Global Biodiversity Information Facility database |
ID_parent/000675 GBIF675045147 |
Data provider | Natural History Museum, University of Oslo |
Dataset | Jordal |
Catalog number | 8327 |
Name | Leucanthemum vulgare |
Author | Lam. |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Family | Asteraceae |
Genus | Leucanthemum |
Latitude | 59.587151 |
Longitude | 6.671543 |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude ••• 59.587151_6.671543 |
Latitude-longitude precision | 30 |
Minimum altitude in meters | 420 |
Continent or ocean | Europe |
Country | Norway |
State or province | Rogaland |
County | Suldal |
Collector | Jordal, John Bjarne |
Locality | Klungtveit: Nedstestølen |
Date collected yyyy-mm-dd | 2010-09-21 |
Basis of record | Observation |
Determined by | Jordal, John Bjarne |
Determination date yyyy-mm-dd | 0002-11-30 00:00:00 |
Record created yyyy-mm-dd | 2012-08-01 |
Record modified yyyy-mm-dd | 2013-03-28 |
For more details see | GBIF Portal or GBIF webservice |
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