iNaturalist database |
ID_parent INAT33518588 |
occurrenceID |
basisOfRecord | HumanObservation |
modified | 2019-10-01T15:37:26Z |
institutionCode | iNaturalist |
collectionCode | Observations |
datasetName | iNaturalist research-grade observations |
informationWithheld | Coordinate uncertainty increased to 30338m to protect threatened taxon |
catalogNumber | 33518588 |
references |
occurrenceDetails |
establishmentMeans | wild |
eventDate | 2013-07-20T14:13:00+08:00 |
eventTime | 06:13:00Z |
verbatimEventDate | 2013/07/20 2:13 PM CST |
verbatimLocality | Taiwan, TW |
decimalLatitude | 21.8949961808 |
decimalLongitude | 120.7756807751 |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude ••• 21.8949961808_120.7756807751 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 30338 |
countryCode | TW |
stateProvince | Taiwan |
identificationID | 72967395 |
dateIdentified | 2019-10-01T15:37:26Z |
taxonID | 100747 |
scientificName | Euphyllia glabrescens |
taxonRank | species |
kingdom | Animalia |
phylum | Cnidaria |
class | Anthozoa |
order | Scleractinia |
family | Euphylliidae |
genus | Euphyllia |
license |
rights | © 顏水蛭 some rights reserved |
inaturalistLogin | epipangea |