California Department of Food and Agriculture, Thematic Collection Network database |
ID_parent CSCA_TCN00012867 |
Name | Aleyrodes spiraeoides |
Country | USA |
State or province | California |
Secondary subdivision | Sacramento |
Locality | Sacramento |
Latitude | 38.58167 |
Longitude | -121.49333 |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude ••• 38.58167_-121.49333 |
Elevation meters | 9 |
Coll. start date | 1939-07-31 |
Collector | Carl Schiller |
UID | 1484308 |
NumberSpec | 6 |
Sex | Adult sex unknown |
TypeStatus | None |
Host Family | Asteraceae |
Host name | Aster |
Depository | California Department of Food and Agriculture |
Click here to report possible errors or send feedback about the above data to Katja Seltmann |