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Sphyrna zygaena (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common Hammerhead Shark; Hammerheaded Shark; Smooth Hammerhead Shark; Cestracion zygaena Linnaeus, 1758; Zygaena zygaena Linnaeus, 1758; Sphyraena lewini Griffith, 1834; Squalus zygaena Linnaeus, 1758

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Sphyrna zygaena
© Copyright Ross Robertson, 2006 · 12
Sphyrna zygaena

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Sphyrna zygaena
© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002 · 0
Sphyrna zygaena
Sphyrna zygaena
© Copyright Doug Perrine, 2006 · 0
Sphyrna zygaena

Sphyrna zygaena
© Copyright Photographer/SFTEP, 2002 · 0
Sphyrna zygaena

Main identification features
  • hammer: wide, center convex, no notch
  • 1st dorsal fin large, straight
A large hammerhead shark with broad, narrow-blade lateral extensions on the head; width of hammer 26-29% of total length; front margin of head broadly convex, with prominent side indentations, but no central indentation; first dorsal fin moderately large and erect, its rear margin concave; anal fin slightly larger than second dorsal fin, its rear margin prominently notched; origin of second dorsal fin slightly behind origin of anal fin.

Dark olive to dark grey-brown on back and sides, white below; undersides of pectoral fin tips dusky.

Grows to about 500 cm; size at birth 50-61cm.

A coastal-pelagic and semi-oceanic hammerhead often sighted near the surface.

Depth: 0-200 m.

Circumglobal in tropical and temperate seas; in the eastern Pacific from California to Ecuador and the Revillagigedos, Galapagos and Malpelo. Most common in cooler temperate waters.

Abundance: Common.
Cites: Not listed.
Climate Zone: North Temperate (Californian Province &/or Northern Gulf of California); Northern Subtropical (Cortez Province + Sinaloan Gap); Northern Tropical (Mexican Province to Nicaragua + Revillagigedos); Equatorial (Costa Rica to Ecuador + Galapagos, Clipperton, Cocos, Malpelo); South Temperate (Peruvian Province ).
Depth Range Max: 200 m.
Depth Range Min: 0 m.
Diet: sharks/rays; bony fishes; octopus/squid/cuttlefish; mobile benthic crustacea (shrimps/crabs).
Eastern Pacific Range: Northern limit=33; Southern limit=-9; Western limit=-118; Eastern limit=-78; Latitudinal range=42; Longitudinal range=40.
Egg Type: Live birth; No pelagic larva.
Feeding Group: Carnivore.
FishBase Habitat: Bentho-Pelagic.
Global Endemism: Circumtropical ( Indian + Pacific + Atlantic Oceans); East Pacific + Atlantic (East +/or West); Transisthmian (East Pacific + Atlantic of Central America); East Pacific + all Atlantic (East+West); All Pacific (West + Central + East); TEP non-endemic; "Transpacific" (East + Central &/or West Pacific); All species.
Habitat: Water column.
Inshore Offshore: Inshore; Offshore; In & Offshore.
IUCN Red List: Near threatened; Listed.
Length Max: 500 cm.
Regional Endemism: Island (s); Continent; Continent + Island (s); Eastern Pacific non-endemic; Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) non-endemic; All species.
Residency: Resident.
Salinity: Marine; Marine Only.
Water Column Position: Mid Water; Near Bottom; Water column only;

Scientific source:

Links to other sites

  • Bellido-Millán, J.M. and Villavicencio-Garayzar, C.J., 2002., Pesqueria artesanal de tiburon en la region central del Golfo de California. En: Lozano-Vilano, M. L. (Ed.). Libro Jubilar en Honor al Dr. Salvador Contreras Balderas., Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León:143-152.
  • Béarez, P., 1996., Lista de los Peces Marinos del Ecuador Continental., Revista de Biologia Tropical, 44:731-741.
  • Castro-Aguirre, J.L. and Balart, E.F., 2002., La ictiofauna de las islas Revillagigedos y sus relaciones zoogeograficas, con comentarios acerca de su origen y evolucion. En: Lozano-Vilano, M. L. (Ed.). Libro Jubilar en Honor al Dr. Salvador Contreras Balderas., Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León:153-170.
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  • Eschmeyer , W. N. , Herald , E. S. and Hamman, H., 1983., A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. Peterson Field Guide Ser. 28., Houghton Mifflin:336pp.
  • Findley, L.T., Hendrickx, M.E., Brusca, R.C., van der Heiden, A.M., Hastings, P.A., Torre, J., 2003., Diversidad de la Macrofauna Marina del Golfo de California, Mexico., CD-ROM versión 1.0. Projecto de la Macrofauna del Golfo .  Derechos reservados de los autores y Conservación Internacional.
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  • Galván-Magaña, F., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, F., Abitia-Cárdenas, L.A., Rodríguez-Romero, J., 2000., The distribution and affinities of the shore fishes of the Baja California Sur lagoons. In Aquatic Ecosystems of Mexico: Status and Scope. Eds. M. Manuwar, S.G. Lawrence, I.F. Manuwar & D.F. Malley. Ecovision World Monograph Series., Backhuys Publishers:383-398.
  • Hildebrand, S.F., 1946., A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru., Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 189:1-530.
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  • Starks, E. C., 1906., On a Collection of fishes made by P. O. Simons in Ecuador and Peru., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 30:761-800.
  • Van der Heiden , A. M. and Findley, L. T., 1988., Lista de los peces marinos del sur de Sinaloa, México., Anales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia de la Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico, 15:209-224.
  • Villavicencio Garayzar , C. J. , Mariano Meléndez , E. and Downton Hoffmann, C., 1997., Tiburones capturados comercialmente en la Bahía de La Paz, B.C.S.. En Urbán Ramírez, J. y M. Ramírez Rodríguez (Eds.). La Bahía de La Paz investigación y conservación., Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur:201-236.


I thank Ashley MacDonald and John Pickering, University of Georgia, for technical support in building this page.

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