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Ptilotus obovatus (Gaudich.) F. Muell.
Silver Mulla Mulla, Silver-tails, Smoke Bush, Silver Bush, White Fox Tail, Flannel fFower, Goldfield Clover, Cotton Bush; Smoke Bush, Cotton Bush; Smoke Bush; Trichinium obovatum Gaudich; Trichinium obovatum Gaudich var obovatum; Goniotriche tomentosa Turcz; Gomotriche tomentosa orth var Turcz sensu Turczaninow, PKNS 1849; Trichinium parviflorum Lindl; Ptilotus parviflorus Lindl FMuell; Trichinium lanatum Lindl; Ptilotus lindleyi FMuell; Trichinium virgatum ACunn ex Moq; Trichinium variabile FMuell; Trichinium subviride Domin

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Amaranthaceae   Ptilotus

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Berytidae  Capyella lobulata @ UNSW_ENT (1)
Blissidae  Heinsius pallidus @ UNSW_ENT (1)
Geocoridae  Germalus humeralis @ UNSW_ENT (5)

Germalus @ UNSW_ENT (4)
Lygaeidae  Nysius vinitor @ UNSW_ENT (5)
Miridae  Jiwarli ptilotus @ AMNH_PBI (36)

Witchelinamiris sp_wa0909msp096 @ UNSW_ENT (25)
Oxycarenidae  Oxycarenus arctatus @ UNSW_ENT (1)

Oxycarenus luctuosus @ UNSW_ENT (9)
Tingidae  Caloloma sp_04 @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Inoma silveirae @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Lasiacantha ephemera @ UNSW_ENT (1)
_  Gn_ms_naranjakotta sp_ms_keraudrenia @ UNSW_ENT (1)

Updated: 2024-10-25 14:13:35 gmt
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