Andrena alleghaniensis Viereck, 1907
Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Andrenidae   Andrena
Subgenus: Scrapteropsis_sensu_lato --->
Andrena alleghaniensis, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
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Andrena alleghaniensis, Mid-Atlantic Phenology

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Andrena alleghaniensis MALE CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena alleghaniensis MALE CFP comp
Andrena alleghaniensis FEM CFP comp
© Copyright Laurence Packer 2014 · 7
Andrena alleghaniensis FEM CFP comp

Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --
Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --

Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --
Michael Veit · 6
Andrena alleghaniensis, f at nest site --
Andrena alleghaniensis, U, face
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Andrena alleghaniensis, U, face

Andrena alleghaniensis, U, side
© Copyright source/photographer · 5
Andrena alleghaniensis, U, side
Andrena alleghaniensis, Barcode of Life Data Systems
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, Barcode of Life Data Systems

Andrena alleghaniensis, Barcode of Life Data Systems2
Barcode of Life Data Systems · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, Barcode of Life Data Systems2
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, mandibles
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, mandibles

Andrena alleghaniensis, female, top
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, top
Andrena alleghaniensis, male, bottom
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, male, bottom

Andrena alleghaniensis, male, face
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, male, face
Andrena alleghaniensis, male, top
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, male, top

Andrena alleghaniensis, female, bottom
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, bottom
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, face
© Copyright Nancy Adamson 2011 · 1
Andrena alleghaniensis, female, face

Andrena alleghaniensis – Female noted for scutum with short appressed (fat) hairs and femur with 2 or more distinct ridges. Male is noted for reflexed S6.

Reprinted with permission of the American Entomological Society from: LaBerge, W. E. 1971b. A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part IV. Scrapteropsis, Xiphandrena, and Rhaphandrena. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 97: 441-520.

Please report text errors to: leah at discoverlife dot org.

This interesting northern species can be readily distinguished from any of the preceding species by a number of characters. First, both sexes have second and third sterna with apical areas longer than in any preceding species of Scrapteropsis', the second sternum has the apical area at least two-fifths of the tergal length. The females are marked with short scale-like mesoscutal hairs and with two curious, irregular ridges on the ventral edges of the hind femora. The male has the sixth sternum reflexed with lateral teeth much as in A. fenningeri.

FEMALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20: length, 8-11 mm; width. 2.5-3.5 mm; wing length, M = 3.67 0.149 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.04 0.005; FOVL/FOVW, M = 3.23 0.050.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical fifth to one-half rufescent; flagellar segments 2 or 4-10 dark brown to reddish-brown below; wing membranes hyaline, moderately infumate, yellow to yellowish-brown. veins dark brown to reddish-brown; terga 2-4 with apical areas often slightly translucent; distitarsi rufescent: hind tibial spurs reddish-brown.

STRUCTURE. Antennae as in imitatrix. Eyes each about three and two-thirds limes as long as broad, inner margins parallel. Malar space, mandible and galea as in imitatrix. Maxillary palpus as in imitatrix but segmental ratio about 1.0: 1.0: 0.6: 0.6: 0.5: 0.6. Labial palpus as in imitatrix but ratio about 1.0: 0.6: 0.4: 0.6. Labral process broad at base but strongly constricted and small in apical half which is strongly bidentate; labrum apical to process not sulcate, without cristae. punctate. Clypeus as in imitatrix but impunctate midline occasionally absent and often reduced to apical half of clypeus. surface dulled by shagreening at least in posterior half. Supraclypeal area dulled by minute punctures and fine shagreening. Genal area broader than eye in profile, with fine round punctures separated mostly by half to one puncture width, surface dull. finely tessellate and finely rugulate in lower half; ventral surface with distinct punctures and rugulae turned inward toward hypostomal carinae; tessellate. Vertex above lateral ocellus equals about one ocellar diameter, with small crowded punctures, tessellate and dull except shiny above compound eyes. Face above antennal fossae with fine longitudinal rugae and small, abundant, interrugal punctures. Facial fovea shallow, extends down to level of posterior margin of clypeus, broad, separated from lateral ocellus by one ocellar diameter or slightly less.

