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Agapostemon virescens (Fabricius, 1775)
Andrena virescens Fabricius, 1775; Andrena nigricornis Fabricius, 1793; Apis viridula Fabricius, 1793; Halictus dimidiatus Lepeletier, 1841; Halictus tricolor Lepeletier, 1841; Agapostemon bicolor Robertson, 1893; Agapostemon viridulus (Fabricius, 1793)

Life   Insecta   Hymenoptera   Apoidea   Halictidae   Agapostemon
Subgenus: Agapostemon

Agapostemon virescens, female, face
Joshua Thomas · 9
Agapostemon virescens, female, face

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Agapostemon virescens, female, side
Joshua Thomas · 9
Agapostemon virescens, female, side
Agapostemon virescens, female, top left
Joshua Thomas · 9
Agapostemon virescens, female, top left

Agapostemon virescens, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
© Copyright source/photographer · 9
Agapostemon virescens, Mid-Atlantic Phenology
Agapostemon virescens, male, antennal scape
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, antennal scape

Agapostemon virescens, male, arolium
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, arolium
Agapostemon virescens, male dorsal thorax
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male dorsal thorax

Agapostemon virescens, male face
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male face
Agapostemon virescens, male, forewing basal vein
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, forewing basal vein

Agapostemon virescens, male, hind femur-side view forewing
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, hind femur-side view forewing
Agapostemon virescens, male, hind inside tibia
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, hind inside tibia

Agapostemon virescens, male inside aspect hind femur
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male inside aspect hind femur
Agapostemon virescens, male inside proximal hind femur
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male inside proximal hind femur

Agapostemon virescens, male legs
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male legs
Agapostemon virescens, Male, mandibles
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, Male, mandibles

Agapostemon virescens, male, S4 hairs 2
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male, S4 hairs 2
Agapostemon virescens, male trochanters
Deana M. Crumbling · 9
Agapostemon virescens, male trochanters

Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 9
Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon
Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 9
Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon

Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon
© Copyright Hadel Go 2014-2015 · 9
Agapostemon virescens Bicolored Agapostemon

IDnature guides
Reprinted with permission from: Mitchell, T.B. 1960 Bees of the Eastern United States. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 141.

FEMALE Length 11 mm.; head and thorax brilliant blue-green, abdomen piceous to black; mandibles testaceous, becoming reddish-piceous apically; apical third of clypeus blackish, base green, punctures well separated on the blackened part, close and rather fine on the basal, greenish portion; supraclypeal area shining, finely and rather sparsely but deeply punctate; face above antennae finely and densely rugose, becoming rather coarsely reticulate laterally and on vertex; cheeks coarsely striate; pubescence very pale yellowish dorsally on head and thorax, becoming more whitish below, but a few dark, inconspicuous hairs on dorsum of thorax; scutum distinctly but very finely and closely punctate over posterior middle, becoming densely rugose laterally and anteriorly; scutellum very finely and closely punctate anteriorly and in midline, somewhat shining on each side, punctures rather coarse and close laterally and posteriorly; pleura coarsely reticulate anteriorly, becoming rather finely so posteriorly, metapleura rather finely striate; dorsal area of propodeum finely rugoso-striate, becoming rather coarsely striate at extreme sides, lateral faces finely striate, posterior face with oblique, irregular, radiating striae on each side; entire legs, including coxa, piceous to black; tegulae brownish-yellow except for an inner greenish spot; wings subhyaline, veins and stigma brownish testaceous; abdominal terga quite closely but very minutely punctate, 2-5 with conspicuous, whitish, basal, tomentose fasciae, pubescence of discs otherwise obscure, subappressed, more fuscous.

