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Perdita acaciae Timberlake, 1962
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

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Extracted from: Timberlake P.H., (1962). A Revisional Study of the Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part V. University of California Publications in Entomology Editors, Volume 28, No. 1, pp. 1-124.

P. acaciae differs from michelbacheri in having the light parts more definitely yellow, the abdomen of the female yellow with comparatively narrow dark bands, the hair of the mesonotum in both sexes more strongly squamif orm, and the wings whiter.

Female.—Head and thorax dark green, with a golden or brassy luster in some lights. Mandibles except red tips, labrum, clypeus, and lateral marks, yellow; disk of clypeus with two more or less faint brown stripes, or broadly suffused with brown except down the middle; or clypeus and labrum sometimes more uniformly suffused with brown. Lateral marks quadrate, moderately transverse between clypeus and anterior corners of eyes. Collar of pronotum and large mark on tubercles, pale yellow. Abdomen pale yellow; a moderately narrow brownish or fuscous band at apex of tergites 1 to 4 curving forward at outer ends on tergites 2 to 4 but not enclosing the yellow; a narrow or abbreviated dark band sometimes present across the middle of tergite 5. Legs yellow, front coxae dark, and hind tibiae and tarsi pale fuscous or brownish. Antennae blackish, scape yellow beneath and on basal half above, and flagellum narrowly dull yellowish beneath. Tegulae testaceous hyaline, with base pale yellow. Wings milky hyaline, nervures pale yellowish or white.

Head rotund, as broad as long; inner orbits subparallel. Clypeus large, convex, nearly reaching level of antennae; subantennal plates small, triangular, and much longer than wide at base. Proboscis moderately long, slightly exceeding fossa, but galeae not reaching base of stipites in repose. Mandibles rather long, and tapering only slightly before the large inner tooth. Facial foveae well impressed, wider than interval between them and eyes, and reaching from level of upper margin of antennal sockets slightly more than halfway to level of anterior ocellus. Pterostigma broad and rounded beneath, rather less than three times as long as wide; marginal cell oblique, with part below stigma much narrower and distinctly longer than part beyond. Pygidial plate usually about as long as wide at base, with sides areuately converging to moderately narrow and rounded apex. Head and thorax distinctly tessellate and moderately dull; minute punctures moderately close on sides of face opposite antennae and on mesonotum. Pubescence white, moderately abundant, short and more or less erect on sides of face; sparse on clypeus and vertex; longer and denser on cheeks and underparts of thorax; and short, subdepressed, and distinctly squamiform on mesonotum. Length: 4.5-5.5 mm.; anterior wing, 3.6-3.9 mm.

Male,—Head and thorax pale yellow, becoming more or less whitish on lower face and onsides of thorax. Large dark-green quadrate mark on vertex, wider than long, extending from anterior margin of median ocellus to occiput, and with a narrow lobe on each side behind or nearly behind level of posterior ocelli to summit of eyes (dark area sometimes excavated on each side anteriorly and somewhat bowl-shaped). Small quadrate mark on disk of pronotum, meso-scutum except yellow lateral margins much broader in front, scutellum, metanotum, dorsal part of propodeum (sometimes greatly narrowed on posterior face), and circular mark on each side of posterior part of mesopectus, dark green. Yellow of face often reaching level of anterior ocellus, or level of posterior ocelli on each side. Facial f oveae conspicuously dark. Abdomen pale yellow; a narrow brownish fuscous band close to apex on tergites 1 to 5 not reaching lateral margins; band on tergite 1 usually broader than others and more or less confluent with a dark streak in median crease of basal declivity, and sometimes this streak expanded into a more or less quadrate mark at base of segment (connecting streak varying from long and slender to short and broad, with whole dark marking on tergite 1 becoming thickly anchor-shaped). Legs pale yellow, a spot at apex of hind femora, hind tibiae except beneath, and hind tarsi, fuscous. Antennae sometimes entirely yellow, or pedicel and sometimes first joint of flagellum with a fuscous dot above. Tegulae much as in female, but wings less whitened; subcosta and margins of stigma sometimes conspicuously brown.

Head broader than long; cheeks at least twice as broad as eyes, rounded behind, widest a little above middle of eyes, unarmed anteriorly but meeting undersurface of head at almost a right angle. Disk of clypeus about twice as broad as high, truncate above, lateral extensions mostly visible in frontal aspect. Subantennal plates very small. Facial foveae oval, oblique, and rather large. Mandibles tapering from thick base to acute apex and embracing about three-fourths of each other when closed. Antennae rather short; scape about twice as long as wide, first joint of flagellum much shorter and narrower than following joints, these being broader than long and nodose beneath. Flanks of pronotum not much impressed. Head and thorax delicately and minutely tessellate and shining; head impunctate, mesonotum with rather sparse minute punctures becoming remote on scutellum. Pubescence white, moderately long, erect, and coarse on vertex and mesonotum, almost squamiform on mesonotum; but face nude; hair of undersurface of head rather dense and depressed, becoming longer and erect on anterior part of occipital region. Tergite 7 narrowed to moderately narrow truncate apex. Subgenital plate somewhat longer than wide; rounded at apex, about as in michelbacheri, but much more hair on apical part of disk. Aedeagus nearly as in michelbacheri, but dorsal lobes of caulis reaching apex of superior pair of volsellae, and parameral lobes a little less dilated at apex. Length: 3.5-4.5 mm.; anterior wing, 2.6-3.1 mm.

Scientific source:
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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Agavaceae  Agave deserti @ BBSL (16)

Agave sp @ BBSL (1)
Asparagaceae  Agave deserti @ UCRC_ENT (36)

Agave @ UCREM (3)
Asteraceae  Ericameria nauseosa @ BBSL (4)

Gutierrezia microcephala @ BBSL (14)
Fabaceae  Acacia greggii @ UCRC_ENT (36)

Acacia @ UCREM (5)

Prosopis @ UCRC_ENT (1)

Updated: 2024-10-22 17:17:06 gmt
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