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Svastra petulca Cresson, 1878
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Svastra petulca, f on Helenium --
Michael Veit · 6
Svastra petulca, f on Helenium --

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Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Michael Veit · 6
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Michael Veit · 6
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --

Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Michael Veit · 6
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --
Michael Veit · 6
Svastra petulca, m on Helenium --

Svastra petulca, M, back, North Carolina, Wake County
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Svastra petulca, M, back, North Carolina, Wake County
Svastra petulca, M, face, North Carolina, Wake County
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Svastra petulca, M, face, North Carolina, Wake County

Svastra petulca, M, side, North Carolina, Wake County
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Svastra petulca, M, side, North Carolina, Wake County
Svastra petulca, back
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Svastra petulca, back

Svastra petulca, front
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Svastra petulca, front
Svastra petulca, right
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Svastra petulca, right

Svastra petulca, female, abvestiture text
© USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan Utah · 1
Svastra petulca, female, abvestiture text
Svastra petulca, female, vertex
© USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan Utah · 1
Svastra petulca, female, vertex

Svastra petulca, male, abvestiture text
© USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan Utah · 1
Svastra petulca, male, abvestiture text

IDnature guide
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1962 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 152.

FEMALE: Length 12.5-14.5 mm., breadth abdomen 5-5.5 mm.; black, labrum yellow, mandibles somewhat yellowish toward base but dark over apical two-thirds, with an elongate orange maculation extending over apical half; segments of flagellum beyond the 2nd brownish-piceous beneath, black above, basal segments darker; tarsal segments of legs becoming testaceous, and spurs testaceous; tegulae testaceous posteriorly, with a covering of dark, dense pubescence over anterior half; wings hyaline basally, becoming very faintly clouded apically, veins brownish to piceous; apical margin of basal abdominal tergum narrowly yellow; median length of clypeus about half the distance between eyes below; eyes very slightly convergent below; basal segment of flagellum fully twice as long as shorter side of segment 2, the latter very slightly shorter than the apical width; clypeus rather dull, punctures deep, close and rather coarse, labrum somewhat more shining, punctures deeper, subcontiguous and more distinct; face shining between ocelli and antennae, punctures exceedingly minute and barely evident; scutum and scutellum with deep, distinct, close and moderately coarse punctures, those on pleura considerably coarser and somewhat more widely separated; propodeum rather dull and tessellate posteriorly, becoming somewhat more shining below, punctures rather coarse and distinct, slightly separated, dorsal face more densely rugoso-punctate, lateral faces becoming smooth and shining anteriorly and below, the punctures obsolescent; basal abdominal tergum rather closely and coarsely punctate across basal half, the punctures becoming quite sparse and obscure toward the shining, impunctate, apical half, lateral areas more fully punctate; terga 2 and 3 with only exceedingly minute, scattered punctures over apical half, these barely visible, basal areas more closely and deeply but still rather obscurely punctate; tergum 4 finely rugose across basal half; pygidium triangular, narrowly rounded at apex; pubescence of head entirely pale, more ochraceous on vertex, whitish on face and cheeks; scutellum and posterior two-thirds of scutum with dense fuscous pubescence, the scutello-mesothoracic suture with a dense, pale ochraceous fascia, thorax otherwise ochraceous pubescent, becoming somewhat more whitish below and posteriorly; legs entirely pale pubescent, yellowish in large part, the scopa pale yellowish, hairs quite densely plumose; basal half and lateral margins of basal abdominal tergum quite copiously ochraceous pubescent; tergum 2 with a basal, transverse, pale ochraceous fascia, and apical halves of terga 2-4 completely covered with quite dense, appressed, whitish tomentum to the rims, basal half of each with very short, subappressed, fuscous pubescence, becoming suberect laterally, 4 with numerous erect fuscous hairs which overly in part the apical white tomentose area; tergum 5 with dense fuscous to blackish tomentum basally, this forming a quite dense apical fimbria which is dark medially, becoming more or less pale laterally.

