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Peronospora rubi
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Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Ericaceae  Vaccinium sp @ BPI (1)
Rosaceae  Rubus allegheniensis @ BPI (2)

Rubus arcticus @ BPI (1)

Rubus bellardii @ BPI (1)

Rubus canadensis @ BPI (4)

Rubus chamaemorus @ BPI (2)

Rubus flagellaris @ BPI (1)

Rubus fruticosus @ BPI (4)

Rubus hispidus @ BPI (1)

Rubus laciniatus @ BPI (1)

Rubus leucodermis @ BPI (2)

Rubus macropetalus @ BPI (2)

Rubus sp @ BPI (11)

Rubus villosus @ BPI (3)

Rubus vitifolius @ 790690A (1); BPI (1)

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Updated: 2024-07-27 02:24:58 gmt
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