Larry Thompson I_LHT/0007
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I_LHT728   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT729   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT730   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT731   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw

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I_LHT732   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT733   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT734   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT735   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw

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I_LHT736   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT737   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT742   = Ara macao,Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao
Scarlet Macaw
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I_LHT723   = Ardea herodias,Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron

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I_LHT724   = Ardea herodias,Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron
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I_LHT725   = Ardea herodias,Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron
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I_LHT726   = Ardea herodias,Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron
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I_LHT777   = Catharus frantzii,Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
Catharus frantzii
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush

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I_LHT778   = Catharus frantzii,Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
Catharus frantzii
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
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I_LHT713   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT714   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT715   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier

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I_LHT716   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT717   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT718   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT719   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier

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I_LHT720   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT721   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT722   = Circus cyaneus,Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneus
Northern Harrier
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I_LHT760   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer

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I_LHT761   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer
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I_LHT762   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer
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I_LHT763   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer
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I_LHT764   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer

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I_LHT765   = Diglossa plumbea, Slaty Flower-piercer
Diglossa plumbea
Slaty Flower-piercer
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I_LHT758   = Empidonax atriceps,Black-capped Flycatcher
Empidonax atriceps
Black-capped Flycatcher
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I_LHT759   = Empidonax atriceps,Black-capped Flycatcher
Empidonax atriceps
Black-capped Flycatcher
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I_LHT776   = Harpia harpyja,Harpy Eagle
Harpia harpyja
Harpy Eagle

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I_LHT782   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager
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I_LHT783   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager
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I_LHT784   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager
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I_LHT785   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager

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I_LHT786   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager
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I_LHT787   = Lanio leucothorax,White-throated Shrike-Tanager
Lanio leucothorax
White-throated Shrike-Tanager
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I_LHT727   = Larus californicus,California Gull
Larus californicus
California Gull
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I_LHT709   = Pandion haliaetus,Osprey
Pandion haliaetus

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I_LHT710   = Pandion haliaetus,Osprey
Pandion haliaetus
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I_LHT703   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
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I_LHT704   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
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I_LHT705   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant

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I_LHT706   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
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I_LHT707   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
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I_LHT708   = Phalacrocorax auritus,Double-crested Cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
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I_LHT754   = Piranga bidentata,Flame-colored Tanager
Piranga bidentata
Flame-colored Tanager

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I_LHT755   = Piranga bidentata,Flame-colored Tanager
Piranga bidentata
Flame-colored Tanager
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I_LHT756   = Piranga bidentata,Flame-colored Tanager
Piranga bidentata
Flame-colored Tanager
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I_LHT757   = Piranga bidentata,Flame-colored Tanager
Piranga bidentata
Flame-colored Tanager
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I_LHT788   = Piranga rubra,Summer Tanager
Piranga rubra
Summer Tanager

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I_LHT789   = Piranga rubra,Summer Tanager
Piranga rubra
Summer Tanager
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I_LHT790   = Piranga rubra,Summer Tanager
Piranga rubra
Summer Tanager
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I_LHT792   = Piranga rubra,Summer Tanager
Piranga rubra
Summer Tanager
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I_LHT711   = Podiceps nigricollis,Eared Grebe
Podiceps nigricollis
Eared Grebe

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I_LHT712   = Podiceps nigricollis,Eared Grebe
Podiceps nigricollis
Eared Grebe
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I_LHT766   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
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I_LHT767   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
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I_LHT768   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher

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I_LHT769   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
click to popup and zoom in
I_LHT770   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
click to popup and zoom in
I_LHT771   = Ptilogonys caudatus,Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Ptilogonys caudatus
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
click to popup and zoom in
I_LHT772   = Pyrrhura hoffmanni,Sulphur-winged Parakeet
Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Sulphur-winged Parakeet

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I_LHT773   = Pyrrhura hoffmanni,Sulphur-winged Parakeet
Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Sulphur-winged Parakeet
click to popup and zoom in
I_LHT774   = Pyrrhura hoffmanni,Sulphur-winged Parakeet
Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Sulphur-winged Parakeet
click to popup and zoom in
I_LHT775   = Pyrrhura hoffmanni,Sulphur-winged Parakeet
Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Sulphur-winged Parakeet
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I_LHT700   = Sayornis saya,Says Phoebe
Sayornis saya
Says Phoebe

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I_LHT701   = Sayornis saya,Says Phoebe
Sayornis saya
Says Phoebe
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I_LHT702   = Sayornis saya,Says Phoebe
Sayornis saya
Says Phoebe
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I_LHT797   = Tachyphonus rufus,White-lined Tanager
Tachyphonus rufus
White-lined Tanager
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I_LHT798   = Tachyphonus rufus,White-lined Tanager
Tachyphonus rufus
White-lined Tanager

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I_LHT799   = Tachyphonus rufus,White-lined Tanager
Tachyphonus rufus
White-lined Tanager
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I_LHT779   = Tangara dowii,Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Tangara dowii
Spangle-cheeked Tanager
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I_LHT780   = Tangara dowii,Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Tangara dowii
Spangle-cheeked Tanager
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I_LHT781   = Tangara dowii,Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Tangara dowii
Spangle-cheeked Tanager

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I_LHT793   = Tangara gyrola,Bay-headed Tanager
Tangara gyrola
Bay-headed Tanager
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I_LHT794   = Tangara gyrola,Bay-headed Tanager
Tangara gyrola
Bay-headed Tanager
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I_LHT795   = Tangara gyrola,Bay-headed Tanager
Tangara gyrola
Bay-headed Tanager
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I_LHT796   = Tangara gyrola,Bay-headed Tanager
Tangara gyrola
Bay-headed Tanager

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I_LHT791   = Thraupis episcopus,Blue-gray Tanager
Thraupis episcopus
Blue-gray Tanager
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I_LHT749   = Tigrisoma mexicanum, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
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I_LHT750   = Tigrisoma mexicanum, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
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I_LHT751   = Tigrisoma mexicanum, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

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I_LHT752   = Tigrisoma mexicanum, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
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I_LHT753   = Tigrisoma mexicanum, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
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I_LHT743   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs
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I_LHT744   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs

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I_LHT745   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs
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I_LHT746   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs
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I_LHT747   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs
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I_LHT748   = Tringa melanoleuca,Greater Yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
Greater Yellowlegs

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I_LHT738   = Trogon bairdii,Bairds Trogon
Trogon bairdii
Bairds Trogon
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I_LHT739   = Trogon bairdii,Bairds Trogon
Trogon bairdii
Bairds Trogon
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I_LHT740   = Trogon bairdii,Bairds Trogon
Trogon bairdii
Bairds Trogon
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I_LHT741   = Trogon bairdii,Bairds Trogon
Trogon bairdii
Bairds Trogon
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