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Perdita adjuncta Timberlake, 1958
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

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Extracted from: TImberlake P. H., (1958). A Revisional Study of The Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part III. University of Caifornia Press Berkeley and Los Angeles 1958, Volume 14, No. 5, pp. 303-410, plates 4-15.

P. adjuncta is one of the most distinctive members of the zonalis group. The stout dilated mandibles, the elongate-oval form of the facial foveae, and whitish wings help to distinquish the female, and the male is remarkable for the slender form of the sagittae as seen in dorsal view of aedeagus.

Female.—Head and thorax dark yellowish green, with pale-yellow or creamy-white markings. Mandibles except reddish apical third, labrum, clypeus, transverse supraclypeal mark, and lateral marks yellow; usual pair of dots on clypeus and subantennal plates blackish; lateral marks abruptly narrowed at foveae and intruding between them and eyes for a short distance. Pronotum yellow, with a green band from flank to flank, covering rather less than one third of length of disk and much broader on the flanks. Abdomen pale yellow, with four even blackish bands which are produced backward along outer margins for a short distance on tergites 2 to 4; tergite 1 with a dark band across the middle of basal declivity which expands at outer ends and extends narrowly forward and backward in middle, and with the subapical yellow band broad, roundly dilated mesad on each side and narrowly interrupted medially. Legs yellow, except most of underside of front coxae which are greenish, and hind tibiae except at base and the hind tarsi, which are dilute fuscous. Antennae fuscous including pedicel, the flagellum pale yellowish brown beneath, the scape entirely pale yellow. Tegulae subhyaline, with basal margin yellow. Wings whitish hyaline, the nervures and stigma pale yellowish.

Head somewhat broader than long. Mandibles stout, dilated within, widest at the middle, without forming an inner tooth subapically. Facial foveae elongate oval, two to three times broader than space between them and eyes, and about one (half as long as space between antennal sockets and anterior ocellus. Pygidial plate slightly longer than wide at base, the sides converging nearly straight to apex, which is just wide enough to encompass a small but rather deep notch. Frons smoothly tessellate, rather shiny, and with sparse, distinct punctures, which become close in space along inner margin of foveae to about halfway toward median line. Mesonotum polished, with punctures moderately sparse for this group. Pubescence whitish, that on mesoscutum short, thin, and erect, with the prescutellar band of more appressed hair rather narrow. Length, about 5.5-6.25 mm.; anterior wing, 4-4.2 mm.

Male.—Head and thorax dark yellowish green, Mandibles except red tips, labrum, face below level of antennae, anterior end of cheeks, postorbital line to middle of eyes, and pronotum except broad green band from flank to flank bright canary yellow. Lateral marks extending to foveae and arcuately margined from there to antennal sockets, with the green slightly intruding to the antennal socket on each side. Abdomen yellow, the first tergite, except sometimes a trace of a preapical yellow band, and bands at junction of tergites 2-3 to 5-6 black; portion of band at apex of tergites 2 to 5 with a distinct anterior bulge on each side, which interrupts, or almost interrupts, the yellow band on tergite 2; base of tergite 7 also sometimes narrowly darkened. (In males from Lake County, Oregon, tergite 1 with a narrow, interrupted yellow band, and yellow band on tergite 2 bent backward at outer ends and reaching lateral margins without sublateral constrictions.) Legs bright yellow, the hind tibiae except beneath and at base, and the hind tarsi pale fuscous. Antennae narrowly brownish fuscous above, the scape entirely, pedicel, and flagellum broadly yellow beneath, the two terminal joints almost entirely brown. Tegulae and wings nearly as in female, the subcosta and margins of stigma slightly brownish.

Head slightly broader than long. Mandibles tapering, subacute, and reaching the far margin of proboscidial fossa. Facial foveae faint, about twice as long as wide. Frons minutely tessellate, moderately dull, with fine punctures nearly evenly distributed over area between ocelli and antenna! sockets. Mesonotum polished, with moderately close fine punctures. Pubescence whitish and slightly longer on the mesonotum than in the female. Caulis of aedeagus broadly oval, with the parameral lobes rather long for this group, the dorsal part nearly covering the inferior part in dorsal view, and the fused body of the sagittae unusually narrow. Length, 5-6 mm.; anterior wing, 3.8-4.1 mm.

Six females, 19 males (holotype female, allotype, and paratypes), Austin, Lander County, Nevada, Aug. 12, 1940 (R. H. Beamer, L. C. Kuitert, and L. J. Lipovsky) ; 2 males (paratypes) Abert Lake, Lake County, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1935 (Joe Schuh); and 1 female (paratype), Cedarville, Modoc County, California, July 28, 1952 (W. C. Bentinck).

Additional material from IDAHO: 1 male, Mountain Home, 3,138 feet, Elmore County, on Chrysothamnus, Sept. 1, 1952 (W. F. Barr); 1 male, 6 miles northeast of Aberdeen, 4,398 feet, Bingham County, Aug. 31, 1953 (H. D. Nealey); 1 male, 3.5 miles south of Malta, Cassia County, on Chrysothamnus, Aug. 23, 1955 (R. A. Mackie).

Types in collection of the University of Kansas and paratypes in collections of Oregon State College and the University of California at Berkeley and Riverside.

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