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Perdita proxima Timberlake, 1958
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

Perdita proxima, male, top
Smithsonian Institution, Entomology Department · 9
Perdita proxima, male, top

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Extracted from: TImberlake P. H., (1958). A Revisional Study of The Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part III. University of Caifornia Press Berkeley and Los Angeles 1958, Volume 14, No. 5, pp. 303-410, plates 4-15.

Female.—Head and thorax shining dark olive green, the light markings pale yellow, verging almost to creamy white on face and abdomen. Mandibles except tips, labrum, clypeus except usual dots, lateral marks, and sometimes a supraclypeal mark pale yellow. Lateral marks much higher than wide, more or less evenly oblique on inner margin, and extending between f oveae and margin of eyes. Supraclypeal area and subantennal plates black, the supraclypeal mark when present usually divided into two spots, or evanescent. Pronotum yellow, becoming more or less broadly black, tinged with green, on the flanks opposite the tubercles. Abdomen pale yellow, or creamy white, with four even, moderately dark fuscous bands. Legs pale yellow, the front coxae blackish, and the apical half of hind tibiae and hind tarsi often more or less tinged with brown. Flagellum of antennae brownish fuscous, becoming yellowish beneath, the pedicel beneath and the scape clear yellow. Tegulae yellow at base and nearly clear hyaline on outer margin. Wings slightly whitish hyaline, the nervures and margins of stigma yellowish testaceous.

Head somewhat broader than long. Mandibles stout, subdilated within, and more or less abruptly narrowed within close to apex without forming a distinct inner tooth. Facial foveae well impressed, more than twice as broad as space between them and margin of eye, and a little more than half as long as space between antennal sockets and anterior ocellus. Pygidial plate broad at base, generally broadly ogival at apex, with the median notch small and shallow. Frons tessellate and shining, with distinct fine punctures, but a large area on each Bide opposite the upper end of the foveae impunctate. Mesonotum polished, and the remainder of thorax almost polished except for the tessellate propodeum; punctures of mesonotum fine and remote. Pubescence sparse and whitish on head and thorax, but with the usual greater density on cheeks and sides of propodeum. Length, about 5-6 mm.; anterior wing, 3.3-3.7 mm.

Male;—Head and thorax dark blue-green. Mandibles except tips, labrum, and face below level of antennae bright yellow. Truncation of lateral marks at upper end more or less arcuately oblique, the green of frons intruding between the marks and antennal sockets. Cheeks broadly yellow at anterior end, with a narrow orbital extension to middle of eyes. Pronotum yellow, with a green band from flank to flank, the band broad on disk and more or less narrowed on the upper half of the flanks. Abdomen yellow, with five or six fuscous bands, that at junction of tergites 5-6 mainly restricted to base of tergite 6, or evanescent; yellow band on tergite 1 usually narrow and interrupted, or sometimes broken into spots, or rarely with inner ends of each half expanded and enclosing a dark spot. Legs yellow, the small joints of hind tarsi pale brownish. Antennae yellow, the pedicel and flagellum brown above. Tegulae and wings as in the female, except that apical half of subcosta and margins of stigma pale brownish.

Head rotund, about as broad as long or sometimes somewhat broader than long. Mandibles tapering, acute at apex, and hardly attaining the far margin of proboscidial fossa. Foveae small and oval. Frons strongly tessellate, rather dull, with the punctures moderately distinct and close. Mesonotum polished and remotely punctured. Subgenital plate about twice as long as wide and becoming slightly wider at the apex. Parameral lobes of caulis short and broad, with the inferior margin receding basad in a broad curve; fused part of sagittae about three times as long as wide and hardly angulate where it begins to narrow to the subacute apex. Length, 4-5 mm.; anterior wing, 2.9-3.5 mm.

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