1. Bloom Time |
901 Jan 2802 Feb 10203 Mar 16504 Apr 19005 May 16906 Jun 12307 Jul 9008 Aug 7009 Sep 4210 Oct 1911 Nov 712 Dec |
2. Dispersal Unit- The morphological unit in which pollen grains are shed. May be singular monad , or in groups dyad, tetrad, polyad [Explain] |
349Monad- A pollen grain in the form of a single unit. | 1Polyad | 14Tetrad- A group of four united pollen grains. NOTE- fourth component of grain may be faint, or difficult to locate in a given image. |
3. Aperture Number- An aperture refers to the thinner regions within a pollen grain. These regions will differ in color from the rest of the grain. |
130 | 401 | 12- NOTE: apertures may be faint. If unsure, choose more than one option. | 2503 | 14 | 15 | 236 | 1Irregular | 21Over 6 | 3Varies |
4. Aperture Type- Region of pollen grain that is thinner, and differs in ornamentation and color. [Explain] |
5. Ornamentation- The general pattern, or texture of a pollen grain. [Explain] |
6. Tectum- The outer layer of the pollen wall, which will appear like a rim around the grain. [Explain] |
7. Size |
2Under 10 610 611 712 613 1014 1215 1316 1717 2218 2219 2520 2421 2622 2623 2424 2425 3126 3627 3128 3029 3030 3531 2932 3633 4034 4135 4136 4137 3938 3539 3240 2741 2342 2543 1944 1345 1146 747 848 449 750 651 652 1053 1254 1155 1156 1357 1358 1559 1260 1061 862 863 564 665 766 867 768 969 970 671 772 573 374 475 476 377 279 780 681 682 583 784 585 386 687 788 789 590 591 492 693 494 695 496 497 498 299 1100 1105 1113 1114 1115 2116 1117 1134 1135 1136 9Over 99 1Over 200 |
8. Shape [Explain] |
3Irregular | 51Oval | 274Round | 64Triangle |