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Nomada maculata Cresson, 1863
Nomada volatilis Smith, 1879; Nomada (Gnathias) maculata Cresson, 1863

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Nomada
Subgenus: None

Nomada maculata, female, face
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Nomada maculata, female, face

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Nomada maculata, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
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Nomada maculata, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
Nomada maculata FEM CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Nomada maculata FEM CFP comp

Nomada maculata MALE CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Nomada maculata MALE CFP comp
Nomada maculata, m, back, Charles Co. Maryland
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Nomada maculata, m, back, Charles Co. Maryland

Nomada maculata, m, face, Charles Co. Maryland
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Nomada maculata, m, face, Charles Co. Maryland
Nomada maculata, m, left side, Charles Co. Maryland
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Nomada maculata, m, left side, Charles Co. Maryland

Nomada maculata
Tom Murray · 1
Nomada maculata
Nomada maculata
Tom Murray · 1
Nomada maculata

Nomada maculata
Tom Murray · 1
Nomada maculata
Nomada maculata
Tom Murray · 1
Nomada maculata

Nomada maculata
Tom Murray · 1
Nomada maculata
Nomada maculata
Bo Zaremba · 1
Nomada maculata

IDnature guide
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE—Length 8.5-11 mm.; lateral ocelli subequally distant from margin of vertex and each other; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes; longer side of basal segment of flagellum subequal to segment 2, median segments considerably longer than broad; mandible with distinct, inner, subapical tooth; wings subhyaline, narrowly infuscated along outer margin and in marginal cell, with the usual three submarginal cells, the 2nd very broad anteriorly, 3rd narrowed nearly to a point, veins piceous, basal vein much basad of transverse median; tegulae shining between rather coarse, close, deep and distinct punctures, these becoming more sparse toward outer and posterior margins; posterior margin of scutellum shallowly impressed medially; front coxae simple; hind femora unmodified, their tibiae with a pair of robust, rather elongate, piceous, apical setae; head and thorax red in large part, with a small amount of black on cheeks posteriorly, metapleural sutures, mid coxae, and a narrow, median, black line on scutum; antennal flagellum more brownish, tegulae more testaceous; apical margins becoming more yellowish-hyaline toward rims, terga 1 and 2 with widely separated, lateral, yellow maculations, 3 with a median, yellow, transverse band which is interrupted medially and to some degree on each side; tergum 5 with a pair of large, submedian, yellow maculae which are nearly continuous medially; upper part of face and dorsum of thorax with coarse, deep, distinct and close punctures, these crowded in large part but distinct, becoming somewhat finer and closer on cheeks below, very fine, close and rather indefinite on clypeus, but quite coarse and well separated on each side below antennae; mesopleura somewhat more finely rugose; discs of abdominal terga finely, closely and quite distinctly punctate, punctures becoming minute and indefinite toward apical margin of each plate; pseudo-pygidium very narrow, transverse, covered with silvery tomentum, and forming the truncate, apical margin of tergum 5; pubescence entirely pale, very short and inconspicuous in general, but rather dense on mesopleura, on front and hind coxae, and on posterior face of propodeum, but triangle bare.

MALE—Length 8.5-11 mm.; lateral ocelli subequally distant from margin of vertex and each other; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; longer side of basal segment of flagellum slightly shorter than segment 2, median segments considerably longer than broad, pedicel partially enclosed in the deeply concave apex of scape; mandibles with a distinct, inner, subapical tooth; wings subhyaline, rather narrowly and lightly infuscated along apical margin and in region of marginal cell, with the usual three submarginal cells, 2nd very broad anteriorly, 3rd narrowly constricted, veins piceous, basal vein much basad of transverse median; tegulae shining between rather close, deep and distinct punctures; posterior margin of scutellum only very shallowly impressed medially, front coxae simple; hind femora unmodified; hind tibiae with two or three slender, rather elongate, spine-like, apical setae; head in large part black, the clypeus, labrum, mandibles except apex, scape anteriorly, a pair of lateral facial maculae that extend narrowly up margin of eye about to level of antennae, and a pair of small yellow maculations above, bright yellow (fig. 100); thorax black, scutum with more or less extensive ferruginous infusions, scutellum and metanotum entirely ferruginous, margin of pronotum yellow, tubercles becoming more testaceous, and tegulae testaceous, legs testaceous to ferruginous, spurs pale yellow; abdominal terga largely red, with transverse, yellow bands, basal tergum black at extreme base, with a pair of rather small, median, interrupted transverse bands, tergum 2 largely yellow across basal part of disc, the shallowly impressed apical area red; tergum 3 quite similar to 2, 4 and 5 with narrower, transverse, yellow bands which are subinterrupted medially, impressed apical areas becoming somewhat more yellowish; tergum 6 with a subapical, more median, yellow area, blackish at base; head and thorax in general very coarsely and closely punctate, punctures of face above and vertex quite distinct, becoming minute and close on clypeus, and becoming densely crowded but quite coarse on cheeks below; punctures densely crowded over most of thorax; abdominal terga finely, closely and rather shallowly punctate basally, impressed apical margins becoming very minutely and obscurely punctate; pygidial plate (fig. 98) rather strongly narrowed apically, with a deep, apical, rounded emargination, lateral margin strongly carinate, surface quite closely and very finely punctate; pubescence entirely pale, quite short, more or less erect, rather copious over most of head and thorax, very short on abdomen basally, becoming somewhat more elongate and conspicuous apically; sternum 8 with a slender apical projection which is slightly down-curved at apex, conspicuously fringed on each side; gonostyli of genital armature (fig. 98) robust, nearly equal to gonocoxites in length, densely clothed with fine, elongate hairs, and with a basal protuberance beneath which bears a tuft of elongate hairs.

DISTRIBUTION—Minnesota to Maine, south to Virginia, March to June.

Some females have 2 large curved setae on the hind tibia instead of one, but in most cases the other leg has the more typical single curved thick setae - or is the singular seta?

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apocynaceae  Asclepias syriaca @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Aquifoliaceae  Ilex verticillata @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Asteraceae  Taraxacum campylodes @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Brassicaceae  Alliaria petiolata @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Barbarea vulgaris @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Ericaceae  Vaccinium sp @ AMNH_BEE (10)

Vaccinium stamineum @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Euphorbiaceae  Euphorbia esula @ UCMS_ENT (1)
J. rykken  1026 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

1041 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

1049 @ JRYB__SHEN (7)

1096 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)

1123 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

575 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

580 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

623 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

667 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)

808 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

814 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

983 @ JRYB__SHEN (2)
Rosaceae  Amelanchier sp @ AMNH_BEE (6)

Potentilla sp @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Salicaceae  Salix @ AMNH_BEE (4)
_  apple @ NLA (4)

blueberry @ NLA (4)

pond edge @ NLA (2)

Updated: 2024-10-03 16:48:38 gmt
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