Cornell University Insect Collection database |
ID_parent CUIC_ENT00021695 |
Name | Andrena nuda |
Country | USA |
State or province | New Jersey |
Secondary subdivision | Burlington |
Locality | Lebanon State Forest, 4 mi N of Chatsworth |
Latitude | 39.87500 |
Longitude | -74.53400 |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude ••• 39.87500_-74.53400 |
Elevation meters | 37 |
Coll. start date | 1968-05-04 |
Collector | G. C. Eickwort, K. R. Eickwort |
UID | 730574 |
NumberSpec | 1 |
Sex | Adult Male |
TypeStatus | None |
DetBy | W. E. LaBerge |
Host Family | Euphorbiaceae |
Host name | Euphorbia |
Depository | Cornell University Insect Collection |
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