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Pseudopanurgus rugosus Robertson, 1895
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Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, back, Botetourt Co., VA
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Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, back, Botetourt Co., VA

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Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, face, Botetourt Co., VA
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Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, face, Botetourt Co., VA
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, left, Botetourt Co., VA
© Copyright source/photographer · 7
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f, left, Botetourt Co., VA

Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Michael Veit · 6
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Michael Veit · 6
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --

Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Michael Veit · 6
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --
Michael Veit · 6
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, f on Hel --

Pseudopanurgus rugosus, figure62d
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Pseudopanurgus rugosus, figure62d
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, figure66a
© Copyright source/photographer · 1
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, figure66a

Pseudopanurgus rugosus, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Pseudopanurgus rugosus, Barcode of Life Data Systems

IDnature guides
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE: Length 7 mm.; black; lace very slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes subparallel; cheeks subequal to eyes in width; process of labrum quadrangular, very slightly longer than broad, broadly truncate apically; facial foveae narrow and deep, diverging from eye margin above, terminated below at about level of antennae; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli somewhat less than distance between them; median segments of flagellum considerably broader than long; punctures of head rather coarse and deep, close below ocelli, somewhat more widely separated but not sparse below antennae, quite close on cheeks and on vertex laterally, vertex with a pronounced lateral tubercle above each eye; pubescence of head and thorax extremely short and obscure, hardly evident, but posterior margin of pronotum and tubercles fringed with pale, flattened, scale- like hairs; tubercles dark; tegulae yellowish hyaline; wings lightly infuscated, veins and stigma brownish to piceous, 2nd recurrent vein entering 2nd submarginal cell very close to apex, the 1st widely removed from base; legs including tarsi dark except for a small basal yellow spot on front and mid tibiae; spurs yellow; punctures of thorax extremely coarse and deep, close but distinct on scutum, almost crowded on scutellum, irregular and somewhat finer on pleura above, becoming very coarsely rugoso-punctate below; apical margins of abdominal terga distinctly depressed, rather widely so medially, but becoming narrow laterally, these areas very finely, closely and regularly punctate, somewhat reddened, discs of the terga deeply, closely and rather coarsely and regularly punctate, otherwise shining, discal pubescence extremely thin and obscure, hardly evident except on tergum 5 where a quite conspicuous, pale brownish, apical fimbria is formed.

MALE: Length 6 mm.; black; face slightly longer than distance between eyes above; eyes slightly convergent below; clypeus yellow except for the broad apical margins laterally, the lateral facial maculae rather narrow, extending up inner orbits nearly to level of antennae, where they are rather abruptly truncate; supraclypeal area, mandibles and labrum entirely black; cheeks slightly narrower than eyes; process of labrum quadrate, nearly as long as broad, truncate apically; facial foveae quite deep and distinct, extending nearly to level of antennae below; lateral ocelli separated from margin of vertex by a space about equal to distance between them; median segments of flagellum about as broad as long; punctures of head deep and coarse, quite close between antennae and ocelli, somewhat more widely separated but not sparse below antennae and on vertex laterally, vertex with a pronounced lateral tubercle above each eye, cheeks somewhat more finely punctate, the punctures well separated but not sparse; pubescence of head and thorax extremely short, thin and obscure, surface almost bare, but pronotum and tubercles with a posterior fringe of short, scale like tomentum; tubercles dark; tegulae yellowish-hyaline; wings lightly infuscated, veins and stigma more brownish, 2nd recurrent vein entering 2nd submarginal cell much nearer apex than 1st does to base; tarsi and spurs yellowish, femora piceous to black, the front tibiae yellowish-ferruginous, somewhat darkened apically and beneath, mid and hind tibiae mainly dark, somewhat reddened toward base; thoracic punctuation extremely coarse, close and -deep, almost crowded on dorsum of thorax, punctures of pleura very coarse and close above, becoming somewhat more distinctly separated but very coarse below; apical margins of abdominal terga narrowly and quite deeply depressed, these areas minutely and closely punctate, somewhat reddened, discs of the terga very deeply, closely and quite coarsely and uniformly punctate, discal pubescence extremely short, thin and obscure, hardly evident; sternum 6 with a broadly triangular median emargination; wings of sternum 7 extremely small, subtriangular apically, entirely bare; apical process of sternum 8 narrow and elongate, slightly pointed apically and bearing a short, ventral, subapical tuft of setae; gonostyli simple but rather robust, somewhat flattened, narrowly rounded apically and bearing a quite pronounced, ventral fringe of quite long setae, penis valves slender and simple, about equalling gonostyli in length.

DISTRIBUTION: Maryland to Georgia, west to Illinois, Kansas and Texas; August and September.

FLOWER RECORDS: Recorded by Robertson (1929) on Bidens aristosa, Helianthus divaricatus, H. mullis, H. tuberosus, Heliopsis helianthoides, Rudbeckia laciniata, R. triloba and Silphium perfoliatum.

Extracted from: Charles, R. (1895). Notes on bees, with Descriptions of New Species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society Vol. 22, No. 2. pp. 115-128.

Appears as Calliopsis rugosus in this excerpt.

♀- Closely resembles G. mexicanus Cr., and C. scaber Fox, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sei. ser. 2, vol. iv, 115 ; it differs from the former by its smaller size and the abdomen being bare, except the anal fimbria, which is pale, except at tip of abdomen, where it is fulvous ; second submarginal cell narrowed one-half towards marginal ; from C. scaber it differs in having the clypeus without impressed line, and in the more closely punctured dorsulum, subequal submarginal cells and less pubescent abdomen. Length 7-8 mm.
♂- This sex differs from that of C. mexicanus in its smaller size, and in being less pubescent, also in having the clypeus, a spot on each side of face, the tibias exteriorly and the basal joints of each tarsus yellow. Length 7 mm.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Asteraceae  Bidens bipinnata @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Helianthus atrorubens @ UCRC_ENT (1); AMNH_BEE (1)

Helianthus sp @ BBSL (1)

Updated: 2025-02-09 17:14:03 gmt
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