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34 kinds match


Perdita ainsliei  [popup] male
Perdita albipennis  [popup] male
Perdita bishoppi  [popup] male
Perdita blatchleyi  [popup] male
Perdita boltoniae  [popup] male
Perdita bradleyi  [popup] male
Perdita bruneri  [popup] male
Perdita consobrina  [popup] male
Perdita discreta  [popup] male
Perdita dolichocephala  [popup] male
Perdita fallax  [popup] male
Perdita floridensis  [popup] male
Perdita foveata  [popup] male
Perdita georgica  [popup] male
Perdita gerardiae  [popup] male
Perdita gerhardi  [popup] male
Perdita graenicheri  [popup] male
Perdita halictoides  [popup] male
Perdita ignota  [popup] male
Perdita krombeini  [popup] male
Perdita laticincta  [popup] male
Perdita maculigera  [popup] male
Perdita mitchelli  [popup] male
Perdita novaeangliae  [popup] male
Perdita nubila  [popup] male
Perdita obscurata  [popup] male
Perdita octomaculata  [popup] male
Perdita pallidipennis  [popup] male
Perdita perpallida  [popup] male
Perdita polygonellae  [popup] male
Perdita sexmaculata  [popup] male
Perdita swenki  [popup] male
Perdita townesi  [popup] male
Perdita tridentata  [popup] male

REMAINING (number with state)
Abdomen, upper side, color pattern
 Dark with light colored BANDS that extend across two or more segments and are briefly or extensively interrupted in the center (14)
 Entirely dark (13)
 Dark with a single pair of small, light colored PATCHES on the extreme far sides of either or both T2 and T3 (8)
 Dark with broad light colored BANDS that extend across the middle of two or more segments without interruption (7)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow, orange, ferruginous, reddish (4)
 Nearly completely dark, but with a thin band of pale to bright yellow lining the inside edge of the broad clear rim on one or all of the segments T3-T5 (2)
Cheek, lower margin, presence or absence of an obtuse angle near the midpoint versus the usual gentle uniform curve
 Absent (31)
 Present (7)
Forewing, 1st transcubital vein, structure
 Simple, NO branching, nor any additional tiny cell (26)
 Branched near base, forming a tiny additional cell (6)
Head, antennal scape, color on front side - Back side usually completely dark
 Mostly or entirely pale to bright yellow (26)
 Dark with pale or bright yellow markings (12)
 Entirely dark (7)
Head, cheek width vs eye width when viewed from the side - Compare widths at the eye midpoint
 Cheek WIDER than eye (24)
 Cheek roughly EQUAL to eye in width (19)
 Cheek NARROWER than eye (13)
Head, cheek, color pattern
 Entirely dark (20)
 Dark with pale to bright yellow lining inner bottom margin of eyes (16)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (3)
 Nearly half dark and half some shade of yellow (3)
Head, cheek, directly under the mandible base, presence or absence of a drawn out peak or point - Look carefully in the hair
 Absent (28)
 Present (6)
Head, clypeus, color pattern
 Pale to bright yellow entirely or nearly entirely, may have a few small dark spots (19)
 Cream colored entirely or nearly entirely - There may be a few small dark spots (10)
 Mostly dark with pale to bright yellow markings (9)
 Entirely dark (4)
 Mostly cream colored with dark along the upper margin (4)
 Mostly dark with cream colored markings (4)
 Mostly pale to bright yellow with dark along the upper margin (4)
Head, face, color above the level of the antennae
 Entirely dark (22)
 Mostly dark but with the markings below the antenna extending into this region (17)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (2)
Head, face, length vs width
 Wider than long (23)
 Roughly equal (12)
 Longer than wide (7)
Head, face, paroccular area below the level of the antennae, color pattern
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (13)
 Pale or bright yellow nearly filling the area, except along the outer subantennal suture where it is dark (11)
 Entirely dark (9)
 Mostly dark with light colored markings (9)
 Entirely cream colored (7)
Head, face, subantennal area, color pattern
 Entirely dark (17)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (13)
 Entirely or nearly entirely cream colored (3)
 Mostly dark with a small mark of pale to bright yellow at base of antennae (2)
Head, face, supraclypeal area, color pattern
 Entirely dark (14)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (14)
 Approximately half dark colored and half pale to bright yellow (6)
 Entirely cream colored (3)
 Dark with a narrow band of pale to bright yellow bordering the upper margin of clypeus (2)
 Mostly pale to bright yellow (2)
P. albipennis vs. P. georgica vs. P. graenicheri
 P. albipennis - Head, facial markings, base color CLEARLY YELLOW in most specimens - Abdomen, T2 and T3, with YELLOWISH MARKS lining part of the VERY far edges of the segments in most specimens - Head, gena or cheek, while angled along its perimeter, does NOT have the small projecting bump or mound below the mandible - Gena or cheek, much wider than the eye (1)
 P. georgica - Head, facial markings, base color CLEARLY IVORY or cream in most specimens - Abdomen, color, is ENTIRELY DARK - Gena or cheek, officially does NOT have the projecting bump below the mandible that P. graenicheri has - Gena or cheek, is MUCH wider then the eye (1)
 P. graenicheri - Head, facial markings, base color CLEARLY CREAM or yellow in most specimens - Abdomen, color, ENTIRELY DARK - Gena or cheek, with a SMALL PROJECTING BUMP or tubercle below the mandible - Gena or cheek, width about the same or less than that of the eye (1)
