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Osmia virga Sandhouse, 1939
Osmia (Nothosmia) virga Sandhouse, 1939; Osmia (Chenosmia) virga Sandhouse, 1939

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Megachilidae   Osmia
Subgenus: Melanosmia

Osmia virga, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Osmia virga, Mid-Atlantic Phenology

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Osmia virga, abdomen, T oval, virga
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Osmia virga, abdomen, T oval, virga
Osmia virga, abdomen, T long unpitted, virga
David Cappaert · 9
Osmia virga, abdomen, T long unpitted, virga

Osmia virga, clypeus, long unpitted band.virga
David Cappaert · 9
Osmia virga, clypeus, long unpitted band.virga
Osmia virga, clypeus, stair step, virga
David Cappaert · 9
Osmia virga, clypeus, stair step, virga

Osmia virga, head, cheek width ., virga
David Cappaert · 9
Osmia virga, head, cheek width ., virga
Osmia virga, legs, fore basitarsus hairs .xwidth, virga
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Osmia virga, legs, fore basitarsus hairs .xwidth, virga

Osmia virga, legs, strigilis blunt, virga
David Cappaert · 9
Osmia virga, legs, strigilis blunt, virga
Osmia virga, male, face
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Osmia virga, male, face

Osmia virga, male, genetalia
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Osmia virga, male, genetalia
Osmia virga, male, side
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Osmia virga, male, side

Osmia virga, male, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Osmia virga, male, top
Osmia virga, male, wing
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Osmia virga, male, wing

Osmia virga FEM CFP f
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Osmia virga FEM CFP f
Osmia virga MALE CFP
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Osmia virga MALE CFP

Osmia virga, F, Back, MA, Barnstable County
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia virga, F, Back, MA, Barnstable County
Osmia virga, F, Face, MA, Barnstable County
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia virga, F, Face, MA, Barnstable County

Osmia virga, F, Side, MA, Barnstable County
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Osmia virga, F, Side, MA, Barnstable County
Osmia virga, female, front
© Stephanie Kolski and Natalie Allen · 1
Osmia virga, female, front

Osmia virga, female, side
© Stephanie Kolski and Natalie Allen · 1
Osmia virga, female, side

IDnature guides
Identification Summary - Females - Unpitted rim of T2 DISTINCT in that the unpitted rim is very wide, occupying more than one quarter of the longitudinal width of the segment; hairs on clypeus primarily white with only scattered black hairs, black hairs are present in greatest abundance along the rim, but in direct comparison not nearly as dense as in O. collinsiae - The two raised lines or carinae on the outer lower face of the mandible diverge SLIGHTLY as the run from the tip to the base of the mandible, the upper carina also clearly extends further than the lower - All hairs on the upper surface of the abdomen are white

Males - S4 with WHITE hairs throughout the segment, there is no distinct trench running longitudinally down the center of S4, however, there can be a vague line in that area where the surface sculpturing changes, the outline of the tip of S4 is straight to slightly concave in center - The two raised lines or carinae on the outer lower face of the mandible diverge SLIGHTLY as the run from the tip to the base of the mandible - Unpitted rim of T2 is very wide, occupying more than one fifth of the longitudinal width of the segment

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

MALE: Length 7.5-8 mm.; bluish-green, but face, vertex and dorsum of thorax somewhat more olive-green, legs black; face slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes slightly convergent below; lateral ocelli sub- equally distant from eyes and each other, much nearer margin of vertex; clypeus convex, somewhat produced apically, the broad apical margin nearly straight, very narrowly shining and impunctate; median length of labrum slightly less than basal width; mandibles bidentate; cheeks very slightly broader than eyes; wings subhyaline, becoming very faintly infuscated toward apical margin, 2nd recurrent vein reaching 2nd submarginal cell considerably nearer apex than 1st does to base; tarsal segments slender and simple, anterior margin of hind basitarsus with a very low and inconspicuous tubercle near apical third, mid and hind spurs piceous; pubescence entirely pale, largely yellowish-white on face and dorsum of thorax, otherwise more whitish, copious and elongate on face and clypeus, cheeks below, on basal abdominal tergum and over most of thorax; discs of abdominal terga 2-5 with short, erect but quite copious, yellowish pubescence which does not hide the surface; punctures in general deep and distinct, rather coarse and close but not crowded on vertex, becoming somewhat closer but more shallow on cheeks, quite densely crowded below ocelli, very fine and densely crowded on clypeus beneath pubescence; punctures quite uniformly coarse and close on scutum, being very slightly separated only in center of disc, those of scutellum close but not crowded, becoming fine and obscure around posterior margin; pleura dull, punctures rather shallow but largely contiguous, with a restricted area beneath tegulae which is more shining and sparsely punctate; lateral faces of propodeum somewhat shining and shallowly, obscurely punctate along anterior margin, becoming smoother but dull posteriorly, posterior face more tessellate, with shallow, obscure, scattered punctures, dorsal area smooth but velvety, becoming rather broadly sub- striate along upper margin; abdominal terga shining, punctures quite deep and distinct but rather fine, rather uniformly close but not crowded, quite evenly distributed to the rather broad, depressed and entirely impunctate, apical margins; punctures of tergum 6 much finer and more sparse in general, apical margin with a shallow median, emargination, 7 rather broadly produced apically, with a semicircular, median emargination; sternum 2 broadly out- curved apically, largely covering 3 and base of 4, apical margin of 3 with a rather large, triangular, median emargination which is largely filled with elongate, convergent setae (fig. 33), 4 rather broadly produced apically, median area quite straight, surface rather uniformly, finely setose across entire plate; sterna 5-8 entirely retracted, submembraneous; genital armature as shown (fig. 35).

DISTRIBUTION: Wisconsin to Massachusetts and Virginia, April and May.


Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Apocynaceae  Asclepias syriaca @ AMNH_BEE (2)
Ericaceae  Kalmia latifolia @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Kalmia @ AMNH_BEE (5)

Vaccinium sp @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Vaccinium stamineum @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Vaccinium @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Fabaceae  Baptisia tinctoria @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Melilotus officinalis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Trifolium repens @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Primulaceae  Lysimachia @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Rosaceae  Amelanchier sp @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Potentilla sp @ AMNH_BEE (4)
Salicaceae  Salix sp @ AMNH_BEE (1)
_  blueberry @ NLA (3)

Updated: 2025-02-09 17:03:51 gmt
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