MALE Length 10 mm.; head and thorax brilliant blue-green, abdomen piceous, with yellow, basal bands; mandibles yellow, with ferruginous tips; labrum and apical margin of clypeus yellow, basal portion of clypeus green, very finely and closely but rather irregularly punctate, the apical yellow portion more coarsely so; supraclypeal area strongly protuberant, finely rugoso-punctate; face above antennae densely rugoso-punctate, becoming rather coarsely reticulate on vertex; cheeks rather finely and irregularly striate; scape yellow anteriorly, flagellum brownish-testaceous beneath, becoming piceous above; pubescence pale yellow on head and thorax above, becoming more whitish below; scutum densely and very finely punctate near center posteriorly, becoming more rugose laterally and anteriorly, scutellum more shining, finely and quite closely punctate anteriorly, becoming somewhat more coarsely so laterally and posteriorly; pleura coarsely reticulate anteriorly, becoming finely so posteriorly, metapleura irregularly striate; dorsal area of propodeum reticulate medially, becoming somewhat more regularly striate laterally, lateral faces irregularly striate to reticulate, posterior face irregularly reticulate; tegulae yellowish; wings nearly hyaline, veins and stigma brownish testaceous; coxa greenish in large part, trochanters black, legs otherwise largely yellow, but front and mid femora with basal, piceous blotches, hind femur with a small, apical blotch, mid and hind tibiae each with a narrow, posterior, piceous blotch; hind femora slender, with a ventral, subapical tubercle; basal tergum black basally and apically, with a rather narrow, yellow, median, transverse band, 2-5 with basal yellow bands, piceous discs very finely and closely punctate, pubescence of basal tergum entirely pale yellow, that on yellow areas of the following terga pale, that on the blacker discs subappressed, short and inconspicuous but largely piceous, that on 5 and 6 somewhat longer and pale in general; abdominal sterna 3 and 4 flattened and simple, 6 with a median, longitudinal, low ridge; ventral lobe of gonocoxite expansive, rounded, with an apical fringe; gonostyli with a slender, apical stylus, the tip of which is somewhat curved, with broad, median, dorsal and ventral lobes, the basal lobe inconspicuous, subcontiguous with the dorsal median lobe; penis valves very slightly grooved medially.

DISTRIBUTION Washington and British Columbia to Quebec and Maine, south to Texas and Florida; April to October.

FLOWER RECORDS Cirsium, Eupatorium, Gaillardia, Helianthus, Hibiscus, Malva, Oenothera, Pentstemon, Potentilla, Rosa, Salva, Sedum, Solidago, Stellaria, Taraxacum, Vernonia, Veronica and Vicia. Robertson (1929) records this species (as Agapostemon viridulus) on the following additional hosts: Aster, Bidens, Blephilia, Brauneria, Camassia, Castalia, Cephalanthus, Convolvulus, Coreopsis, Cornus, Dianthera, Diospyros, Dipsacus, Erigeron, Geranium, Helenium, Hypericum, Ipomoea, Krigia, Liatris, Linaria, Lippia, Lobelia, Lythrum, Melilotus, Nepeta, Oxalis, Petalostemon, Ptelea, Rhus, Rubus, Rudbeckia, Ruellia, Sagittaria, Scrophularia, Silphium, Stachys, Teucrium, Tradescantia, Trifolium, Verbascum, Verbena and Verbesina.

Extracted from: Roberts, 1973. Bees of Northwestern America: AGAPOSTEMON. Agricultural Experimental Station. Oregon State University.

Synonymy: Andrena virescens Fabricius, 1775; Andrena nigricornis
Fabricius, 1793; Halictus dimidiatus Lepeletier, 1841; Halictus tricolor Lepeletier, 1841; Agapostemon bicolor Robertson, 1893.

Diagnosis. The male of this species has a bright metallic green head and thorax, and a metasoma banded with black and yellow. It may be distinguished from males of A. coloradinus by the absence of a long brown or black streak on the posterior surface of its hind femur. The male of A. virescens may be distinguished from those of A. femoratus, A. melliventris, A. texanus, and A. angelicus by the depression and medial ridge on the apical half of its last visible (sixth) metasomal sternum (Fig. 9). The female of this species has a bright metallic green head and thorax, and a black metasoma banded with short, dense, white hair. The female of A. virescens may be distinguished from females of A. coloradinus by its hyaline wings, coarse genal striae (2-3 per 0.25 min) (Figs. 10, 11) and largely yellow mandibles. It may be distinguished from those females of A. melliventris having black metasoma by the lack of yellow on its clypeus.

Distribution. This species is common in the northern United States

and southern Canada where it occurs from coast to coast (Fig. 19). It

occurs as far south as the Gulf Coast but is rare in that region.

