncture width; sternum 4 with apical flap usually not emarginate or only extremely shallowly; sterna 2, 3 and 4 with median impunctate areas usually dulled by dense reticular shagreening.Sternum 7 with median plate flat, not twisted to face laterally, with apicolateral angle rounded, with short, broad neck, with abundant short hairs ventrally. Sternum 8 usually with one or two hairs apicomedially. Gonostylus less than two-thirds length of gsonocoxite, capitate, with sparse short hairs ventrally near base, none laterally; spatha as in lupina; penis valve with dorsolateral lamella turned inwards to form a tooth directed medially near spatha (Figs. 42-45).

Hair: Color of vestiture as in M. lupina with the following differ- ences: metasomal tergum 2 with distal pale pubescent band often not interrupted medially; terga 3 and 4 with distal pale pubescent bands usually broader than in lupina.

Distribution. California, Oregon, Washington and North Dakota (Fig. 4). It is possible that the single male collected in North Dakota is misidentified and should be regarded as M. metenua (see the discussion of this below under metenua). In addition to the type material listed above, 6 females and 24 males have been examined. The collection data for these are given in full, since relatively few records are involved.

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Updated: 2024-10-09 10:48:35 gmt
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