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Perdita snellingi Timberlake, 1962
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Perdita
Subgenus: Perdita

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Extracted from: Timberlake P.H., (1962). A Revisional Study of the Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, with Special Reference to the Fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part V. University of California Publications in Entomology Editors, Volume 28, No. 1, pp. 1-124.

Female.—Head and thorax dark green; clypeus and disk of mesoscutum blackish. Mandibles yellow on basal half and red at apex. Collar of pronotum and tubercles pale yellow. Abdomen blackish; a broad, even yellow band on tergites 2 to 5 nearly covering basal half of each segment, not reaching the lateral margins, and slightly notched medially behind. Apical depression of tergite 5 and pygidium, testaceous yellow. Legs blackish; apex of front and middle femora, front tibiae, anterior side of middle tibiae, and front and middle tarsi, yellow. Antennae blackish; flagellum more brownish, becoming paler toward apex and brownish yellow beneath; scape and pedicel narrowly pale yellow beneath. Tegulae nearly clear hyaline, with a yellow base. Wings whitish hyaline, nervures and stigma pale yellowish.

Head as broad as long, clypeus rather prominent with disk somewhat broader than long. Facial f oveae elongate oval, nearly twice as wide as space between them and eyes, and reaching from slightly above level of antennal sockets nearly halfway to level of anterior ocellus. Mandibles shaped as in subfasciata but considerably broader, strongly concave within, and strongly curved on outer margin. Proboscis when folded in repose barely exceeding fossa. Ptero-stigma widest beyond middle, where it is as wide as first submarginal cell; part of marginal cell beneath stigma considerably longer than part beyond it. Pygidial plate somewhat longer than wide at base, with sides converging to moderately narrow and rounded apex. Head and thorax tessellate, but only slightly dullish, clypeus almost polished; punctures of face and mesonotum minute and moderately close, most distinct on the clypeus, but disappearing on median line of clypeus and posterior middle of mesoscutum. Pubescence white, moderately abundant on cheeks and underparts of thorax, thin and short on face, short, sparse, and erect on mesonotum. Length: about 4.5-4.8 mm.; anterior wing, 3.2-3.3 mm.

Male.—Head and thorax dark green; underside of head, anterior third to nearly half of cheeks, labrum, and face below level of antennae, bright yellow. Yellow of face ascending on frons nearly halfway to level of anterior ocellus both at sides and in middle, but the green extending downward on each side and usually reaching antennal sockets; median lobe of yellow on frons more or less narrowed anteriorly and its apex trilobed, tectiform, or broadly rounded. Collar of pronotum, narrow mark on posterior corners of disk, more or less of lower part of flanks, tubercles, a large part of prosternum, and broad T-mark on mesopectus, yellow. Antennae and legs entirely yellow. Abdomen yellow; first tergite and a rather broad preapical band on tergites 2 to 5 and a narrow band on tergite 6, brown; yellow at base of tergite 2 often enclosed. Tegulae and wings nearly as in female, but stigma more yellow, and margins of stigma and subcosta, pale brownish.

Head somewhat broader than long, sometimes subquadrate; face convex below antennae. Cheeks a little broader than eyes, and with a small conical process subanteriorly except in smaller examples. Mandibles slender except for a broad quadrate expansion on outer side at base, tapering, very acute at apex, and each nearly reaching base of other. Antennae strongly clavate, joints of flagellum mostly much broader than long. Facial foveae punctiform. Head and thorax shining, weakly tessellate, mesonotum almost polished; puncturation on frons and mesonotum extremely fine and sparse. Pubescence white and erect: longer and less coarse on mesonotum than in female, and considerably thinner except on underside of head. Tergite 7 narrowed from base to moderately wide and truncate apex. Subgenital plate a little longer than wide, well rounded at apex, and with very fine and short pubescence on apical border of disk. Aedeagus similar to that of subfasciata, but dorsal lobes of caulis not reaching beyond basal third of parameral lobes; sagittae very broad and subangulate at middle, thence tapering evenly toward apex. Length: 3-3.5 mm.; anterior wing, 2.8-2.9 mm.

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Ericameria @ UCRC_ENT (15)

Gutierrezia microcephala @ UCRC_ENT (3)

Solidago spectabilis @ BBSL (1); UCRC_ENT (4)
Polygonaceae  Eriogonum heermannii @ UCRC_ENT (4)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (48)

Updated: 2024-10-11 01:28:27 gmt
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