Biology. Little has been published on the biology of this species. Felt (1928) reported a large nesting aggregation of A. virescens (given as Halictus virescens) damaging a lawn in Catskill, New York. W. P. Stephen (pers. comm.) has seen a nesting aggregation in a lawn in Corvallis, Oregon, and D. H. Janzen (pers. comm.) reports numerous nests in a field near Eugene, Oregon. Thus, it seems that A. virescens is usually, if not always, aggregatory in its nesting habits.

G. C. Eickwort, W. E. LaBerge, and \V. P. Stephen (pers. comm.)

also have observed more than one female per nest. In addition to multiple occupancy of a single burrow, N1'. P. Stephen reports that A. virescens females, which seemed to be in a state of diapause, shared their burrow with bees of the parasitic genus Sphecodes which also seemed to be in diapause. On August 5-7 a nest of A. virescens was observed and excavated by the author in Moscow, Idaho (Fig. 20). According to Dr. NV. F. Barr, in whose garden the nests were situated, there had been a small aggregation of active nests earlier in the summer but by August 5 only two nests were still open. One day was spent observing the nest entrances. In late morning and

early afternoon two males and two females left each burrow, returning

from one to three hours later. During their absence other females occasionally appeared in the burrow entrances. Their action could hardly be considered "guarding" because the slightest movement, even the passage of a butterfly, was enough to cause their disappearance for as long as an hour. In no other species of Agapostemon are males known to return to occupied burrows once they have emerged.

Plateaux-Quenu (1959) reports that females of Lasioglossum marginatum

(given as Halictus marginatus) occupy their own nests during

the spring. During the summer the nest entrances are closed but in the

fall males emerge from the nests, forage, and return to the nests to mate with the females. The males then die but the females overwinter in the nests. Perhaps a similar phenomenon occurs in A. virescens.

Before excavation, the burrows were filled with plastic.' The result

was a tough, permanent, transparent replica of the burrow system. In

these respects, the use of plastic is far more satisfactory than the commonly employed plaster of Paris method.

One of the two active A. virescens nests had no tumulus or turret but the other had a small turret 4 mm high with walls 3 mm thick. This turret probably was the consolidated remnant of a much larger tumulus which had been destroyed by wind. The branched main burrow was 7 - 8 mm in diameter and the laterals (not illustrated) were about 5.3 mm. There was no discernible constriction of the nest entrance, but some of the branch burrows were slightly constricted where they joined the main burrow. Owing to the complexity of the nest and its proximity to other nests, it was nearly impossible to trace the earth-filled laterals back to the main burrows, but most of the cells were several centimeters from the main burrows. Thus it seems that in the construction of laterals much longer than the lengths of the cells, A. virescens is similar to other species of Agapostemon.

During excavation, numerous adults were found in a state of torpor

in their natal cells. In other Agapostemon species the adults emerge from their natal cells within 48 hours after their final molt. Many cells were uncovered in the course of excavation and the contents of 158 were pre served-69 were female pupae and adults, 57 male pupae and adults, and 32 were late instar larvae or prepupae.

Especially noteworthy was the occurrence of linear pairs of cells at the ends of many of the laterals. In each of the 12 pairs examined (many others were accidentally destroyed in the course of excavation), the distal cell always contained a female and the proximal cell a male. One lateral pre-contained two male cells and a distal female cell. Related genera such as Ruizantheda (but never the genera allied to Halictus or Augochlora ) construct long strings of linearly arranged cells. Daly and Wille (in Sakagami and Michener, 1962), describe a nest of A. nasutus in which only linear pairs of cells were found. As in A. virescens, the distal cell always contained a female and the proximal cell a male. In extensive observations of A. nasutus, Eickwort and Eickwort did not find such linear pairs of cells. Perhaps the construction of cell pairs is facultative in A. nasutus as it seems to be in A. virescens. But for the paired cells and the presence of males, the A. virescens nest excavated was similar to those of A. nasutus described by Eickwort and Eickwort (1969) in that it had many main branches occupied by many bees. As none of the A. virescens females were reproductively active at the time the nest was excavated, it was not determined whether this species is social or, more likely, merely communal like A. nasutus.

