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26 kinds match


Anthidiellum apicale  [popup] female
Anthidiellum apicale  [popup] male
Anthidiellum azteca  [popup] female
Anthidiellum azteca  [popup] male
Anthidiellum boreale  [popup] female
Anthidiellum boreale  [popup] male
Anthidiellum ehrhorni  [popup] female
Anthidiellum ehrhorni  [popup] male
Anthidiellum eiseni  [popup] female
Anthidiellum eiseni  [popup] male
Anthidiellum hondurasicum  [popup] female
Anthidiellum hondurasicum  [popup] male
Anthidiellum notatum gilense  [popup] female
Anthidiellum notatum gilense  [popup] male
Anthidiellum notatum notatum  [popup] female
Anthidiellum notatum notatum  [popup] male
Anthidiellum notatum robertsoni  [popup] female
Anthidiellum notatum robertsoni  [popup] male
Anthidiellum notatum rufimaculatum  [popup] female
Anthidiellum notatum rufimaculatum  [popup] male
Anthidiellum perplexum  [popup] female
Anthidiellum perplexum  [popup] male
Anthidiellum toltecum  [popup] female
Anthidiellum toltecum  [popup] male
Anthidiellum xilitlense  [popup] female
Anthidiellum xilitlense  [popup] male

REMAINING (number with state)
Abdomen, T1 and T2, color
 Black with YELLOW markings (17)
 All BLACK (6)
 Black with RED complete stripes (2)
Female, A. apicale vs A. azteca vs. toltecum
 A. apicale - pits on T1-2 smaller than those on scutum and extemely dense - T3-5 with solid yellow stripes - with long hairs on scutum - Scutellum not appearing inflated or only slightly (1)
 A. azteca - pits on T1-2 subequal to those on scutum - T3-5 with black spots in one or all yellow stripes - with short hairs on scutum - Scutellum not appearing inflated or only slightly (1)
 A. toltecum - pits on T1-2 subequal to those on scutum - T3-5 with or without black sponts on yellow stripes - with long hairs on scutum - Scutellum appearing inflated (1)
Female, A. ehrhorni vs All others
 Others - Rim of the clypeus normal like other species and the clypeal apex projects less than 1 ocelli diameter out from the labrum - The center of the rim of T6 is concave or emarginate, although not as extreme as in A. ehrhorni, and the rim of T6,after the emargination, while angled, transitions smoothly without a point, sharp corner or projection with the rest of the rim of the segment (3)
 A. ehrhorni - Clypeus unusual in that the rim projects much farther forward over the mandibles than the other species, if you look at it from the side you will see that the apex of the clypeus is well over 1 ocelli diameter out from the labrum - The center of the rim of T6 is concave or emarginated, on either side of that emargination are two small projections or teeth forming sharp clear points (1)
Female, A. eiseni vs A. notatum robertsoni
 A. eiseni - Omaulus less concave (1)
 A. notatum robertsoni - Omaulus more concave (1)
Female, A. notatum_notatum vs A. perplexum
 A. notatum_notatum - Head, ocelli, region BETWEEN the 3 ocelli with 2 DISTINCT MOUNDS those mound are closest to lateral ocelli, pitting in this area restricted only immediately adjacent to central ocelus and in a linear row medially between the 2 lateral ocelli - - In direct comparison smaller with light colored areas all yellow in norther populations and a combination of burnt orange and yellow in the South (2)
 A. perplexum - Head, ocelli, region BETWEEN the 3 ocelli WITHOUT 2 distinct mounds, pitting in this area SIMILAR to the pitting pattern in areas of the rest of the top of the head - - In direct comparison larger with light colored areas always a combination of burnt orange and yellow (1)
Female, A. xilitlense vs Others
 Others - females available for guide building (12)
 A. xilitlense - no females seen (1)
Female, abdomen, T5, shape of apical end
 Median extension 1/2 as wide as segment width, shallowly concave NOT forming two strong angles medially but WITH two lateral angles (11)
 Median extension 1/3 as wide as segment width, deeply angled inward forming two strong projecting angles medially (1)
Female, leg, hind tibia
 Yellowish-red WITHOUT black (5)
 All BLACK (4)
 Yellow WITH black (2)
Females, A. boreale VERSUS A. notatum notatum -- Modified from Mike Arduser Key
 A. boreale --- Abdomen, T6: closely and contiguously pitted except for a very narrow medial shiny line - - Head, ocellar area: uniformly pitted, without a pair of shiny bullae or raised mounds between lateral ocelli - - Head, clypeus: largely dark, yellow maculae absent or extremely small - - Head, lateral areas of face, yellow maculae: terminating at level of antennal sockets (1)
