How Our Site Works(centered and bold) We have tools to study natural history and track the impact of climate change, invasive species, and other large-scale ecological factors. We are building a network of study sites across North America. It's exciting to participate in our research projects and help us collect high quality data. We hope you will join us. About(bold) Everyone can benefit in some way from a partnership with Discover Life. With our powerful integrated web tools, you can: Keep a life list - store your photographic (or video/audio) records of natural history. It's your own electronic nature journal - this is a service somewhat like Flickr or Picasa web albums, but linked to species information, map data and more. You can keep thousands of photographs and other data on our site for free, and store associated information as well. To see examples of stored photographs, click here. Map species you find - every time you enter locality data to one of your photo records, it will instantly map as a point on the Global Mapper. This works similarly to Google Earth, but our mapper is capable of mapping many more points, each of them attached to an individual record of species occurrence. Contact information Outreach, education, albums, and general information Nancy Lowe(link to nancy's cv) -- email: -- telephone: USA-404-272-4526 Mailing adddress John Pickering(link to pick's cv) 517 Biological Science Building University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2602, USA