Extracted from: Roberts, 1972. REVISION OF THE BEE GENUS AGAPOSTEMON. Agricultural Experimental Station. The University of Kansas.

The synonymy of Andrena nigricornis Fabricius and Halictus dimidiatus

Lepeletier with Andrena virescens Fabricius is based on their descriptions. C. D. Michener examined the type of A. virescens in the British Museum. G. C. Eickwort examined the type of Agapostemon bicolor in Urbana, Illinois, and confirmed Robertson's synonymy (1895) of this species with irescens. 1 have examined the type of hi. tricolor and it is a synonym of A. virescens, not A. radiatus as stated by Sandhouse (1936).

Van der Vecht (1959) suggests that Apis sericea Forster (1771) may be

a senior synonym of A. virescens, but the description given by Forster does not warrant such a conclusion (cf . Nomina Dubia) .

Distribution (Fig. 30). Specimens have been collected as far east as

Penobscot Co. in central Maine; as far west as Coos Co. on the Oregon

Coast; as far south as Hernando Co. on the central western coast of Florida; and as far north as Vernon, British Columbia. This distribution is unusual inasmuch as it is wide, ranging from coast to coast, yet this species is com mon only from about 37 to 47 North latitude. In the northwestern part of the range (British Columbia and Alberta) males have been collected from August through October, and females from April through August and in October. In the central part of the range (Nebraska) males have been collected from July through October, and females from May through October. In the southeastern part of the range (Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia) males have been collected from June through September and in November, and females from May through August and in October. Although A. virescens occurs primarily at elevations of less than 2,000 ft

(610 m), I have seen specimens from as high as 4,000 ft. (1,219 m) on

Middle Mountain, Virginia; 6,900 ft. (2,103 m) near Boulder, Colorado; and 7,000 ft. (2,134 m) near Salt Lake City, Utah.

Diagnosis. The male may be distinguished from many other North American species by the lack of yellow maculations on its brown to brown-black sterna 5-6, by its medial ridge on the apical ! /2 of sternum 6 (last visible sternum), and by its gonostylus (Fig. 183); from A. coloradinus and A. tyleri by the restriction of brown to brown-black areas on the posterior

surface of its hind leg to basal and apical regions of femur and tibia, and by its lack of a prominent dorsal crest on its penis valve. The females may be distinguished from other species occurring north of Mexico by its black metasomal terga and the lack of yellow on its clypeus; from females of A. coloradinus and A. tyleri by the coarser carinae on its gena (2-3 per 0.25 mm in A. virescens, 5-6 per 0.25 mm in A. coloradinus and A. tyleri), and its largely yellow mandibles (amber to brown in A. coloradinus and dark brown in A. tyleri).


male (Figs. 97-98, 158, 183, 197)

General coloration of head and mesosoma bright metallic green, meta-

soma with black and yellow bands. Head (Figs. 97-98): pubescence white

becoming yellowish to pale amber on vertex. (1) Labrum as in A. texanus but slightly blunter at apex. (2) Clypeus with medium size, shallow, scattered punctures on yellow portion, becoming more dense and slightly larger above. (3) Interocular area with large deep contiguous punctures below ocelli, becoming rugose and more shallowly sculptured below; supraclypeal protuberance shallowly rugose to punctate with few faint horizontal rugae. (4) Vertex with deep contiguous punctures anteriorly, becoming more finely punctate laterally, and coarsely but shallowly rugose posteriorly and between ocelli. (5) Gena with numerous short, parallel, subcontiguous carinae extending dorso-laterally from antero-ventral margin. (6) Malar

