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Sida spinosa L.
Prickly fanpetals

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae   Malvaceae   Sida

  • Associates
  • Missouri Botanical Garden

  • We parsed the following live from the Web into this page. Such content is managed by its original site and not cached on Discover Life. Please send feedback and corrections directly to the source. See original regarding copyrights and terms of use.
  • Delaware Wildflowers

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Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa
Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa

Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa
Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa

Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa
Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa

Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa
Sida spinosa
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Sida spinosa

Sida spinosa, leaf and flower
© George Yatskievych, 2003 · 1
Sida spinosa, leaf and flower
Sida spinosa, Prickly Mallow
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 1
Sida spinosa, Prickly Mallow

Associates · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Botryosphaeriaceae  Phyllosticta spinosae @ BPI (1)

Sphaeropsis malorum @ BPI (1)
Diaporthaceae  Phomopsis @ BPI (1)
Glomerellaceae  Colletotrichum malvarum @ BPI (1)
Miridae  Lygus lineolaris @ MEMU_ENT (5)
Mycosphaerellaceae  Cercospora densissima @ BPI (1)

Ramularia sidae @ BPI (1)

Ramularia sidarum @ BPI (2)
Oxycarenidae  Oxycarenus luctuosus @ UNSW_ENT (35)
Psathyrellaceae  Ozonium omnivorum @ BPI (3)
Pucciniaceae  Puccinia heterospora @ BPI (56)

Puccinia malvacearum @ BPI (2)
Rhopalidae  Arhyssus lateralis @ MEMU_ENT (2)
Tingidae  Urentius sarinae @ UNSW_ENT (3)
Turritellidae  Vermicularia platyspora @ BPI (1)

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&pull 20q v5.145 20180528: Error 500 Can't locate object method "new" via package "LWP::Protocol::https::Socket" https://delawarewildflowers.org/plant.php?id=1863

Updated: 2024-07-27 01:33:04 gmt
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