MALE: Length 11-13 mm., breadth of abdomen 4-5 mm.; black, entire clypeus, labrum and base of mandibles bright yellow, mandibles darker apically but with a subapical, more orange maculation; flagellum brownish-testaceous beneath, more piceous above (paler in some specimens) ; tegulae yellowish-hyaline posteriorly, anterior half densely pale pubescent; wings subhyaline, very faintly clouded apically, veins brownish-testaceous; apical tarsal segments becoming testaceous; spurs pale yellow; apical margins of abdominal terga more or less yellowish-hyaline; median length of clypeus considerably more than half the distance between eyes below, about half the distance between eyes above, the eyes thus somewhat convergent below; segment 2 of flagellum nearly three times the shorter side segment 1; punctures of clypeus fine, well separated and distinct; labrum much more closely and deeply punctate; face above clypeus quite closely and deeply punctate, vertex becoming smooth and shining with barely perceptible, minute punctures; punctures of scutum, scutellum and pleura deep and distinct, rather coarse, quite well separated in center of disc of scutum posteriorly, somewhat finer and closer on scutellum, rather close, coarse, deep and distinct on pleura; propodeum posteriorly dull and tessellate, punctures shallow but rather coarse, dorsal face becoming rather coarsely rugoso-punctate laterally, lateral faces narrowly shining anteriorly and below, punctures otherwise quite coarse and close; basal abdominal tergum quite deeply and distinctly punctate over anterior half, the punctures well separated medially, becoming quite close laterally, median apical area impunctate; basal areas of terga 2-4 with fine, close, rather distinct punctures, the broad apical area with only exceedingly minute, hardly evident punctures; tergum 5 finely and densely rugose across base, slightly angulate at each extreme side; tergum 6 with robust, lateral, triangular spines; pubescence entirely pale on head, somewhat tinged with yellow on vertex, otherwise white; scutellum and posterior half of scutum with dense, rather copious and erect, fuscous to brownish pubescence, the scutello-mesothoracic suture quite densely pale tomentose, pubescence of thorax otherwise pale ochraceous, that along anterior face of mesopleura becoming densely appressed and quite strongly yellowish; pubescence of legs largely whitish; basal abdominal tergum with copious, long and erect, pale ochraceous pubescence, this lacking over the apical third medially; tergum 2 with a transverse, basal, whitish fascia that is largely covered by the preceding tergum, and terga 2 and 3 largely covered over apical half with appressed whitish pubescence that nearly reaches the apical rims; terga 4 and 5 with transverse, whitish fasciae that are subapical but usually complete, basal areas of these discs largely covered with short, subappressed, dark pubescence and with numerous, more or less erect, longer hairs, these pale in part; median length of pygidial plate slightly less than basal width, rather strongly narrowed apically, slightly incurved on each side toward the broadly rounded apex, but not notched; sternum 7 as shown (fig. 80); sternum 8 and genital armature similar to those in aegis (fig. 79).

DISTRIBUTION: Texas to Kansas, east to Florida and New Jersey, April to September.

FLOWER RECORDS: LaBerge (1956) lists the following: Borrichia, Coreopsis, Gaillardia, Gossypium, Helenium, Helianthus, Lepachys, Lithospermum, Monarda, Pycnanthemum, Pyrrhopappus, Ratibida, Rudbeckia and Verbesina.

Extracted from: Charles, R. (1895). Notes on bees, with Descriptions of New Species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society Vol. 22, No. 2. pp. 115-128.

Appears Melissodes illinoensis in this excerpt.

