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Tetraloniella lippiae (Cockerell, 1904)
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Tetraloniella lippiae, Jillian H. Cowles
Jillian H. Cowles · 6
Tetraloniella lippiae, Jillian H. Cowles

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Tetraloniella lippiae, Lippis Longhorn
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 5
Tetraloniella lippiae, Lippis Longhorn
Tetraloniella lippiae, Jillian H. Cowles1
Jillian H. Cowles · 1
Tetraloniella lippiae, Jillian H. Cowles1

Tetraloniella lippiae
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 0
Tetraloniella lippiae
Tetraloniella lippiae
© Copyright John Ascher, 2006-2014 · 0
Tetraloniella lippiae

Tetraloniella lippiae (Cockerell), new combination

Extracted from Wallace E. LaBerge. 2001. Revision of the Bees of the Genus Tetraloniella in the New World (Hymenoptera: pidae). Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 36(3);67-162

Synhalonia crenulaticornis subsp. lippiae Cockerell, 1904, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 14:25. Synhalonia lippiae Cockerell, l905, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 16:224. Tetralonia lippiae Cockerell, 1906, Tr. American Ent. Soc., 32:84, 97 (new combination). Xenoglossodes lippiae Cockerell, l906, Tr. American Ent. Soc., 32:310; 1910, Univ. Colorado Studies, 7:195. Synhalonia lippiae semilippiae Cockerell, 1905, Pr. Biol. Soc., Washington, 18:179; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, 16:224 (new synonymy). Tetralonia lippiae Cockerell, 1906, Tr. American Ent. Soc., 32:86 (new combination).

This is a moderate-sized, brightly banded species from the Southwest. The female of lippiae can be easily separated from that of spissa by the subapical pale bands of terga 2 and 3 (apical in spissa). Terga 2 and 3 of the female of lippiae have distinct white pubescent bands basally, whereas terga 4 and 5 do not. Tergum 5 has patches of white hair laterally. The apical pale band of tergum 2 is broadly interrupted medially in both sexes of lippiae. The male has long black antennae, the flagella of which are distinctly flattened from side to side and crenulate especially in the apical half. Both sexes of lippiae have 5- segmented maxillary palpi and the female has highly plumose scopal hairs as in spissa.

FEMALE. Measurements and Ratios.- N = 20; length, 12–15 mm; width, 4–5 mm; wing length, M = 3.33±0.146 mm; hooks in hamulus, M = 10.70±0.154; flagellar segment 1/2, M = 1.78±0.025.

FEMALE. Measurements and Ratios.- N = 20; length, 12–15 mm; width, 4–5 mm; wing length, M = 3.33±0.146 mm; hooks in hamulus, M = 10.70±0.154; flagellar segment 1/2, M = 1.78±0.025.

Structure.- Clypeus moderately bowed; oculoclypeal minimal distance slightly more than half narrowest width first flagellar segment, with punctures coarse, regular, separated by half a puncture width or less, surface dull, coarsely shagreened. Supraclypeal area with scattered small punctures, surface tessellate. Face above antennal fossae densely punctate, surface shiny especially near ocelli. Genal area densely punctate, surface shiny, with sparse minute punctures bearing short erect hairs; maxillary palpal segments 5, ratio of about 0.8:1.0:0.8:0.4:0.6. Flagellar segment 2 slightly longer than broad, about as long as segment 3, all segments longer than broad. Mesoscutum with punctures deep, separated by half a puncture width or less anteriorly and peripherally, sparser posteriorly, surface shiny, not at all or weakly shagreened. Propodeum with dorsal surface densely punctate, posterior surface largely impunctate, shiny to dull, usually finely shagreened. Mesepisternum sculptured as mesoscutum but punctures slightly shallower. Metasomal tergum 1 with basal area punctures small, crowded laterally, separated by one puncture width in median third; apical area impunctate except at extreme sides and in a small median area where basal area punctures extend into apical area, surface dulled by fine shagreening. Tergum 2 with basal area punctures small, separated by half to one puncture width, sparser medially; apical area, except narrow apical margin with small dense punctures. Terga 3 and 4 with sculpturing not usually visible because of dense vestiture but generally similar to tergum 2. Pygidial plate broadly V-shaped, almost as broad at extreme base as median length (about as 4:5), apex rounded.