Pronotum normal, surface dulled by fine, dense, reticular shagreening and minute scattered punctures. Mesoscutum opaque, with small round punctures separated mostly by half a puncture width or less. slightly sparser posteromedially, surface tessellate. Scutellum similar to mesoscutum but punctures more crowded especially medially and in posterior half. Metascutum similar but with punctures separated mostly by less than half a puncture width. Propodeum with dorsal enclosure with a median and two to four lateral complete longitudinal rugae. one or two incomplete rugae occasionally present, rugae well separated from one another, surface flat,. dull. tessellate; dorsolateral and posterior surfaces finely punctatorugose and tessellate; lateral surface with extremely fine, highly irregular rugulae and scattered punctures in posterior half to three-fifths, surface moderately shiny, coarsely, reticularly shagreened. Mesepisternum with large round shallow punctures separated by half to one puncture width except in upper-anterior third where contiguous or almost so; surface dulled by fine tessellation. Wing venation as in imitatrix but pterostigma not as broad although broader than from inner margin prestigma to wing margin. Hind tibia broad, broadest at apex. Hind femora each with two prominent ridges along ventral surface, occasionally these connected medially. Middle and fore femora with ventral margins sharp and anterior surfaces concave.

Metasomal tergum 1 with basal area punctures separated mostly by two to three or four puncture widths, apical area punctures by one to two puncture widths, surfaces shiny, unshagreened. Tergum 2 with basal area punctures separated mostly by one to two puncture widths or slightly more, apical area punctures smaller, more crowded toward margin, surface shiny. shagreening. if present, delicate and coarse. Terga 3 and 4 with progressively sparser punctures and coarser shagreening. Pygidial plate V-shaped with rounded apex, internal raised triangular area present. Sternum 2 with apical area at least as long as two-fifths length of tergum medially, deeply impressed, sparsely punctate, basal area with close-set punctures, surfaces dulled by coarse reticular shagreening. Sterna 3 and 4 similar to 2 but apical areas progressively shorter.

VESTITURE. Head white or cinereous. Thorax white laterally to bright ochraceous or orange dorsally (occasionally pale ochraceous); dorsal thoracic hairs all extremely short, decumbent, scale-like, sparse in middle of mesoscutum and scutellum, an occasionally long barbed hair often present on mesoscutum. Metasomal and leg hairs as in imitatrix. Propodeal corbicula without plumose hairs anteriorly, internal hairs all simple.

MALE. MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. N = 20; length, 8-10 mm; width. 2-3 mm; wing length, M = 3.16 0.157 mm; FL/FW, M = 1.08 0.005; FS1/FS2, M = 0.84 0.013.

INTEGUMENTAL COLOR. Black except as follows: mandible with apical third to half rufescent; flagellar segments 2-11 often reddish-brown below; wing membranes moderately infumate, yellowish-brown especially apically and anteriorly, veins brown to reddish-brown; terga 1-5 with apical areas often translucent, reddish-brown; distitarsi rufescent.

STRUCTURE. Antennae moderately long, reaching but not surpassing scutellum in repose; scape length equal to first two and one-third flagellar segments or slightly more; first flagellar segment longer than broad, shorter than second segment, segments 2-11 distinctly longer than broad, segment 2 about as long as 3. Eyes each about three and one-third times as long as broad, inner margins converging towards mandibles. Malar space, mandible and galea as in imitatrix. Maxillary palpus as in imitatrix but segmental ratio about 1.0: 1.0: 0.9: 0.7: 0.4: 0.7. Labial palpus as in imitatrix but ratio about 1.0: 0.4: 0.4: 0.6. Labral process as in female but usually even more reduced apically and occasionally without apical emargination; labrum apically as in female. Clypeus as in female but usually without median impunctate line although punctures usually somewhat sparser medially in apical half. Supraclypeal area. genal area, vertex and face above antennal fossae much as in female.

Pronotum as in female. Mesoscutum. scutellum and metanotum sculptured as in female but punctures usually sparser posteromedially on mesoscutum and anteromedially on scutellum. Propodeum with dorsal enclosure as in female but rugae often coarser and less regularly longitudinal; dorsolateral and posterior surfaces finely to moderately coarsely punctatorugose. surface moderately shiny; lateral surface finely rugatulopunctate posteriorly, tessellate anteriorly. Mesepisternum as in female but punctures contiguous over most of surface. Wing venation as in female. Hind tibia moderately broad, about same width from middle to apex. Femora not modified as in female.

Metasomal terga 1-5 sculptured as in female terga 1-4 but punctures usually sparser, especially in apical areas. Sterna 2-5 as in female sterna 2-4 but punctures of basal areas, as well as apical, sparse, surfaces dulled by dense reticular shagreening. Sternum 6 with apical margin sharply reflexed. lateral corners of reflexion tooth-like.

