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Planer tree; Elm; Hackberries

Life   Plantae   Dicotyledoneae

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Trema micrantha, flowers
© Tomas Pickering and Graham Wyatt, 2006 · 9
Trema micrantha, flowers
Celtis schippii, leaf bottom
© Tomas Pickering and Graham Wyatt, 2006 · 9
Celtis schippii, leaf bottom

Trema micrantha, leaf bottom stem
© Tomas Pickering and Graham Wyatt, 2006 · 8
Trema micrantha, leaf bottom stem
Celtis schippii, leaf bottom stem
© Tomas Pickering and Graham Wyatt, 2006 · 8
Celtis schippii, leaf bottom stem

Ulmus rubra, Slippery Elm
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 8
Ulmus rubra, Slippery Elm
Ulmus americana, American Elm
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 8
Ulmus americana, American Elm

Celtis occidentalis, Hackberry bark
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 8
Celtis occidentalis, Hackberry bark
Ulmus americana, American Elm
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 7
Ulmus americana, American Elm

Celtis occidentalis, Hackberry leaves
© Copyright Sheryl Pollock 2011 · 7
Celtis occidentalis, Hackberry leaves
Celtis occidentalis
© Graham Wyatt, 2009-2010 · 6
Celtis occidentalis

Ulmus americana
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Ulmus americana
Ulmus parvifolia
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Ulmus parvifolia

Ulmus parvifolia
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Ulmus parvifolia
Ulmus parvifolia
© Copyright Bobby Hattaway 2011 · 5
Ulmus parvifolia

07.Ulmus leaf_upper.320.jpg
© Photographer/source
Ulmus leaf upper
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Following modified from University of Hawaii
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Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.

Celtis sinensis , Japanese hackberry. In the first photo Celtis is in the right foreground.  In the second photo, note male flowers on left and perfect terminal flower on right.

Ulmus pro cera , English elm.  The elm is in the left background in the first photo. The second photo shows developing fruits (samaras) .
Ulmus americana , American elm lining the streets of Milwaukee (1969).
Trema orientalis , charcoal tree, gun powder tree. Top right, shoot of female tree; bottom left, male flowers; bottom right, female flowers.

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Updated: 2024-07-27 02:22:55 gmt
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