Information on record GBIF165445177

Global Biodiversity Information Facility database
  Global Biodiversity Information Facility

   These data were accessed through the GBIF Data Portal on 2013-05-21.
   Data providers retain all rights to data. See 'Dataset' link below for terms of use.

ID_parent/000165 GBIF165445177
Data providerBioversity International
DatasetEURISCO, The European Genetic Resources Search Catalogue
Catalog numberROM007:13875
Scientific nameAllium sativum L.
Name Allium sativum
MAPdecimal latitude_longitude ••• 47.9856_23.2044
Minimum altitude in meters181
LocalitySatu Mare, Turt
Basis of recordAccession
Record created yyyy-mm-dd2008-07-12
Record modified yyyy-mm-dd2009-11-16
For more details seeGBIF Portal or GBIF webservice

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