 A. notatum notatum --- Abdomen, T6: closely and contiguously pitted throughout, without a very narrow medial shiny line - - Head, ocellar area: with a pair of shiny unpitted bullae or raised mounds between lateral ocelli, these sometimes pitted in part, or reduced - - Head, clypeus: largely yellow, but apical or apico-medial portion of clypeus occasionally dark - - Head, lateral areas of face, yellow maculae: reaching from lateral margin of clypeus nearly to the upper margin of the eye (1)
Head, Paraocular region
 Yellow maculation short, ending at antennal sutures (14)
 Yellow maculations shortER, ending below antennal sutures (6)
 RED maculation extra long, ending near top of compound eye (2)
 Yellow maculation long, ending above antennal sutures (2)
 RED maculation long, ending above antennal sutures but no where near the top of the compound eye (1)
Head, clypeus, color
 Entirely yellow or red, or with black only in part (15)
 Entirely black (11)
Head, sculpting on the two small swollen areas found directly between the lateral ocelli
 Largely unpitted, may be a few invading the edges (14)
 With pits throughout, at approximately the same density as elsewhere (12)
 With very coarse pits throughout (1)
Male, A. apicale vs A. azteca
 A. apicale - yellow stripes on T3-5 solid without black spots on one or all terga, T6 with medial red area - Apical end of T7 NOT bent over - S6, if visible with deep depression but adjacent mounds low (1)
 A. azteca - yellow stripes on T3-5 with black spots on one or all terga, T6 with medial black mark - Apical end of T7 bent over - S6, if visible, with deep depression creating two large mounds or peaks (1)
Male, A. eiseni vs A. notatum robersoni vs A. notatum gilense
 A. eiseni - T7 lacking apical fringe of hairs - Midtibial less pitted - Omaulus less concave - hind tibia black and yellow - Yellow maculations on T2 thinner by comparison with A. notatum robertsoni (1)
 A. notatum gilense - T7 with apical fringe hairs LONG - Midtibia relatively more pitted - Omaulus not very concave - hind tibia yellowish-red - Yellow maculations on T2 thicker, like A. notatum robertsoni (1)
 A. notatum robertsoni - T7 with apical fringe of short hairs - Midtibia usually relatively more pitted - Omaulus more concave such that the edge has folded outward at the curve - hind tibia black and yellow - Yellow maculations on T2 thicker in comparison with A. eiseni (1)
Male, abdomen, T7, overall shape of the apical rim
 Broadly rounded, with a concave area in the center (7)
 Rim triangular in outline, coming to a blunt point , never with a concave area in the center (4)
 4 teeth on rim separated by three concave areas (1)
 Broadly rounded, with a wide notch in the center (1)
Males, A. boreale VERSUS A. notatum notatum -- Modified from Mike Arduser Key
 A. boreale --- Abdomen, T7, apical margin: without a fringe of pale pubescence, hairs very short and hardly noticeable at 30x - - Abdomen, T6: with a medial unpitted line or very low ridge, otherwise uniformly pitted - - Abdomen, T6, apico-medial emargination: wider, about one-third the width of T6 - - Head, ocellar area: more completely pitted, IF a pair of shiny bullae or raised mounds are present between lateral ocelli then they are pitted - - Genitalia, gonostylus, head: not flattened, but with a longitudinal ridge on dorsal surface (1)
 A. notatum notatum --- Abdomen, T7, apical margin: with a pronounced fringe of pale pubescence - - Abdomen, T6: uniformly pitted throughout, lacking an unpitted medial line - - Abdomen, T6, apico-medial emargination: about one-fifth the width of T6 in dorsal view - - Head, ocellar area: with a pair of shiny unpitted bullae or raised mounds between lateral ocelli - - Genitalia, gonostylus, head: flattened, narrowly spatulate, without a longitudinal ridge on its dorsal surface (1)
Sex, number of antennal segments
 12, female (13)
 13, male (13)
State or province where bee was collected in U.S. or Canada
 Mexico (16)
 AZ (10)
 AR (6)
 FL (6)
 LA (6)
 MO (6)
 AL (4)
 CA (4)
 CO (4)
 GA (4)
 IA (4)
 IL (4)
 IN (4)
 MN (4)
 MS (4)
 NC (4)
 NE (4)
 NM (4)
 NV (4)
 OH (4)
 SC (4)
 UT (4)
 BC (2)
 CT (2)
 DC (2)
 DE (2)
 ID (2)
 KY (2)
 MA (2)
 MD (2)
 MI (2)
 NJ (2)
 NW Chihuahuan Desert (2)
 NY (2)
 OK (2)
 OR (2)
 PA (2)
 RI (2)
 SD (2)
 TN (2)
 TX (2)
 VA (2)
 WV (2)
Thorax, mesepisternum - mesopleuron
 The upper part of the carinate omaulus is STRAIGHT, the omaulus is the angle between the anterior and lateral surface of the mesepisternum or mesopleuron (15)
 The upper part of the carinate omaulus is CONCAVE, the omaulus is the angle between the anterior and lateral surface of the mesepisternum or mesopleuron (3)