Pseudopanurgus helianthi Mitchell, 1960 Life Insecta Hymenoptera Apoidea Andrenidae Pseudopanurgus |
IDnature guides | Overview |
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141. | FEMALE: Length 8 mm.; black; face much longer than distance between eyes; eyes subparallel; cheeks narrower than eyes; process of labrum very broad at base, occupying nearly the full width of the labrum, strongly narrowed and narrowly rounded at apex; facial foveae shallow, not much more than two-thirds the length of scape; lateral ocelli slightly nearer margin of vertex than to each other; basal segment of flagellum about equal to segments 2 and 3 combined, these broader than long, the more apical segments somewhat longer than broad; head shining, punctures rather irregular, shallow, well separated in general, quite close between anterior ocellus and antennae where they are quite distinct, somewhat more shallow and obscure below antennae and on clypeus where they are well separated but hardly sparse, those on cheeks shallow and indefinite; pubescence of entire head and thorax erect but short and thin, pale-ochraceous; tubercles black; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings whitish, veins pale yellow, stigma somewhat brownish, 2nd recurrent vein entering 2nd submarginal cell quite near apex, the 1st removed from base by about twice this distance; legs blackish, tarsi more less yellowish; pubescence entirely pale ochraceous, including the hind tibial scopa which is composed of long, loose, quite densely plumose hairs; spurs pale yellow; dorsum of thorax shining, punctures very fine, well separated, becoming rather sparse in center posteriorly, those on scutellum somewhat closer along mid line, the metanotum with shallow but rather distinct and close punctures; pleura somewhat shining, punctures quite coarse, close anteriorly and below, becoming more sparse and shallow posteriorly; dorsal area of propodeum very narrow, narrowly short-striate, lateral and posterior faces shining; abdominal terga rather broadly impressed apically, these areas yellowish-hyaline, smooth and impunctate, discs of the terga shining, extremely minutely and rather sparsely punctate, punctures somewhat closer toward base of terga 2-4, discal pubescence hardly evident but apparently entirely pale, somewhat more conspicuous toward sides, and forming a brownish, apical fimbria on tergum 5. TYPE: Holotype: Female, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, Aug. 21, 1955 (B. E. Montgomery, on Helianthus annuus) [Purdue Univ.].
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