Vestiture.- White except as follows: vertex and dorsum of thorax usually pale ochraceous, occasionally darker and rarely mesoscutum and scutellum with reddish brown hairs medially. Metasomal tergum 1 with basal hair pale, apical area with minute, closely appressed, dark brown hairs in punctate areas. Tergum 2 with basal white pubescent band, apical area with white band broadly interrupted medially by one-third or more width of tergum, interband zone and area apical to distal interrupted band with short erect to appressed black or dark brown hairs. Tergum 3 similar but basal and apical bands almost fused, and apical band completely or only narrowly interrupted medially. Tergum 4 with dark brown hairs basally, apical white pubes cent band broad, complete, separated from apical margin by narrow zone of short dark hairs at least medially. Terga 5 and 6 with dark brown to black hairs except white patches laterally on tergum 5. Sternal hairs normal, white to yellow. Tarsi with inner surface hairs yellow. Scopal hairs highly plumose.

MALE. Measurements and Ratios.- N = 20; length, 9–12 mm; width, 3–4 mm; wing length, M = 3.21±0.111 mm; hooks in hamulus, M = 10.55±0.153; flagellar segments 2/1, M = 8.49±0.185.

Integumental Color.- Head black except as follows: mandible often red apically; clypeus yellow except posteriorly, yellow macula often triangular in outline; labrum white with black margin; antennae entirely black. Integument of mesosoma and metasomal as in female.

Structure.- Head with sculpturing as in female; maxillary palpal segments 5, rarely 6, ratio about as 0.8:1.0:0.9:0.3:0.6; antennae long, reaching middle of tergum 1 in repose; first flagellar segment extremely short, minimum length equals one-eighth to one-ninth of maximum length of second segment, segments distinctly flattened from side to side and strongly crenulate in last several segments. Sculpturing of thorax similar to that of female but mesepisternum often opaque, dulled by shagreening. Metasomal terga sculptured as in female except as follows: tergum 1 with apical area punctate except in narrow apical rim; terga 2–5 with punctures small, dense except in impunctate narrow apical rims. Pygidial plate longer than broad, narrower at apex, without subapical lateral notches. Tergum 7 with lateral arm of postgradulus weak, not toothed. Terminalia (Figs. 15–19) similar to those of T. spissa (Figs. 10–14). Sternum 6 (last exposed sternum, Fig. 15) with apical margin on either side of apex undulant, forming a subapical (if attachment point is considered apical) depression; apical margin and subapical carinae similar to those of T. spissa. Sternum 8 similar to that of spissa but median knob weak and almost apical and apical margin strongly indented medially. Genital capsule and gonocoxite as in Figs. 18 and 19.

Vestiture.- White except as follows: dorsum of thorax often pale ochraceous; inner surfaces tarsi yellow to red; terga with dark brown hairs and white banding. Terga 1–3 as in female terga but tergum 1 with short, appressed brown hairs across entire apical area except impunctate apical rim; tergum 2 with apical distal white pubescent band interrupted medially by one-fourth to threefifths width of tergum or slightly more. Terga 4–7 as in terga 4–6 of female but tergum 5 similar to 4 and tergum 6 often entirely dark brown (occasionally with small lateral white patches).

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Malvaceae  Sphaeralcea sp @ BBSL (8)

Sphaeralcea @ AMNH_BEE (13); I_JSA (3)
_  Withheld @ BBSL (1); BBSL__CAVE (1)

Updated: 2024-10-03 21:12:25 gmt
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