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Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.
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Quercus douglasii
© Copyright New York Botanical Garden, 2013 · -7
Quercus douglasii

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FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Aphididae  Euceraphis punctipennis @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Myzocallis @ AMNH_PBI (3)

Neosymydobius agrifoliae @ CSCA_TCN (3)

Stegophylla essigi @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Stegophylla quercicola @ CSCA_TCN (1)

Thelaxes californica @ CSCA_TCN (3)

Tuberculatus ( @ CSCA_TCN (10)

Tuberculatus @ CSCA_TCN (4)
Asterolecaniidae  Asterodiaspis minor @ CSCA_TCN (2)
Botryosphaeriaceae  Phyllosticta livida @ BPI (6)
Cronartiaceae  Cronartium californicum @ BPI (8)

Cronartium cerebrum @ BPI (3)

Cronartium conigenum @ BPI (2)

Cronartium fusiforme @ BPI (2)

Cronartium meineckii @ BPI (10)

Cronartium pyriforme @ BPI (1)

Cronartium strobilinum @ BPI (14)
Diaspididae  Quernaspis quercus @ CSCA_TCN (5)
Didymosphaeriaceae  Asteromella livida @ BPI (1)
Eriococcidae  Eriococcus quercus @ CSCA_TCN (1)
Kermesidae  Allokermes galliformis @ CSCA_TCN (2)

Kermes cockerelli @ CSCA_TCN (2)

Kermes rimarum @ CSCA_TCN (4)
Margarodidae  Kuwania quercus @ CSCA_TCN (21)
Miridae  Ceratopsallus aquilonius @ AMNH_PBI (19)

Ceratopsallus pantherinus @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Crassomiris anaticula @ AMNH_PBI (13)

Crassomiris fatisco @ AMNH_PBI (61)

Dacerla alata @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Irbisia solani @ AMNH_PBI (1)

Oligotylus carneatus @ AMNH_PBI (2)

Orthotylus n @ AMNH_PBI (5)

Phytocoris fuscosignatus @ AMNH_PBI (4)

Plagiognathus verticalis @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Pseudatomoscelis seriatus @ AMNH_ENT (1)

Pygovepres vaccinicola @ AMNH_PBI (631)

Quernocoris caliginosus @ AMNH_PBI (14)

Rubellomiris mariposa @ AMNH_PBI (5)

Tuxedo bicinctus @ AMNH_PBI (6)

Tuxedo susansolomonae @ AMNH_PBI (1)
Mymaridae  Alaptus @ UCRC_ENT (2)
Polyporaceae  Polyporus rheades @ BPI (1)
Taphrinaceae  Taphrina caerulescens @ BPI (2)

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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 3 | Fagaceae | Quercus

63. Quercus douglasii Hooker & Arnott, Bot. Beechey Voy. 9: 391. 1840.

Blue oak

Quercus douglasii var. ransomii (Kellogg) Beissner; Q . ransomii Kellogg

Trees , deciduous, with single trunks, sometimes with few to several trunks. Bark gray, scaly. Twigs reddish or yellowish, ca. 2 mm, densely or sparsely puberulent, occasionally glabrate with age. Buds reddish brown, rarely yellowish, broadly ovoid to rarely subglobose, (2-)3-5 mm; scales glabrous except for ciliate margins, sometimes sparsely or densely pubescent. Leaves: petiole blue-green, 2-6 mm. Leaf blade obovate or elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate, (20-)40-60(-80) × (15-)20-30(-40) mm, base rounded-attenuate or rounded, rarely cuneate, margins shallowly lobed or irregularly toothed, sometimes entire, lobes mucronate or rounded, secondary veins 6-10 on each side, apex rounded, rarely moderately acute; surfaces abaxially light green or blue-green, waxy, with scattered to crowded, semi-erect, (2-)4-6(-8)-rayed stellate hairs usually 0.2-0.6 mm diam. or larger, adaxially blue-green, glaucous or grayish, vestiture similar to abaxial surface. Acorns subsessile, solitary; cup hemispheric or cup-shaped, rarely deeper, 5-10 mm deep × 10-15 mm wide, enclosing only base of nut, scales thin and not tuberculate to strongly and irregularly tuberculate, particularly toward base of cup; nut thin-walled, fusiform or subcylindric, 20-30 × 10-16 mm. Cotyledons distinct. 2 n = 24.

Flowering late winter-spring. Oak woodlands, margins of chaparral and grasslands; 0-1200 m; Calif.

Populations of Quercus douglasii in coastal southern California and on the Channel Islands consist of small stands or solitary individuals often associated with Q . lobata and scrub oaks. Some doubt exists as to whether some or all of those populations are natural stands or are historical introductions near Native American settlements. Along the canyons of Santa Barbara County, putative hybrids between Q . douglasii and Q . dumosa are referred to Q . × kinselae (C. H. Muller) Nixon. In the interior Coast Ranges of California are found numerous populations that are intermediate in form between Q . douglasii and Q . john-tuckeri (= Q . turbinella var. californica ). This appears to be an area of secondary contact, and the two species remain distinct in nearby populations. Because of the widespread nature of the intermediates, following Tucker's extensive studies they can be conveniently referred to as the nothospecies Q . × alvordiana Eastwood. The plants tend to be shrubs to small trees, with somewhat more spinose leaves than Q . douglasii and fruit similar to those of the latter species.

Updated: 2024-07-27 02:23:32 gmt
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