Warner Herbarium, Sam Houston State University database |
ID_parent SHSU021337 |
collectionID | SHST |
institutionID | SHSU |
family | Asteraceae |
genus | Helianthus |
specificEpithet | annuus |
scientificNameAuthorship | L. |
recordedBy | Michael J. Warnock |
recordNumber | 7609 |
day | 10 |
month | VI |
year | 1989 |
daymonthyear | 10VI1989 |
verbatimLocality | 9.7 mi. W Jct. RM 193 and RM 2569 on 193 sandy soil, S of road, slight E facing slope |
county | Dickens |
stateProvince | Texas |
country | United States |
MAP | decimal latitude_longitude from gazetteer ••• 33.6_-100.8 |
Intact | x |
Discover Life | Helianthus annuus | |