P. boltoniae vs. P. bishoppi vs. P. graenicheri vs. P. nubila - NOTE - See explain regarding severe problems separating some of these species
 P. bishoppi - Head, clypeus, ENTIRELY CREAM cream colored along with conspicuous marks in the parocular region to either side (1)
 P. boltoniae - Head, clypeus, with EXTENSIVE DARK areas intermixed with pale yellow or cream colors - Leg, tarsal segments color, light BROWN to light yellow brown, only slightly lighter than the tibia and femur (1)
 P. graenicheri - Florida only - Head, clypeus, CREAM colored on the lower part and DARK on the upper, usually the cream-colored section is about half, but it can be more - Leg, tarsal segments color, a uniform WHITE to a very pale yellow, these SHARPLY contrasting with the dark brown tibia and femur (1)
 P. nubila - Head, clypeus, with EXTENSIVE DARK areas intermixed with pale yellow or cream colors - Leg, tarsal segments color, a uniform WHITE to a very pale yellow, these SHARPLY contrasting with the dark brown tibia and femur (1)
P. bradleyi and P. townesi vs. P. octomaculata, P. swenki, and P. consobrina
 P. octomaculata, P. swenki, and P. consobrina - Thorax, surface, DULLED by numerous tessellated lines, making the surface appear GRANULAR - Forewing, does NOT have a small triangular cell at the base of the 1st transcubital vein (3)
 P. bradleyi and P. townesi - Thorax, surface, SMOOTH and mirror like - Forewing WITH a small triangular cell created by a forking at the base of the 1st transcubital vein which separates the two submarginal cells (2)
P. discreta vs P. octomaculata
 P. discreta - Pronotal collar and pronotal lobe all dark - In direct comparison, smaller (1)
 P. octomaculata - Pronotal lobe yellow and pronotal collar usually with two yellow oblong spots or short bands - In direct comparison, larger (1)
P. floridensis vs. P. obscurata
 P. floridensis - Abdomen, T2 and T3, with small transverse pale YELLOW SPOTS, these not coming close enough to meeting in the middle - Head, about as long as wide - Gena or cheek, clearly narrower than width of the eye (1)
 P. obscurata - Abdomen, T2 and T3, with strong transverse YELLOW BANDS that have a small gap in the center - T4 and T5, usually with some sort of broken yellow band also - Head, clearly wider than long - Gena or cheek, about as wide as width of eye (1)
P. nubila vs. P. graenicheri - NOTE - See explain to read about identification problems with these 2 species
 Head, labrum, color, YELLOW (1)
 Head, labrum, color, light BROWN to dark brown (1)
P. octomaculata vs. P. swenki vs. P. consobrina
 P. octomaculata - Head, area between the subantennal sutures, all dark or only partially filled with yellow - Face, extent of markings, yellow on the face does not extend above the level of the antennae (1)
 P. swenki - Head, area between the subantennal sutures, with yellow markings filling this area - Face, extent of markings, yellow on the face CLEARLY goes above the level of the antennae (1)
 P.consobrina - Head, area between the subantennal sutures, filled with yellow - Face, extent of markings, yellow on the face does not go above the level of the antennae (1)
P. pallidipennis vs. P. georgica
 P. georgica - Abdomen, coloring, in all specimens looked at to date, always completely LACKING any pale cream or yellow markings - Head, hairs on the cheek below the mandible, SHORT, shorter than the width of the base of the mandible - Front leg, tibia and tarsal segments color, usually completely PALE YELLOW - In direct comparison with P. pallidipennis, clearly smaller (1)
 P. pallidipennis - Abdomen,T2 coloring, usually, but not always, with PALE YELLOW PATCHES on the very far sides of T2, but sometimes completely dark - Head, hairs on the cheek below the mandible, VERY LONG, clearly longer than the width of the base of the mandible - Front leg, tibia and tarsal segments color, usually with NO or only a limited amount of pale yellow markings - In direct comparison with P georgica, clearly larger (1)
P. townesi vs. P. bradleyi - NOTE - Distinguishing between these two species may not currently be possible, be sure to read the explain
 P. bradleyi - Head, in comparison with P. townesi, less completely yellow below the level of the antennae - Mesospectus, LACKING a yellow T-mark (1)
 P. townesi - Head, in comparison with P. bradleyi, more completely yellow below the level of the antennae - Mesospectus, with a YELLOW T-MARK (1)
State or province where bee was collected
 FL (22)
 GA (18)
 NC (18)
 SC (18)
 AL (17)
 DE (17)
 MD (17)
 MS (17)
 NJ (17)
 VA (17)
 MN (15)
 MO (15)
 NE (14)
 OK (14)
 KS (13)
 SD (13)
 IA (12)
 IL (12)
 IN (12)
 WI (12)
 LA (11)
 MI (11)
 NY (11)
 TX (11)
 AR (10)
 ND (10)
 PA (10)
 OH (8)
 Ontario (8)
 TN (8)
 DC (7)
 KY (7)
 MA (7)
 CT (6)
 WV (6)
 RI (4)
 ME (3)
 Quebec (3)
 NH (2)
 VT (2)
 Alberta (1)
 CO (1)
 MT (1)
 New Brunswick (1)
 Nova Scotia (1)
 Prince Edward Island (1)
 Saskatchewan (1)
 UT (1)
 WY (1)
 Perdita (16)
 Hexaperdita (8)
 Alloperdita (6)
 Cockerellia (2)
 Epimacrotera (1)
Thorax, pronotum, color pattern
 Dark with pale to bright yellow markings (19)
 Entirely dark (18)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (3)
Thorax, propodeum, color pattern
 Entirely dark (28)
 Entirely pale to bright yellow (3)
 Dark with pale to bright yellow blotches on the side faces (2)
Wings, color of veins
 Clear to pale yellow or milky white (21)
 Light brown to dark brown (17)