area bright yellow to pale amber; short. (7) Mandible bright yellow with apical V3 ferruginous. (8) Antenna brown to brown-black above with shiny pale area on apical l / 2 of apical flagellomere; flagellum pale amber to brown below; and underside of scape and pedicel yellow to largely black with yellow apically. Mesosoma: pubescence white, becoming pale amber to yellowish on mesonotum and metanotum. (9) Pronotum with lateral angle and posterior lobe neither very rounded nor acute; postero-lateral area with large, broad, low, vertical ridge just anterior to numerous very fine and faint carinulae. (10) Mesoscutum with fine contiguous punctures becoming finely rugose anteriorly and antero-laterally. (11) Mesoscutellum with punctures like those of mesoscutum but somewhat larger and less dense (especially laterally). (12) Metanotum finely and deeply rugose. (13) Mesepisternum coarsely rugose anteriorly, becoming finely rugose posteriorly. (14) Metepisternum with irregular horizontal carinae, anastomosing so as to appear largely rugose on some specimens. (15) Propodeum with distinct propodeal carina; propodeal shield coarsely and shallowly rugose; dorsal area coarsely rugose, postero-lateral area moderately rugose, becoming finely rugose to coarsely punctate antero-laterally. (16) Wing clear to transparent amber with apical regions slightly darkened. Radial vein dark brown, stigma and remaining veins pale brown. (17) Tegula pale transparent amber with

green tints antero-basally, short transverse yellow band on anterior area curving rearward and almost reaching distal margin; posterior margin yellow. (18) Fore leg yellow with coxa bright metallic green; trochanter dark brown; femur with brown basally and postero-dorsally on basal 1/2 of tibia. Pubescence white to pale yellow. (19) Middle leg like fore leg but with only faint green tints on coxa and with brown streak postero-dorsally on basal %-% of tibia. Pubescence white to pale yellow. (20) Hind leg (Fig. 158) with coxa bright metallic green; trochanter brown (sometimes with faint metallic tints); femur yellow with brown at base and apex; tibia yellow with brown at base (and sometimes at apex) and brown streak centrally on antero-dorsal surface. Pubescence white to pale yellow. Metasoma: (21) Terga brown to brown-black with yellow bands on basal halves of terga 2-5 and narrow yellow band centrally on tergum 1; pubescence white, short and appressed on dorsal portions of terga 1-4, moderate length elsewhere. (22) Sterna brown to brown-black with yellow basolaterally on sterna 2-4 (often hidden by overlapping sterna), and sternum 1 with metallic tints basally; apical 1/2 of sternum 6 with median ridge in shallow depression. Pubescence white and moderately long on exposed areas. (23) Genitalia (Figs. 183, 197) with dorsal crest of penis valve

rounded and broad, not prominent as in most other species; ventral lobes of moderate size and distally fringed with hairs. female (Figs. 28, 53-54) .

General coloration of head and mesosoma bright metallic green to

blue-green, metasoma black with white hair bands. Head (Figs. 53-54) : pubescence white, becoming faintly yellowish at vertex (and on

interocular area of some specimens). (1) Labium as in A. texanus. (2)

Clypeus with large scattered punctures below, becoming contiguous above. (3) Interocular area with deep, medium sized punctures above, becoming deeply but finely rugose below. (4) Vertex with deep, small, contiguous punctures anteriorly, finer and shallower laterally and becoming finely rugose posteriorly; area between ocelli finely rugose to punctate. (5) Gena with moderately fine (2-3 per 0.25 mm) parallel carinae extending postero-dorsally from antero-ventral margin. (6) Malar area amber to ferruginous and very short, almost absent. (7) Mandible yellow or rarely very pale amber; with apical tip ferruginous. (8) Antenna dark brown to brown-black with underside of flagellum slightly paler brown. Mesosoma: pubescence white, becoming pale amber to slightly fuliginous on mesonotum and metanotum. (9) Pronotum with lateral angle and posterior lobe neither very rounded nor acute; numerous very faint parallel carinulae extending antero-

dorsally from postero-ventral area. (10) Mesoscutum with deep, medium

sized, contiguous punctures becoming rugose anteriorly and antero-laterally.

(11) Mesoscutellum with fine contiguous punctures medially, becoming

large and separated by as much as 2-3 times their diameters laterally. (12) Metanotum rugulose. (13) Mesepisternum coarsely rugose, only very slightly finer rugae posteriorly. (14) Metepisternum with moderately coarse carinae regular and parallel anteriorly, irregular and anastomosing posteriorly. (15) Propodeum with prominent propodeal carina; propodeal shield with numerous weak carinae extending laterally and slightly dorsally from median groove; dorsal area with irregularly anastomosing carinae extending posterolaterally from anterior margin; lateral area with anastomosing horizontal rugae coarse posteriorly, becoming fine anteriorly. (16) Wing as in $ . (17) Tegula as in $ but slightly darker. (18-20) Fore, middle and hind legs

