Global Biodiversity Information Facility database |
ID_parent/000126 GBIF126882885 |
Data provider | UNIBIO, IBUNAM |
Dataset | MEXU/Colección Histórica |
Catalog number | VCEsn21 |
Name | Rudbeckia sp. |
Kingdom | PLANTAE |
Family | Compositae |
Genus | Rudbeckia |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude from gazetteer ••• 23_-102 |
Country | Mexico |
Collector | Vicente Cervantes et al. |
Locality | Alrededores de la Ciudad de Mexico |
Date collected yyyy-mm-dd | 1800-12-31 |
Record created yyyy-mm-dd | 2007-11-20 |
Record modified yyyy-mm-dd | 2009-09-09 |
For more details see | GBIF Portal or GBIF webservice |
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