♀- Black; clypeus finely roughened, closely punctured with rather coarse, shallow punctures, except a median elevated line, apex ferruginous ; labrum yellow, with dense pale pubescence ; mandibles honey yellow in the middle, with a yellow streak at apex ; antenna? black, tip of scape and second joint ferruginous, third joint black, a little longer than next two together; remaining joints ferruginous, darker above; vertex shining, naked and feebly punctured ; sides of face and cheeks beneath with white pubescence, occiput above with ochraceous pubescence; mesonotum and scutellum closely punctured, hardly shining, pubescence rather short and ochraceous, except on the disc and edge of scutellum, where it is fuscous. Wings hyaline, nervures and tegula? testaceous ; submarginal cells of about equal length, third narrowed one-half above. half above. Legs blackish, the pubescence ochraceous, apical joints of tarsi ferruginous, scopa whitish. Abdomen opaque, first segment with ochraceous pubescence at base and on sides, apex rather broadly pale testaceous, basal margin of second with a narrow fascia of appressed ochraceous pubescence, broad apical margins of segments 2-4 with dense, appressed, white fasciae, pubescence of fifth and sixth segments black or fuscous, beneath the abdomen has dense, ochraceous pubescence. Length 12 mm.

♂- Resembles the female, the pubescence being longer and thinner, tegulae and nervures sometimes darker, segments 2-4 of abdomen with margins sometimes more evidently testaceous, fascia at base of second segment white, fifth segment also with a white fascia, and sixth with pubescence sometimes black, sometimes pale ; clypeus, labrum and mandibles at base pale yellow, the latter at apex with an orange-yellow streak ; third joint of antennae as long, or twice as long, as
second, fourth longest of all, flagellum fulvous beneath, apex of tibiae and the tarsi ferruginous, or sometimes the knees and the tibias and tarsi entirely ferruginous. Length 11-12 mm.

Extracted from: Melissodes suffusa Cockerell (1934) Am. Mus. Novitates 697, p. 10

Appears as Melissodes suffusa in this excerpt.

Female. – A peculiar variety, with the margin of first tergite broadly hyaline, and the following tergites with the tegument red under the broad bands, the red part of second and third tergites in middle being much broader than the black base; mesothorax with rich fulvous hair, and almost no dark, but much dark brown hair on scutellum; vertex with bright fulvous hair, but face and cheeks with white; labrum dusky red, with a tuft of red hair at apex; flagellum red beneath. The general appearance of the abdomen is that it is black as far as middle of second tergite, and pale red beyond, with the bases of tergites blackish.

Extracted from: Melissodes petulca Cressok 1878 Proc. Ac. Sci. Phil. p. 202

Appears as Melissodes petulca in this excerpt.

Female. – Black; head clothed with short dense cinereous pubescence, that on occiput fulvous; clypeus finely punctured; mandibles with a pale spot near base; flagellum dull testaceous beneath; thorax clothed with a short dense ochraceous pubescence, more or less tinged with fulvous above, that on disk of mesothorax and scutellum black; tegulae dull testaceous; wings sub hyaline, tinged with yellowish, nervures pale fuscous, second submarginal cell nearly as long as first, the third broadly rounded at tip and narrowed one-half towards marginal; legs clothed with ochraceous or pale fulvous pubescence, long and dense on posterior tibiae and tarsi, tips of tarsi ferruginous; base and sides of first segment of abdomen and sides of apical segments clothed with ochraceous pubescence, broad apical margin of segments 2-4 and base of second narrowly, densely clothed with a short appressed cinereous pile; apical margin of first segment narrowly testaceous; ventral segments fringed with yellow or ochraceous pubescence. Length .50 inch.

Hab. Georgia (Morrison)

Extracted from: Melissodes towsonii Cockerell (1896) Entomologist, p. 305

Appears as Melissodes towsonii in this excerpt.

Male .-- Length about 15 mm., stoutly built, black, covered all over short yellowish-fulvous pubescence, which becomes white on the face and lower parts of cheeks and pleura. Head broader than long, inner orbital margins nearly parallel, face not very much broader than the width of an eye, vertex relatively narrow, very little broader than pubescence of face and occiput dense but rather short; clypeus,

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