brown to brown-black with yellow dorsally at apex of femur and base of tibia of fore and middle legs; dorsal surface of hind coxa with strong metallic tints; pubescence white to amber, becoming fuliginous apically on dorsal surface of middle leg and brown-black basally on antero-dorsal surface of hind leg. Metasoma: (21) Terga black; white tomentose hair bands basally on terga 2-4 and centrally on tergum 1 (often broadly interrupted medially); pubescence anteriorly on tergum 1 and laterally on terga 1-5 white and moderately long; pubescence dorsally on terga 5-6 moderately long and brown to black. (22) Sterna brown to brown-black with long, scattered white hairs on exposed areas.

Scientific source:
Hosts · map
FamilyScientific name @ source (records)
Amaryllidaceae  Allium cepa @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Allium @ AMNH_BEE (5)
Anacardiaceae  Rhus copallina @ UCMS_ENT (5)

Rhus copallinum @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Apocynaceae  Asclepias @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Asteraceae  Achillea millefolium @ MLSB__N16- (1)

Aster novae-angliae @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Callistephus chinensis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Centaurea cyanus @ CUIC_ENT (4)

Chaenactis douglasii @ BBSL (1)

Chrysothamnus sp @ BBSL (1)

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus @ BBSL (2)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium [duplicate] @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Cichorium intybus @ PN- (22); MLSB__N16- (20); CUIC_ENT (3); UCMS_ENT (3)

Cirsium arvense @ BBSL (5); B_AW (1); UCMS_ENT (7)

Cirsium horridulum @ UCMS_ENT (3)

Cirsium sp @ BBSL (4); UCMS_ENT (4)

Cirsium spp @ PN- (7)

Cirsium undulatum @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Cirsium vulgare @ BBSL (1); B_AW (1); CUIC_ENT (4); UCMS_ENT (16)

Cirsium @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Conyza canadensis @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Coreopsis lanceolata @ MLSB__N16- (1); B_AW (2)

Cosmos @ I_HHGA (1)

Echinacea pallida @ AMNH_BEE (5)

Echinacea purpurea @ B_AW (2); I_HHGA (2)

Ericameria nauseosa @ BBSL (5)

Erigeron sp @ BBSL (1)

Erigeron strigosus @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Eurybia macrophylla @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Eutrochium purpureum @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Grindelia sp @ BBSL (1)

Grindelia squarrosa @ BBSL (2)

Helianthus annuus @ BBSL (3)

Helianthus maximiliani @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Helianthus sp @ BBSL (1); CUIC_ENT (2)

Helianthus @ AMNH_BEE (1); CUIC_ENT (1)

Heliopsis helianthoides @ B_AW (1)

Hieracium aurantiacum @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Hieracium pilosella @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Hieracium sp @ CUIC_ENT (6)

Hieracium @ CUIC_ENT (6)

Hypochaeris radicata @ UCMS_ENT (10)

Inula helenium @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Lactuca pulchella @ AMNH_BEE (3)

Leucanthemum vulgare @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Liatris @ I_HHGA (2)

Malacothrix sonchoides @ BBSL (4)

Pluchea odorata @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Pluchea purpurascens @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Rudbeckia triloba @ MLSB__N16- (1)

Rudbeckia @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Solidago sempervirens @ UCMS_ENT (5)

Solidago sp @ UCMS_ENT (3)

Solidago tenuifolia @ UCMS_ENT (4)

Solidago @ CUIC_ENT (24)

Sonchus spp @ PN- (1)

Symphyotrichum lanceolatum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Taraxacum campylodes @ UCMS_ENT (4)

Taraxacum officinale @ BBSL (1); AMNH_BEE (1)

Tragopogon dubius @ BBSL (1)

Tragopogon @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Vernonia noveboracensis @ BBSL (1)
Boraginaceae  Echium vulgare @ CUIC_ENT (2)
Brassicaceae  Barbarea vulgaris @ CUIC_ENT (2); UCMS_ENT (1)

Brassica nigra @ BBSL (1)

Brassica @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Erysimum asperum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Hesperis matronalis @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Raphanus raphanistrum @ UCMS_ENT (14)

