How to Print Labels

Discover Life | All Living Things | IDnature guides | Insect Diversity Project | Labels | How to Print Labels
Instructions from Sam Droege

For the Intermec 3240 Printer I have found that I have to open up the printer's right panel and hit the adjustment button 5 times on the right side in order to get the labels to properly center. Each time the power goes off on the machine I have to reset the alignment. There might be a way to make this adjustment permanent, but I haven't found it....not that I have really tried either.

Printing labels from files emailed from the UGA nerve center:

Download the file(s). I have found that it is convenient and less confusing to keep all the virgin files I am about to print alone, located in their own printing subdirectory. The best printing option is to go into the Intermec 3240 printer properties box, click on the "advanced" tab or button and change the driver to: "generic/text only." At this point you should switch your default printer to the Intermec (but don't forget to switch back when you are done). Then go to Windows Explorer, highlight all the files you want to print, and then hit print button. You may want to try a small file first as a trial before running them all....just in case. Explorer should open all these files in Notepad prior to printing as that is the default text editor for Windows....unless you have modified the defaults, in which case it may still work if printed from a program other than Notepad, but you may need to switch back if things don't print correctly. If nothing works call Pick up at any time day or night and he will fix it within 5 minutes.

Discover Life | All Living Things | IDnature guides | Insect Diversity Project | Labels | How to Print Labels

Last updated: 5 May, 2005