Terminalia as in figures 27-31: note the following: sternum 7 with emargination shallow, medially sternum longer than usual; sternum 8 with basal area expanded forward laterally to form hip-like lateral lobes; gonocoxites short: penis valve long, thin, slightly expanded apically: volsella large.

VESTITURE. Generally white to cinereous; form and distribution as in imitatrix.

REMARKS. A. alleghaniensis is almost completely allopatric with the species next described, A. atlantica, It is highly probable that atlantica will prove to be a well-marked southern subspecies of alleghaniensis. The males of the two species, as explained below, are almost indistinguishable. However, no populations of intermediate females are known as yet.

Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960. Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE. Length 9 mm.; length of face somewhat greater than its breadth; clypeus slightly convex, projecting about one-third below suborbital line, smooth and shining, finely and rather closely and deeply punctate, without a median impunctate line; facial foveae rather broad, occupying above about two-thirds of space between eyes and ocelli, only slightly narrowed below, covered with silvery tomentum; space between margin of vertex and lateral ocelli subequal to their diameter; cheeks subequal to eyes in width, rounded posteriorly, somewhat shining, punctures fine, shallow, close and obscure; malar space very short; basal segment of flagellum slightly shorter than 2nd and 3rd combined; process of labrum subtriangular, with a rather narrowly truncate and emarginate apex; pubescence of head very short, rather thin, entirely white, that on thorax whitish laterally and posteriorly, that on dorsum very short, depressed, scale-like, tinged with brownish, that on legs pale ochraceous, somewhat tinged with fuscous on mid tibiae apically; scutum and scutellum rather dull, punctures fine, shallow, close on scutum anteriorly, becoming slightly more widely separated toward center posteriorly, those on scutellum more coarse, shallow, more distinctly separated on each side of middle, surface dull, quite flat; pleura dull, roughened or rugose above, becoming more rugoso-punctate below; dorsal area of propodeum oblique, triangle tessellate, with several widely spaced striae on each side of a complete and distinct median striae; propodeal corbicula very poorly developed, short, whitish, without an anterior fringe; trochanteral floccus rather short and poorly developed, whitish; hind tibiae rather narrow, apex not much broader than basitarsi, scopa pale ochraceous to whitish, hairs simple, rather short; front and mid basitarsi slightly narrower than their respective tibiae; wings faintly infuscated, somewhat more deeply so apically, 2nd submarginal cell somewhat shorter than 3rd, receiving 1st recurrent about one-third from apex; abdominal terga smooth and shining, finely and rather closely and evenly but distinctly punctate, apical impressed areas shallow, rather narrow, of uniform width across the disc, only very narrowly and obscurely reddened along rims, discal pubescence very short, thin, obscure, erect, entirely pale, apical fasciae very poorly developed, if at all, tergum 5 with a brownish apical fimbria.

DISTRIBUTION. Minnesota to New Hampshire, south to North Carolina; May and June.


Extracted from Joel Gardner. "The mining bees of Minnesota (unpublished manuscript)"

Female Andrena alleghaniensis are unlike any other Minnesota Andrena in the extremely short, fuzzy, orange hair of the dorsum of the thorax, which leaves the integument beneath clearly visible, as if it has been shaved. The sculpturing of the propodeal triangle is also unique in having only a few widely separated, mostly straight ridges running from the base to the apex, which is bordered by another ridge. In addition, the labral process is emarginate or bidentate and the male S6 is evenly reflexed downward across its entire width, which is unique among other Minnesota species of the coarsely-sculptured subgenera Plastandrena, Scrapteropsis, and Trachandrena. It should be noted that Andrena rubi has similar hair on the dorsum of the thorax and, if it occurs in southern Minnesota, could be confused with A. alleghaniensis.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Adoxaceae  Viburnum opulus @ UCRC_ENT (5)

Viburnum sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Apiaceae  Zizia aurea @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Aquifoliaceae  Ilex opaca @ UCMS_ENT (2)
Asteraceae  Leucanthemum vulgare @ CUIC_ENT (6)

Senecio aureus @ CUIC_ENT (2)
Brassicaceae  Alliaria @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Brassica sp @ CUIC_ENT (2)
Cornaceae  Cornus @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Fabaceae  Melilotus officinalis @ MLSB__N16- (1); CUIC_ENT (1)
Polycitoridae  Salix sp @ BBSL (1)
Ranunculaceae  Ranunculus sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Rhamnaceae  Ceanothus americanus @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Rosaceae  Rubus sp @ CUIC_ENT (73)
_  blueberry @ NLA (2)

cucurbit @ NLA (1)

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