Sisymbrium altissimum @ BBSL (1); AMNH_BEE (1)
Cactaceae  Opuntia humifusa @ AMNH_BEE (4); CUIC_ENT (1)
Campanulaceae  Campanula rapunculoides @ CUIC_ENT (2)
Caprifoliaceae  Weigela floribunda @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Clusiaceae  Hypericum perforatum @ I_DBB (1)
Convolvulaceae  Convolvulus arvensis @ PN- (4); UCMS_ENT (7)

Convolvulus sepium @ AMNH_BEE (1); UCMS_ENT (4)

Convolvulus sp @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Convolvulus @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Cucurbitaceae  Cucurbita maxima @ UCMS_ENT (3)

Cucurbita pepo @ BBSL (3); UCMS_ENT (6)

Cucurbita @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Elaeagnaceae  Elaeagnus umbellata @ AMNH_BEE (6)
Ericaceae  Rhododendron sp @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Rhododendron @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Vaccinium corymbosum @ AMNH_BEE (1)
Fabaceae  Dalea purpurea @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Medicago sativa @ BBSL (5); CUIC_ENT (3)

Melilotus officinalis @ CUIC_ENT (1); UCMS_ENT (1)

Tephrosia virginiana @ AMNH_BEE (12)

Trifolium hybridum @ CUIC_ENT (7)

Trifolium pratense @ PN- (1)

Trifolium repens @ MLSB__N16- (1); UCMS_ENT (2)
Iridaceae  Iris versicolor @ CUIC_ENT (4)
J. rykken  1106 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

702 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

727 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)

832 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Lamiaceae  Caryopteris x @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Monarda fistulosa @ B_AW (3)

Nepeta cataria @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Ocimum basilicum @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Origanum @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Teucrium canadense @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Lythraceae  Lythrum salicaria @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Malvaceae  Hibiscus moscheutos @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Malva moschata @ CUIC_ENT (1)
Ml. epps  773 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Oleaceae  Ligustrum sp @ UCMS_ENT (2)

Ligustrum vulgare @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Onagraceae  Oenothera albicaulis @ CUIC_ENT (6)

Oenothera missouriensis @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Oenothera villosa @ AMNH_BEE (1)

Oenothera @ I_HHGA (1)
P. clifton  672 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Plantaginaceae  Penstemon digitalis @ CUIC_ENT (4)

Plantago lanceolata @ PN- (2)

Veronica @ CUIC_ENT (3)
Plumbaginaceae  Limonium carolinianum @ UCMS_ENT (1)
Polycitoridae  Salix sp @ BBSL (1)
Polygonaceae  Persicaria bungeana @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Polygonum sp @ UCMS_ENT (2)
Primulaceae  Lysimachia quadrifolia @ AMNH_BEE (1)
R. minor  773 @ JRYB__SHEN (1)
Ranunculaceae  Ranunculus acris @ UCMS_ENT (1)

Ranunculus sp @ UCMS_ENT (2)
Rosaceae  Fragaria sp @ BBSL (1)

Potentilla recta @ CUIC_ENT (3)

Prunus maritima @ AMNH_BEE (2)

Prunus virginiana @ BBSL (2)

Rosa carolina @ CUIC_ENT (1)

Rosa rugosa @ UCMS_ENT (9)

Rosa sp @ CUIC_ENT (2)

Rosa @ AMNH_BEE (4); CUIC_ENT (2)

Rubus @ CUIC_ENT (1); UCMS_ENT (2)
Scrophulariaceae  Penstemon angustifolius @ BBSL (1)

Penstemon caryi @ BBSL (1)
Solanaceae  Physalis philadelphica @ UCMS_ENT (4)
Verbenaceae  Verbena hastata @ CUIC_ENT (1)
_  Asteraceae @ I_JSA (3)

Bee @ LAR (2)

M Spring @ PN- (39)

Withheld @ BBSL (69)

apple @ NLA (12)

blueberry @ NLA (28)

caneberry @ NLA (93)

cucurbit @ NLA (238)

meadow @ NLA (16)

strawberry @ NLA (1)

Updated: 2024-10-16 08:02:24 gmt
© Designed by The Polistes Corporation