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Nomada xanthura Cockerell, 1908
Nomada (Heminomada) ochlerata Mitchell, 1962, possible synonym; Nomada detrita Mitchell, 1962, possible synonym; Nomada mendica Mitchell, 1962, possible synonym

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Apidae   Nomada
Subgenus: None

Nomada xanthura FEM CFP
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Nomada xanthura FEM CFP

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Nomada xanthura MALE CFP
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Nomada xanthura MALE CFP

IDnature guides
Unpublished synonomy: Nomada detrita male Holotype seen at MCZ in April of 2006. A very interesting type. There are 2 submarginal cells, but unlike obliterate the recurrent vein meets up with the inter-cubital. The rest of the bee matches xanthura, and other males of the female red-haired group. T1 has no maculations while, the remaining segments have a full yellow stripe with a hint of an interruption. The hind tibia has 4 red setae present about the same height as the surrounding hairs. At this point since no additional specimens seem to be in existence, I think it best to conclude that this species is a variant of xanthura.

Unpublished synonomy: Nomada mendica - male - Holotype seen at the MCZ in April of 2006. This species has all of the characteristics of a male xanthura, including tibial setae, partially interrupted yellow stripes on T2-5, general color, size, and appearance. Mitchell noted a truncate pygidium and it actually has a very shallow notch to it, but this could simply be normal variation.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE Length 10 mm.; lateral ocelli considerably nearer margin of vertex than to each other; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes, posterior margin sharply carinate; longer side of basal segment of flagellum about equal to segment 2, median segments considerably longer than broad; mandibles slender and simple apically; wings somewhat yellowish basally, becoming rather deeply infuscated apex and in marginal cell, with a hyaline area just beyond the submarginals, with the usual three submarginal cells, 2nd somewhat broader than 3rd anteriorly, veins testaceous, stigma somewhat more ferruginous, basal vein slightly basad of transverse median; tegulae shining, very sparsely punctate, punctures evident only narrowly along inner margin; posterior margin of scutellum only faintly impressed medially; front coxae not spinose; apex of hind tibiae with a row of 4 or 5 rather slender, yellowish, seta-like bristles; head and thorax largely ferruginous, face with a median blackened area just above antennae and another between the ocelli; posterior margins of cheeks, upper half of clypeal sutures, and margin of supraclypeal area narrowly black; antennae testaceous beneath, more ferruginous above; tubercles and tegulae testaceous; pronotum laterally, mesopleura anteriorly and in part beneath, metapleura, mid coxae, adjacent rather narrow margin of propodeum, very narrow, median line on scutum, and broader, median line on propodeal triangle, black, thorax otherwise ferruginous; legs largely testaceous, femora more or less piceous at base, all spurs pale yellow; abdominal tergum 1 rather narrowly piceous basally, apical margin somewhat more reddish, the broad median area more or less testaceous; disc of tergum 2 largely yellow, 3 and 4 more narrowly yellow medially, and 5 largely yellow, impressed apical margins of all more ferruginous; abdominal sterna largely reddish-testaceous, with piceous infusions, impressed apical margins more or less yellowish-hyaline; face and vertex rather coarsely and deeply rugosopunctate, cheeks much more finely so, becoming rather smooth below, supraclypeal area and clypeus with very fine and close but rather shallow and vague punctures; scutum and scutellum quite densely but not very coarsely rugoso-punctate, mesopleura much more coarsely rugose or reticulate, punctures becoming more distinct below; propodeum very finely but rather densely rugose, becoming somewhat more finely so on lateral margins anteriorly, triangle relatively smooth but dull below, becoming rather coarsely short-striate along upper margin; discs of abdominal terga very minutely and closely punctate, tergum 1 becoming impunctate laterally and basally, impressed apical margins of the more apical terga invaded to a considerable degree by minute and rather close punctures, tergum 5 more sparsely, coarsely and distinctly punctate apically; pseudopygidium very short, broadly transverse, forming the rather broad, truncate, apical margin of tergum 5, densely clothed with very fine, silvery tomentum; pubescence pale in large part but with conspicuous, erect, darker hairs on face, antennal scape, cheeks below and scutellum, pubescence very obscure on abdomen dorsally, but with numerous, erect, dark hairs visible in outline on the more apical terga, sterna with sparse erect darker hairs apically, apex of 5 with a transverse band of elongate, convergent, dark hairs on each side of mid-line.

DISTRIBUTION New York to Nova Scotia, in June.

Extracted from: Cockerell, T.D.A. (1908). Three New Bees of the Genus Nomada. Entomological Society pp. 83 - 85.

Nomada xanthura, n. sp. Female:-Length about 9.5 mm. Red, with black markings; much yellow on the abdomen above, but none beneath, and none on head, thorax, or legs. Facial quadrangle about square; mandibles simple; much black around bases of antennae, sending processes downwards and upwards, the latter narrowly connecting with the black about the ocelli; cheeks black posteriorly; antennae normal, long and stout, red, except that the first four flagellar joints are strongly blackened above; third joint barely shorter titan fourth; mesothorax and metathorax each with a median black stripe; scutellum moderately prominent; postscutellum black, with two red marks in the middle; tegulae red; wings strongly reddish, darker apically, and with a subapical clear spot; b. n. going a short distance basad of t. m.; third s. m. nearly as broad above as second; legs red, the femora black at base, hind femora much blackened; anterior coxae behind with distinct, but very minute and short spines; first abdominal segment conspicuously narrower than second, black right across basally and without yellow; second with a very broad, bright-yellow band, interrupted by a slender red line in the middle; third with a basal yellow band, notched behind laterally; fourth with less yellow; fifth with a very large quadrate yellow patch, the surface of which is shining; band of tomentum on apex of fifth narrow; pygidial plate very broad and obtuse; venter red, with black and dusky markings, the most conspicuous being a transverse black mark at base of fifth segment; the scanty hairs of venter are dark. Allied to N. denticulata Rob., but easily separated by the characters italicized (except the coxal spines, in which it resembles denticulata).

Sea Cliff, Long Island, N. Y., May (Nathan Banks).

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Ericaceae  Vaccinium corymbosum @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Rosaceae  Malus pumila @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Salicaceae  Salix humilis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Updated: 2024-10-22 17:17:05 gmt
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