Global Biodiversity Information Facility database |
ID_parent/000318 GBIF318920616 |
Data provider | Missouri Botanical Garden |
Dataset | Missouri Botanical Garden |
Catalog number | 2454409 |
Scientific name | Allium sativum L. |
Name | Allium sativum |
Author | L. |
Family | Amaryllidaceae |
Genus | Allium |
Latitude | -22.1 |
Longitude | -65.62 |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude ••• -22.1_-65.62 |
Continent or ocean | South America |
Country | Argentina |
State or province | Jujuy |
County | Yavi |
Collector | Arenas, P. |
Locality | La Quiaca |
Date collected yyyy-mm-dd | 1980-00-00 |
Basis of record | S |
Record created yyyy-mm-dd | 2011-01-11 |
Record modified yyyy-mm-dd | 2011-01-12 |
For more details see | GBIF Portal or GBIF webservice |
Click here to report possible errors or send feedback about the above data to provider. |