Phlyctis ludoviciensis
Phlyctis ludoviciensis, I_GBP319
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© Copyright Gary Perlmutter 2010

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Cited in Perlmutter, G.B. 2008. The lichen biota of Mason Farm Biological Reserve, North Carolina. J. North Carolina Acad. Sci. 124(3): 82-90.

title Phlyctis ludoviciensis
country United States
state/province North Carolina
county Orange
city/place Mason Farm Biological Reserve
site/street/trail Southern Shagbark Hickory Slope Natural Area
precise position Plot 9
latitude 35.883889
longitude 79.020278
MAPdecimal latitude_longitude ••• 35.883889_79.020278
date yyyymmdd hr:mn 2007:09:29 09:51:10
who Gary Perlmutter
plant/host/prey Carya alba
best guess identification Phlyctis ludoviciensis (Müll. Arg.) Lendemer
determined by who email yyyymmdd Gary Perlmutter (NCU)
notes in Basic Oak-Hickory Forest

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