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Pinus flexilis James
Life   Plantae   Gymnospermae   Pinaceae   Pinus

Pinus flexilis, whole tree - general
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, whole tree - general

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Pinus flexilis, whole tree - general
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, whole tree - general
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a large tree
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a large tree

Pinus flexilis, bark - of a small tree or small branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a small tree or small branch
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a medium tree or large branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a medium tree or large branch

Pinus flexilis, bark - of a medium tree or large branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a medium tree or large branch
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a small tree or small branch
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, bark - of a small tree or small branch

Pinus flexilis, leaf - showing orientation on twig
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, leaf - showing orientation on twig
Pinus flexilis, leaf - entire needle
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, leaf - entire needle

Pinus flexilis, leaf - entire needle
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, leaf - entire needle
Pinus flexilis, twig - after fallen needles
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, twig - after fallen needles

Pinus flexilis, twig - after fallen needles
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, twig - after fallen needles
Pinus flexilis, twig - showing attachment of needles
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, twig - showing attachment of needles

Pinus flexilis, leaf - showing orientation on twig
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, leaf - showing orientation on twig
Pinus flexilis, cone - male
© Copyright Steve Baskauf, 2002-2011 · 4
Pinus flexilis, cone - male

Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Agaricaceae  Phoma pinicola @ BPI (1)
Annulatascaceae  Ceratostomella pilifera @ BPI (1)
Aphididae  Cinara ( @ NCSU_ENT (2)
Biatorellaceae  Biatorella resinae @ 662360B (1); 662360A (1); BPI (3)

Biatorella @ BPI (1)
Braconidae  Pauesia ( @ AMNH_PBI (3)
Coleosporiaceae  Coleosporium crowellii @ BPI (5)
Coniophoraceae  Coniophora corrugis @ BPI (2)
Cronartiaceae  Cronartium ribicola @ BPI (7)

Peridermium strobi @ BPI (1)
Cucurbitariaceae  Cucurbitaria pithyophila @ BPI (1)
Davidiellaceae  Cladosporium entoxylinum @ BPI (1)
Dermateaceae  Cylindrosporium @ BPI (1)

Pezicula livida @ BPI (1)
Helicinidae  Hendersonia pinicola @ 842079B (1)
Helotiaceae  Cenangium abietis @ BPI (1)

Cenangium ferruginosum @ BPI (1)

Tympanis hypopodia @ BPI (1)

Tympanis subsphaerospora @ BPI (1)

Tympanis @ BPI (1)
Hemiphacidiaceae  Hemiphacidium planum @ BPI (3)
Hyaloscyphaceae  Dasyscyphus arida @ BPI (3)

Dasyscyphus ellisiana @ BPI (3)
Marasmiaceae  Armillaria mellea @ BPI (1)
Megachilidae  Hoplitis albifrons @ UCRC_ENT (1)
Meruliaceae  Merulius molluscus @ BPI (1)
Miridae  Deraeocoris bakeri @ AMNH_ENT (2)

Deraeocoris barberi @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Deraeocoris davisi @ AMNH_ENT (14)

Deraeocoris incertus @ AMNH_ENT (3)

Dichaetocoris piceicola @ AMNH_PBI (1); AMNH_ENT (1)

Dichrooscytus rostratus @ AMNH_PBI (5)

Dichrooscytus sp_ms_nearcticus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Knightomiroides contortae @ AMNH_PBI (4); AMNH_ENT (31)

Lopidea ute @ AMNH_ENT (9)

Orthops scutellatus @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Orthotylus candidatus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Pappus intermedius @ AMNH_PBI (4)

Pappus luridus @ AMNH_PBI (3); AMNH_ENT (120)

Pappus piceicola @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Pappus scutellatus @ AMNH_ENT (30)

Parthenicus fuscosus @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Phoenicocoris longirostris @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Phytocoris fraterculus @ AMNH_ENT (26)

Phytocoris heidemanni @ AMNH_PBI (1); AMNH_ENT (5)

Phytocoris inops @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Phytocoris stellatus @ AMNH_PBI (56); AMNH_ENT (34)

Pilophorus americanus @ AMNH_PBI (80)

Pilophorus diffusus @ AMNH_PBI (9)

Pilophorus tibialis @ AMNH_PBI (10)

