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Phaeographis inusta (Ach. ) Müll. Arg.
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Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta

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Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta
Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta

Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta
Phaeographis inusta FOMA
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta FOMA

Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta
Phaeographis inusta
© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010 · 1
Phaeographis inusta

IDnature guides
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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aceraceae  Acer rubrum @ GAL (1)
Aquifoliaceae  Ilex opaca @ I_GBP (1)

Ilex vomitoria @ I_GBP (2)
Betulaceae  Betula nigra @ I_GBP (1)
Fagaceae  Quercus hemisphaerica @ GAL (1)

Quercus montana @ GAL (1)

Quercus nigra @ GAL (2)
Magnoliaceae  Liriodendron tulipifera @ GAL (1)
Myricaceae  Morella cerifera @ GAL (1)
Oleaceae  Osmanthus americanus @ GAL (1)
Rosaceae  Prunus serotina @ GAL (1)
_  bark of @ GAL (2)

maple bark @ GAL (1)

unknown hardwood @ GAL (1)

Updated: 2024-10-27 18:36:49 gmt
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