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Mugil curema
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Mugil curema

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Mugil curema
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Mugil curema
Mugil hospes
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Mugil hospes

Mugil cephalus
© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002 · 0
Mugil cephalus
Mugil hospes
www.fao.org Copyright Michel Lamboeuf · 0
Mugil hospes

Mugil setosus
www.fao.org Copyright Michel Lamboeuf · 0
Mugil setosus
Mugil thoburni
www.fao.org Copyright Michel Lamboeuf · 0
Mugil thoburni

© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12

Main identification features
  • with fatty eyelid
  • lips not thickened
  • teeth: on lips, one point or notched
  • scales smooth


With well-developed fatty eyelid; front and rear nostrils widely separated; lips thin, with knob at front of lower lips; no teeth on tongue or roof of mouth; jaw teeth simple (1 point) or notched; anal fin III spines, 8-9 rays; scales smooth.

A circumglobal tropical to temperate genus with 12 species; represented in our region by 1 circumtropical species, 2 species that also occur in the tropical western Atlantic and 2 endemics.

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I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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