Pinalitus rubrotinctus @ AMNH_ENT (3)

Pinophylus stonedahli @ AMNH_PBI (2); AMNH_IZC (1)

Psallovius piceicola @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Psallus aethiops @ AMNH_IZC (2)
Mycosphaerellaceae  Dothistroma pini @ BPI (1)
Nectriaceae  Nectria episphaeria @ BPI (1)

Ophionectria scolecospora @ BPI (1)
Nitschkiaceae  Fracchiaea @ BPI (1)
Patellariaceae  Patellaria inclusa @ BPI (1)
Peniophoraceae  Peniophora luna @ BPI (1)

Peniophora odorata @ BPI (1)
Phacidiaceae  Phacidium planum @ 669508A (1); 669508B (1); BPI (2)
Polyporaceae  Fomes pini @ BPI (3)

Fomes pinicola @ BPI (1)

Fomes roseus @ BPI (1)

Polyporus abietinus @ BPI (1)

Polyporus alboluteus @ BPI (1)

Poria callosa @ BPI (1)

Trametes variiformis @ BPI (3)
Rhytismataceae  Bifusella linearis @ 650531B (1); 650531A (1); BPI (14)

Bifusella saccata @ BPI (1)

Hypoderma lineare @ BPI (1)

Hypoderma pini @ BPI (4)

Hypoderma saccatum @ BPI (4)

Hypoderma @ BPI (1)

Hypodermella arcuata @ BPI (3)

Leptostroma pinastri @ BPI (2)

Leptostroma @ BPI (1)

Lophodermella arcuata @ BPI (2)

Lophodermella concolor @ 842079A (1)

Lophodermium pinastri @ BPI (1)

Lophodermium @ BPI (1)

Therrya pini @ BPI (2)
Stereaceae  Stereum sanguinolentum @ BPI (2)
Valsaceae  Cytospora @ BPI (1)

Valsa curreyi @ BPI (1)
Xylariaceae  Rosellinia obliquata @ BPI (1)
_  Cucurbidothis pithyophila @ BPI (2)

Diplozythia @ BPI (3)

Mycelia sterilia @ BPI (1)

Neopeckia coulteri @ BPI (5)

Scoleconectria scolecospora @ BPI (1)

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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 2 | Pinaceae | Pinus

5. Pinus flexilis E. James, Account Exped. Pittsburgh. 2: 27, 35. 1823.

Limber pine, pin blanc de l'ouest

Apinus flexilis (E.James) Rydberg

Trees to 26m; trunk to 2m diam., straight to contorted; crown conic, becoming rounded. Bark gray, nearly smooth, cross-checked in age into scaly plates and ridges. Branches spreading to ascending, often persistent to trunk base; twigs pale red-brown, puberulous (rarely glabrous), slightly resinous, aging gray, smooth. Buds ovoid, light red-brown, 0.9--1cm, resinous; lower scales ciliolate along margins. Leaves 5 per fascicle, spreading to upcurved and ascending, persisting 5--6 years, 3--7cm ´ 1--1.5mm, pliant, dark green, abaxial surface with less conspicuous stomatal bands than adaxial surfaces, adaxial surfaces with strong, pale stomatal bands, margins finely serrulate, apex conic-acute to acuminate; sheath 1--1.5(--2)cm, shed early. Pollen cones broadly ellipsoid-cylindric, ca. 15mm, pale red or yellow. Seed cones maturing in 2 years, shedding seeds and falling soon thereafter, spreading, symmetric, lance-ovoid before opening, cylindro-ovoid when open, 7--15cm, straw-colored, resinous, sessile to short-stalked, apophyses much thickened, strongly cross-keeled, umbo terminal, depressed. Seeds irregularly obovoid; body 10--15mm, brown, sometimes mottled darker, wingless or nearly so. 2 n =24.

High montane forests, often at timberline; (1000--)1500--3600m; Alta., B.C.; Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nebr., Nev., N.Mex., N.Dak., Oreg., S.Dak., Utah, Wyo.

Pinus flexilis , much branched with a strongly tapering trunk, is little utilized because of its form and relative inaccessibility. It reportedly forms intermediates with P . strobiformis where the two overlap. The fresh-cut wood has the odor of turpentine.

Updated: 2024-07-27 02:02:55 gmt
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