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Physarum murinum
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Physarum murinum

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Physarum murinum
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Physarum murinum
Physarum murinum
© The Eumycetozoan Project, 2006 · 0
Physarum murinum

IDnature guides
Sporocarps stalked, gregarious, up 1.5 mm total height. Sporothecae pale reddish-brown to grey or ochraceous-brown. Hypothallus inconspicuous. Stalk packed with lime. Peridium membranous, covered with rounded, brown scales, often partly remaining as a shallow basal cup on dehiscence. Capillitium forming a strong, even net with numerous small, rounded brown nodes. Spore-mass grey-brown. Spores lilac-grey, 8-10 µm diam., verruculose, the warts somewhat clustered. Plasmodium cream.

Links to other sites

  • Yamamoto,Y., Sando, H. 1996: Physarum murinum, a new record of Myxomycetes from Japan. The Myxomycetes 15: 7-8.

The Eumycetozoan Project -- working to understand the ecology, sytematics and evolution of myxomycetes, dictostelids and protostelids -- the true slime molds.

Sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation.

Please send any corrections and comments about this page to John Shadwick
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
email: jshadwi@uark.edu   phone: USA-479-575-7393.

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